Wednesday, November 22, 2006

the oylimpics are here!

well the big day is here! only hours away from the biggest night in battalion!!! (according to me anyway). so many rumours of who will win and so many possabilities!! will it be Charlie Langis who has the heart of a lion and who has been only one step behind Ben Jepsen the last 2 seasons, or maybe it will be Jason Hayashi who has the speed of a tiger and only a step behind Charlie this last season! others think that Mike trainer will be the victor with arms of steel and a stomach like a washboard!!! will Jordan Walsh walk away with the trophy with his cannon arm and sniper hands, possibly Joel Feenstra with mad box hockey skills and brains only bill nye the scince guy can compete with! and lets not forget about Evan Pod who is here and he means buisness! there has also been talk of yet another grade 11 victor which has happened 5 times before! garde 11 competators are Devin Chursinoff with great b ball skills and some made accuracy in the football toss! and of course Cam Thompson whos quick moves on the court and box hockey will make you pass out!! yesseree bob its going to be a showdown to be remembered. rumour that ben jepsen who has yet again annouced his retirment from another battalion event the olympics will show up to congradulate the winner of the 2006 olympics! Heres a quote from Ben in the "bulldog news". "if you want to be a winner in the olympics you cant be good at just one thing you gotta make your rounds! being first in one event wont help you get that trophy heck people have won without even being first in any event! if you want to win you have to be constantly moving and placing in the top three if not two in every triangle! never stop moving if you have to wait try to do something else instead!! one event that many people stay away from is box hockey you gotta get in there and just get up a bit in box hockey cause most guys will be young that climb to the top of that triangle! anyway best of luck to all who compete in the 2006 battalion olympics!" so there ya have it wisdom passed on from a ol battalion vet! anyway i hope there is a huge turn out for this massive event! remember to come early so things can start! best of luck to you all and ill see you tonight!


Pictures brought to you by Ben Jepsen from Google. Posted by Picasa

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