Tuesday, October 20, 2009



Christian music has come a long way. The first three albums in the collage are (1)Rez Band - Bootleg Tour, the first tape(ya I said tape)that I owned, (2)Stryper - To Hell With The Devil and (3)DC Talk - Jesus Freak. These three bands all changed Christian Music for the better, but we didn't have much choice.
Now look at all of the music that is and will be available. All of these bands (not including the first three)have played at Creation and most will probably be back next year. The selection that is available now is amazing! I have the new Jars, Skillet, Hawk Nelson, Relient K, Leeland and TFK. All of these albums are amazing. Can't wait for the new Tobymac, Switchfoot and Kutlees albums. With all of this new music Creation 2010 should be awesome. Only nine months away!

I know that this is usually Bent's area of expertise, but I'm pumped about all of the new music!

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The Captain said...

man thats sweet! the new RK rocks! and it turns out that random dude at the RK concert last summer was Matt T's bro! ha! glad to see some music posts! the truth of the matter is i havnt been able to keep up with all the new releases financially so i have to be selective! but i hope to hear more soon!

-bent ;)

ps ill do a "Forget and not slow down" review soon! need a few more listens yet.

The Captain said...
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Ryley said...

new relient k is wicked! cant wait for creation 2010! wahhoo!