Wednesday, November 18, 2009



This week was the traditional warm-up for the Btln Olympics. We had the box hockey, football toss, and the arm wrestling table out. There are few things that we have done longer than the Olympics so it feels very nostalgic.
Like last week we handed out a twenty dollar gift certificate from Dairy Queen. This time it was Seth Hiebert that brought five friends! Good work Seth!
We played Murderball for the first time this month and even though my team got beat pretty bad "a loss in murderball is better than a week at Battalion without murderball".
In Bible study we looked at how our all powerful God is able to change lives. We looked at Paul's conversion and how after he was saved he dedicated his life to God. We also looked at the thief on the cross and how he was saved but did not have a life left to dedicate to God. It is better to get saved young and then have a life to dedicate to God!
During Bulldog Zach was crunched into the window and the compression from the hit broke the outside window!(Kinda reminds me of Trevor Linden's hit)(It is surprising that Trithardt didn't break a window in the past.) Zach and Chris were the two finalists with Chris lasting one round longer. Congrats Chris! It is the second Helmet of the year for Chris.
After the night was over the guys started a game of booty, so much fun, by the end I was exhausted. Another good night!
Every week we play one c.d., our unofficial soundtrack of the week. Over the year we have played P.O.D. - Satellite, M.X.P.X. - At The Show, T.F.K. - Welcome To The Masquerade, Skillet - Awake, Relient K - Forget And Not Slow Down, Family Force Five - Dance Or Die, The Classic Crime - The Silver Cord and this week Switchfoot - Hello Hurricane.(This is something that Bent started, love the music, it adds to the atmosphere.)

Don't forget next week is the Battalion Olympics, don't be late!

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Ryley said...


Hayashi said...

man those good times keep rolling! keep it up

The Captain said...

ha i love that hit! one of my fav canucks hits! up there with genos hits! love the albums all great cds! hello hurricane may be the best switchfoot album yet! a review is in the process thats for sure! cant wait to get back in GF!

-bent ;)