Sunday, November 22, 2009

Male Bonding

I was reading this the other day and it screamed battalion!

"I have a friend named Kaj who used to run an outdoor school in Canada. I went to visit him a couple of times, and each time i noticed he had a remarkable men's group at his school. the men tended to bond like brothers and respect each other and treat each other with dignity. I asked him once how he got the guys to bond like that, and Kaj said he believed the key to getting men to bond was to have them risk their lives together. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, so he explained he was talking about rock climbing and swift-water kayaking and that sort of thing. But one night I went to one of their men's events, and they didn't exactly sit around beating drums. Instead, they played capture the flag, but instead of flags they chucked little bottles of gasoline across fields into each other's campfires. The team whose campfire burned down last won. I honestly thought somebody was going to die. And then another night they made knights' outfits and rode bikes at each other with javelins made from long sticks with rolled up towels on the end. Only the towels had been dipped in gasoline and lit. I looked over at Kaj as though to say he was crazy, and he reminded me that men don't bond unless they risk their lives together, and that Canadians enjoy free health care."

-taken from "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years"

-bent ;)

1 comment:

Danimal said...

OOooooooo!!! I love that jousting idea!