Thursday, March 18, 2010





According to Joe 2006 was the first year making 2010 the fifth straight year that we have had "Hockey Night at Battalion". Numbers were down at hockey but that doesn't mean we didn't have a good time.(Plenty of ice time for everyone.)The Hieberts and Robbie play hockey so the rest of us took them on. If you have enough guys on one team you can plug up the ice so that you can slow down the skating. Jeremy played net for my team while Cody played net for the Hieberts. In the end the score was Hieberts 8 the rest of us 7. After Hockey we put the flag football belts on and we played Bulldog between the blue lines. Because of their speed the Hieberts were the last two and in the end Levi beat out his younger brother Seth. First ever Helmet win for Levi! Congrats Levi! Afterwards we adjourned to the locker room for some Pepsi's, another good night at Battalion!

Thanks to DJ Zej for coming out and playing some tunes!

Next week Battalion is back at the gym. Remember Battalion is like Heaven, there is always room for one more! So bring a friend!

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1 comment:

The Captain said...

is that brayden i see with dj zej?

-bent ;)