Friday, December 05, 2008




This Btln update brought to you by the letter B. The night started with a game of Bump, and there must have been twenty guys playing. The final four were Aaron, the Fonz, Ball and Charles. I wondered for a while if I was going to have to stop the game because it looked like it wasn't going to end. Aaron was able to beat the Fonz at the end to take the game. The last murderball of the year(besides Alumni night) was a lot closer than previous weeks.(just the way that I like it)In the final game my team was down to it's last three guys and we made the come back for the win.(and as Uncle Tim always says "Ye who wins last wins best") In the Bible study we read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and talked about remembering not only Jesus' birth but what he did during his life on earth as well as how he died for our sins.(I found the number 9, it is there I just couldn't see it)

1Timothy 1:15b - Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

The first half started with a win by Sammy (The Impostor, Zombie, the Emperor) at Bulldog and now he has a second win. Way to go Sammy! The Fonz came a close second and Big Jake wasn't far behind for third, it was really close tonight! With one week to go the standings for Winston look like this.

3-Sam Schiesser
2-Drew Brown
2-David Podovinikoff
2-Sammy Jepsen
1-Andrew Eyre
1-Zac Gobbett
1-Stephen Lawrence
1-Spencer Henderson

One week left to go and it is the Three B's so don't forget to come hungry! What are the Three B's you ask? Burgers, Beans, Bacon and Barq's? Ya I know there are four, it isn't the same three every year, it just sounds good.

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samwise said...

i never relized how many nicknames people know me as

JKraftchick said...

Looks like you'll have some alumni joining you for the 3 B's next week Lanny.

Anonymous said...

when did owen show up? (the pic of sam with the helmet)

Anonymous said...

I forgot my camera so I used the picture from first night and that is definately good news to hear that there will be Alumni at the Three B's!

Anonymous said...

Hey Captain, I would love to take the credit for beat the Fonz But it was Blake who took the win.

Anonymous said...

That's true, my bad. I'm going to blame it on a lack of sleep. It was Black-e that won at Bump.

Anonymous said...

hey how bout the "battalion board game" comes out to the 3 B's this yr

Anonymous said...

I'll ask Jeremy about the Btln board game.

The Captain said...

the 3 b's barqs, bbq, beans, bacon, board games, battalion, big screen, bands. any good b word really

-bent ;)