Thursday, April 26, 2007

battalion 06/07 im glad i could take part!

well the night has come and it has gone! it was one heck of a night last night and i hope you did not miss it! so the night started off with lance setting up a net and his radar gun to see who could throw a ball the fastest! if i can remember right Kenny J had the fastest throw with close to 80 mph and Jordan W was next with 75 mph! its scary thinking murder balls are coming at you that fast! we had a total of approx 56 guys including blog legend Steve C in the flesh! as well as 5 new grade 6 guys who will hopefully step up for next year! we then lined up for the last time with Jason making his last commands as sarg. after that we proceeded to the black line to have a 25 on 25 murderball death match! it was crazy! but for the last game of the 06/07 season i was able to be on the winning murderball team! after throwing our guts out we got to eat a massive subway sub which took no problem to get down! while we were finishing eating Lance handed out CSB belt buckles and NIV study Bibles with their names on them for the grads........alas some one got left out mistakes happen i guess we all love ya chuck! ;) we then formed our circle (which was massive) and prayed our last prayer for the season Lance leading the way. and whats a night at battalion without bulldog? Dev C started in the middle and what i thought would take forever actually went pretty quick leaving Nathan Ball the victor for the last bulldog for awhile. way to go man always good to have you out! so has far as the predictions i was wrong on all 3...............ben-853 world-856 good work world i tried. we slowly filtered out of the church but 20 of us didnt stop the party! we jumped in cars trucks and buses for some BP in castlegar. we all met together and chowed down 8 large za's. it was awesome. we then went to 7 11 for drinks (NOS) and flash lights for our journy! hee hee. last year we wanted to go down to the pot holes outside of the Lake but didnt have anything but a burning shirt so we decided against it (with Ryleys help). but this year (last night) we had our flashlights and trecked down the hill to see the wonderous pot holes and watch Lance soak his foot in a puddle! hee hee. we jumped back into the bus and cranked the tunes back home with some MxPx, Furthermore, Emery, Grits and Jars of Clay! clocking out at 12:30 the night had come to an end but the memories will never end when it comes to 3739.
-bent ;)

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