Monday, September 24, 2007

Battalion Headquarters 1 Year Anniversary

well it is the 1 year anniversary of our Battalion Blog! When I first started the blog i wasnt sure if anyone would use it or like it. but 123 posts and 4,700 visits later shows that it is useful! The blog takes time and work just ask any of the new Battalion Headquarters staff (the imposter, and the capt and any others who post). but it has always been worth the time and effort to get info out and to share in the memories and laughter that we can look back on from this past year! so i hope the blog continues to live on for many more years to come and i hope all you readers still enjoy the blog! The staff at the Battalion Headquarters give a huge salute to all our readers! later dayz

-bent ;)

P.S. want to help out at the blog? email me ideas we should write about or simply write it and send it and we'll see what we can do!

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