well another great night at battalion wed night! none of my predictions came true but i had a good game none the less! we had Sammy J and Parker S running the music from the top while we had a 10 on 10 hockey game (including goalies)! so we had Lance in one net vs Charlie in the other. it was tight to start off but Lances team slowly got away from us! but a good game none the less with yours truly scoring a goal! lol what a fluke! anyway we had a awesome group and even though numbers were low we had some great guys out and had a lot of fun! after the game was through we had a shootout for the helmet and the first round against lance only no guys scored! so we switched goalies to charlie and only 3 guys scored. the third round only one guy scored making Drew B the winner once again! kudos to charlie puuting on a stellar performance in net! we then headed down to the change room for some drinks (COKE and pepsi). after all was said and done it was a sweet night getting guys ready for the last month of the battalion 07 season! next wed we are at the high school field be there at 6:30 for football and good times!!!! then we will head to the church where your parents can pick ya up! cant wait to see ya guys out later dayz!
-bent ;)