Wednesday, March 11, 2009



So now we have dog tags, they are not supposed to replace the Btln Medallions, it is just a little more Btln Bling. The detail on the dog is amazing, they look really good. I have key rings so you can use it as a key chain or you can wear it like a dog tag.(Makes sense that Btln would have dog tags.) The grads will get them on Last Night when they get their Medallion. Btln update tomorrow.

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Anonymous said...

first one! wat up now son!

Anonymous said...

im a proud owner of one! eat it!

Anonymous said...

one what, that doesnt make any sense, lets try using complete sentences, owner of one pioneer girls sweater vest!
and eat what, come on make, if your gonna write on here try to make some sense

Anonymous said...

Hello Grammar Police. I'd just like to let you know that if you are indeed who you claim to be you should really watch your own grammar. For instance, where are your capital letters, Proper punctuation, and good format? I can see many errors in your comment and to put it frankly, your breaking the law with your poor grammar.

Owen said...

If you had read the post to which these comments belong, you would understand that Jason is the proud owner of one BTLN dog tag. You suck, grammar police. keep your foolish comments to yourself!

The Captain said...

well at any rate i cant wait to get me one of those! and what the heck Jason gets to go back to GF and gets gifts!? and im stuck here without a car in -32 weather doing school work! haha seeya soon jay!

-bent ;)