Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Alex E is in the house

well another great night at Battalion! it was crazy how many guys we had out when we started! usually guys sneak in 15 mins after we start but pretty well everyone was right on time and ready to go! i believe we had about 40 with leaders so the lines had to be pushed back further in the gym due to so many guys! always good to see like Lance says always room for one more. so we started in our squad meetings with Jason as sarg Mike Joel and Jordan as corprals. the group i was in did a fine job talking about the story of saul turning into paul. we then broke into a game of sardines (no idea how to spell) with Joel hiding in the church i believe he was under a pew in the balcony. after we got the murder balls out for you guessed it murder ball!! the teams were pretty even and it came down to a 2-2 tie for the last game! but with work and effort lances team won (i was on that team yay!) after Jer broke down the Squad meeting for us letting us know that it is important that we obey our parents but even more important that we tell our parents and family about Jesus if they do not know about him. if you are in this situation make sure to talk to one of the leaders if you need help and tonight i will pray for all those who are in that situation i know it must be hard and we at the blog salute you. so tonights predictions were as follows. 1. Drew B may not have destroyed at murderball but he did get to the top 5 for bulldog so im giving myself a point for that! 2. Dev C did get 20 points tonight for memory work! (plus 10 more). so thats 2 for me 3. though it did not rain between 7 and 9 here it did rain at the coast between 7 and 9 so thats 3 for 3 woohoo!!! and Lance and Mike thought my predictions were to specific ha! so anyway as i sit and sip my orange crush from a glass bottle (crazy eh) i wonder what the future of the blog will be come the end of may?! will it continue through summer with various posts? will it continue in september? is the blog world dieing and new trends arising? personally i would love to see this blog continue till the day Jesus comes back, but who will take over? Sam J has offered to take the reigns but i want you as the reader to write in what you think should happen for the blog and who should take over! please email me at or leave a comment (dont be too meen please). anyway thats all for now dont forget ping pong next week! and not this sunday but next sunday at 6:30 is the brigade night so please come with your shirt and prepare for a good night! later dayz

-bent ;)
P.S. i laugh every time I see that pic! good summer blake good summer! peace ;)


Blake Chursinoff said...

Once a picture is taken with a digital camera and the opperator of that camera either a) has connections or b) knows how to put it on the internet...its all over and spreads like wild fire.

Makes me laugh everytime aswell bent, that must be like 3 years ago now?


Desert Eagle said...

i just wanted to say good luck and we're all counting on you

Anonymous said...

make the sarg the blogger man

Phantom of the blogs said...

i would like to nominate devon C. to be the blog master. Since old paparazzi does such a goodjob with the photos why not get him blogging too. here here