Wednesday, October 25, 2006

after all is said and done

Well the rumble is at a close and what a rumble it was! the night started with the guys watching a 4 min movie charlie made to get us pumped for the wrestling!!! it was really good and we give a salute to Charlie for all the work he put into it! (i especially liked the main character!) then the guys went to the gym which was clouded by 2 and half hours of smoke machine and me and Cam started the lasers Lance bought as well as the opening song with the new sound system Emery Studying Politics! the laser was sweet cause its all you could see in the smoke and it went with the music! with battle cries we started the event and every min owen would call a name for someone to be thrown into the ring to fight as well as the sound of an everlast bell! if you were tossed out you were eliminated! as the names were being called eventually it came down to some of the older guys mike charlie jason cam dev jordan and things narrowed down dev cam jason and then finally the man who came out the champion! was our sarg Jason Hayashi!!! thats right Jay is now owner of the battalion belt! he also won a free chili burger from DQ (itll make a man outta ya) 2nd was Dev Chursinoff who won a DQ coupon for some food (cant remember what food) and 3rd Cam Thompson who also won food from DQ! it was a wicked night and if you werent there you truly missed out! i think i coverd all the post game stats leave a comment if you think i forgot something! stay tuned for more pics from the night and as well a update on the battalion football trip! keep it real!


pics brought to you by Ben Jepsen (more pics on the way) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Wow, all of Cam's predictions came true.... *shakes head* Ben, Ben, Ben...

Blake Chursinoff said...

sweet guys, where's charles in all of this?

way to go devin!
