Friday, December 01, 2006

The Three B's

aight so next up on the Battalion schdule is the ever so popular Three B's night!!! next week the dog pound (gym) is being used by the church for the adult christmas banquet preperation so we are out but just of the gym. we will still meet next week and you can come thru the kitchen as always and we will meet together for food and fun in the fireside room! so what are the three B's you ask? well ill try to tell you! we got Barqs, Beans, and Bacon! though im not sure if we are having bacon this year for the main course is M Suasage! so if its not bacon you can replace it with ben or(foot)ball or something like that! ;) anyway come by same time and get ready for food but also dont be afraid to dress up! as well ive heard rumour of Joel Feenstra running some out door snow foot ball! so dress warm so we can go out and throw the ol pig skin! so i guess you can count this as our christmas party but it isnt our last night thats for sure! so get ready for some food and fun this week! also in other battalion news the 27th of dec is a alumni party for guys out of battalion so please email me or let me know if you are able to make it out for that! keep it real guys!


P.S. pictures do not work for blogger right now i dont know why! sorry.

1 comment:

JKraftchick said...

Can't wait for Alumni night!!!