Friday, September 25, 2009




Third week of the year is in the books! Can't believe how fast the year moves. First of all congrats to Chris on his first Helmet win of the year! It looked like Chris finally figured out that he is the biggest guy out there. Nobody is going to stop Chris by themselves, he is going to be a force to be reckoned with.
We played handball for the first time this year. The game was very close, the teams were evenly matched. I don't think that we ever keep score anymore but it always comes down to the last goal anyways.(Like Uncle Tim always says, "He who scores last scores best!")
Our theme this year is "How great is our God!" and this week Jeremy talked about Noah and the flood. God is the great judge of the world and if he wants to flood his world because his standard is not being met, then is justified in doing so. However he is also loving and always provides a way out. Noah was preaching for 120 years, so the people had a lifetime to change there lives. The Ark also had enough room for anyone that wanted join Noah and his family.
After Battalion we adjourned to the A&W for some food. It was an impromptu Non-Com meeting. Sammy, Sam, Parker, Owen, Ryan, D-pod and myself did a little brainstorming and a lot of talking. Good times all around.

Next week we are back at the gym, remember bring a friend. There is always room for one more!

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