Monday, August 03, 2009





It has been a week since the end of Creation 09! The week really started on Tuesday night, we decided to wait until Wednesday morning to leave but wanted to test out the Btln Bus. After a short trip up the North Fork Dan realized that he had forgot his Passport. Dan and Bent made the trip out to Westbridge to get Dan's passport.(Tiffany met them half way.)
Wednesday morning arrived quickly and off to the border for 8 a.m., we waited at the border while they questioned Matt.(From 3445, Matt is a German citizen, lots of questions about W.W.II) After making it through the border, reality set in, we were actually on our way to Creation! Walmart was our first stop, we loaded up with groceries(Hawaiian Punch, water, Miracle Whip, bacon, eggs......)and then back on the road! A Red Robin visit is tradition for the Memory-Work trips, we haven't missed in ten years. Steaksliders and Burgers were on the menu and as far as the Btln formula is concerned we didn't even come close. Around 3 p.m. we arrived at The Gorge, and at 5 p.m. we were setting up camp. With ten guys it didn't take long to set up. The last thing we set up is the flagpole, this year Charles built us a sweet flagpole, thanks Charles! The week started with Hawk Nelson and Skillet. The Skillet concert was one of the best that I have ever seen at Creation, I'm going to say top five. Lots of fireworks, a stage with two platforms that went 10 -20 feet in the air, it was amazing! Before going to any concerts on Thursday we went to the beach were we played suicide Frisbee and were Bent, better ask him what happened.
First up on Thursday was 116 Clique: featuring Lacrae, Sammy was up at the rail the whole concert, loving every moment of it! After the concert Sammy gave Flame and Lacrae a medallion. (I think our rock to rap ratio for the Btln medallions is a little out of whack, it is now around fifty percent depending were you put Tobymac.) Luckily while cruisin the merch tent we bumped into Jon Micah Sumrall(Front man for Kutless), we gave him a medallion as well. Later that day we were watching Family Force Five, what a strange band! Complete with golden football shoulder pads, a golden belt and shoes. During the concert they asked the crowd to make a circle to dance in, Ryley was the first one in the circle. It was awesome, Ryley was down on the floor spinning on his back, shortly after, Ryley was joined by Bent, definately one of the best moments at Creation! Later that night it was Kutless(My suprise band of Creation 2009) and then Casting Crowns(Zach's favourite band).
Friday had a trip to Quincy for McDonalds and more groceries and then more Rap for Sammy and Max, B. Reith and John Reuben were on the Fringe Stage.(Reuben is always a lot of fun.) Thousand Foot Krutch could not make it to Creation(Trevor had appendicitis)so Friday the evening ended with Red and Chris Tomlin, followed by the candlelight service.
Saturday was the busiest day The Fringe had Ivoryline, The Showdown and The Classic Crime. There was a Relient K talk back in the youth leaders tent and then David Crowder and Relient K to end the week! The Classic Crime was really good and Relient K was amazing,(I wish that they had brought some props.)and before we knew it the week was over!
Sunday we packed up and drove home with a stop at B.P. in Spokane.

Random thoughts from Creation 2009
1)We purchased a plastic Army Helmet that Creation Rookies would have to wear to one concert.
2)Can't believe we actually felt a few raindrops!
3)The Barrel-rolling comp. has to happen every year.
4)Three pounds of Bacon is a beautiful sight.
5)The Btln Bus was amazing!
6)I still dislike most of the shirts from Creation.(Free hug shirts......)
7)Zach lost the crib tourney and had to wear the Free Hug Shirt.
8)Knowledge was gained, Ryley showed us all how defend ourselves in case of a Zombie attack.
9)It was good to have 3445(Kelowna) make the trip with us.
10)Creation was awesome and I can't wait until next year!

Creation 2010 - July 28-31 !!!!

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1 comment:

The Captain said...

hands down one of my top 3 highlights of the year! sign me up for 2010 man! also fav 09 moment most likely dance circle with hep haha man o man good times! thanks for another sweet trip Lance!

-bent ;)