Monday, October 16, 2006

Veterans Day Featuring Ryley Heppner

So the other day i was able to meet with Veteran Ryley Heppner and have a few words with him! this is how the interview went

Hey Ryley
Hey Ben
So Ryley for all our Battalion guys out there i thought we could get together and answer some questions the public is dying to hear!
sounds good to me man
ok first off lets start with some easy ones
sounds good to me man
ok Ryley what is your Favorite movie of all time?
well Ben thats a hard one i would have to give it a toss up between out cold and that thing you do.
cool cool, ok next question your favorite band
o thats easy Jack Johnson
nic nice, what about your fav album?
o from the same band Jack Johnson On and On
instant classic! your favorite sport?
what about your fav book of the Bible?
that would have to be 1 and 2 Timothy
o good ones good ones do you have a fav verse?
no fav verse i like em all
good call good call now tell me when you were younger what was your fav cartoon?
that would have to be Doug
do you have a fav Bible character?
yup David
whats your fav time of the year?
summer with out a doubt!
Back in your prime at battalion what was your fav battalion event?
Ping Pong tourny
how about your fav TV Show?
Frash Prince of Bel air
fav super hero?
elastic man
what is your ultimate dream?
to have a family and get to play with a chimpanzee
your biggest hero?
Mon Pere, Shaun White
where and when were you born Ryley?
the year was 84 the place was chilliwack
most embarassing moment?
all the times gilrs have shut me down
fav moment on a road trip would be?
when Steve jumped in a car with a girl behind us on the way back from seattle
coke or pepsi?
root beer
fav quote?
I like your Christ, i do not like your christians they are so unlike your Christ-Ghandi
Most memorable moment at battalion?
when Devons arm was snapped in half by a murder ball
what would you do with a million dollars?
spend lots on my family, pay off loans, buy a new truck, maybe buy a place at the lake or the ski hill and shred!
future plans
i have no idea, go wherever God decides to lead me possibly some tree planting this spring/summer, and have many many good times wherever i may be
who would win in a fight between kermit the frog and gumby?
if you had to either phone a girl you had a crush on and tell her your feelings about her or go into a cage with a hungry bear what would you do?
id totally call the girl man, its scary but its what you gotta do!
hey man its been good talking to you i hope the public is fullfilled on the Ryley Hep info!

Ryley Heppner was apart of Battalion and is surly missed at battalion every passing wed! we will pray for you and salute you here at battalion! good luck on your future plans Ryley! stay tuned for the next Veterans Day Blog!

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Anonymous said...

great interview!can't wait to see all the vets!

Blake Chursinoff said...

hahaha, very cool...ryley's a good man, fav memory of that guy at battalion was when we were at a Pines campout the winter of my grade 11 year, so 3 years back now. We were all sitting by the fire at 4am or something ridiculous like that, and we had thrown pop bottle in the fire. well turns out ryles shows up just after the bottle was inserted into the fire, ryley sits down in his classic pink camp chair, the pop bottle blows up to his amazement. I have never seen a man go from sitting in a chair, to 3 feet in the air that fast before. haha, some good times...

Mystery Man said...

I say Kermit would beat gumby