Friday, February 09, 2007

The champ is here! The champ is here!

well the results are in for the 2nd annual battalion boxing event! this year we had two leagues the light weight and the heavy weight! the night started with the Emery song studying politics and Jason with the new robe and boxing gloves doing his thing! we started with the light weight group and the guys grade 7 to 9 fought it out for a chance in the big leagues! it came down to Brad and Sammy J with Brad being the victor! both of them got to proceed to the heavy weights to show em what they were made of. in the heavy weight division both Brad and Sammy went out though Sam made it to one on one with Jason. it ended up being Mike T Devin C Jason H and Scooba S. (steve F). the fight was one of the most intense ones yet and went for a good long time. first out was Scooba S (whos only in grade 10 i might add) after that dev mike and jay went for a long battale ganging up on each other until mike and dev took out jay! the last two in the ring were dev and mike and though a valiant effort mike came up short making Dev the victor! way to go Dev we at the battalion blog salute you! Brad winner of the light weights recieved a coupon from our sponsers at DQ. Dev the winner of the heavy weights and the whole boxing tourny won the belt, the robe, coupon from DQ and of course the helmet! also this year we had everlast speed bag with the help of Charlie L and Bruce J making a stand for it! we also had a everlast punching bag. Ted M and Bruce J made us hotdogs throughout the night which was also very much appreciated and tasty! big Mac daddy also made a camio by running the sound system playing that funky music! all and all the night went very well and a big thanks to Lance and the leaders of battalion for getting everything together for all the guys! congrats to the 2nd annual boxing champ Devin Chursinoff! next week same battalion place same battalion time! hope to see you there! later dayz

-bent ;)

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