Monday, December 22, 2008



When we look at the Christmas story (especially the visit of the Wise Men)there are some things that we believe that are not necessarily true. Were there really three Wise Men? When did the Wise Men visit Joseph, Mary, and Jesus? And did the Wise Men really follow the star? The reason why we think that there were three Wise Men was because there were three gifts.(Gold, incense and myrrh)The Bible never actually tells us how many Wise Men there were, although there probably were three. When I was younger I always thought that the Wise Men came on the same night that Jesus was born.(Around the same time that the Shepherds showed up.) The Sunday School Christmas program almost always had the Wise Men coming Christmas night. Matthew 2:11 shows us that Mary and Joseph were now living in a house when the wise men showed up and when Herod had the baby boys killed in Bethlehem(Matthew 2:16) he killed all those that were two and under according to the time he had learned from the Wise Men. Finally, if the Wise Men had been following the star they would not have gone to Herod to ask were to find Jesus. (Matthew 2:10-When they(The Wise Men)saw the star, they were overjoyed.) After the Wise Men met with Herod the star appeared again, this is why they were so happy. Does any of this really matter? The point is that we need to read and study the Bible for ourselves to truly discover the truth. Take time to read the Christmas story this Christmas season, you will probably discover something that you have never noticed before!

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