Friday, January 14, 2011



Congrats Cody! After being close so many times Cody finally closed the deal and got his first Helmet of the year!
This week we were going to have a Random Bible Check but it ended up being burger night at Btln 3739! I had enough burgers for everyone so what was I going to do?
Before we played Bulldog we had the Btln Big Shot. Landon took the shot from half but came up short. After Landon missed Devin told me that he could hit that shot whenever he wanted. So naturally I bet Devin that he couldn't make the shot. We decided that if Devin missed that he would buy pizza for Btln next week and if he hit the shot then I would have to buy. (Either way Btln wins.) Devin stepped up to the line and nailed the shot. I guess I am on the hook for pizza next week!
We hadn't played Murderball since before Christmas so it was time! After six games the score was tied at three games each. So we went to game seven just like in the Stanley Cup finals. After six close games the final was a blowout! Blake and Devin's team manhandled us.(Chris and Ryley's team.) It was brutal!
This week in the Bible study we looked at two stories. The stories were very similar. One was at the beginning of Jesus' ministry and the second was at the end his ministry on earth. In Luke 5:1-11 Peter goes fishing with Jesus in the morning after fishing all night and not catching a thing. With the God of heaven and earth in the boat as soon as they put the nets into the water they were so full that they began to break! In fact Peter and Andrew had to signal their partners James and John for help. They had so many fish that both boats were almost sinking! It is at this point that Peter realizes that Jesus is God and that he(Peter)is in need of a saviour. Peter said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" What happens next is amazing, after getting the biggest catch of their lives they pulled their boats up on the shore, left everything and followed Jesus!

Matthew 4:19,20 - "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.

After Jesus' resurrection Peter, James and John(Along with four other disciples.) go fishing, and like the first time they didn't catch a thing all night. Jesus calls from the shore and tells them to throw the net on the other side of the boat, and just like the first time the nets were so full that they couldn't pull them in! Why did Jesus do this twice for Peter, James and John? What was he trying to teach them? Maybe Jesus wanted to remind them of all the good things they had seen and done together during his ministry. It could also be that he wanted to remind them to be fishers of men! (The second story is in John 21:1-11)

2 Corinthians 5:20 - We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.

Non-com meeting next week after Battalion at the Station!(Grade eleven and twelves.)

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1 comment:

blake said...

Yeah I'm pretty sure that last game was no more than 30 seconds...