Friday, September 22, 2006

a party aint a party till it gets shut down

well heres the low down on the pool party wed night sept 20 2006. it started out like any other modest party, Lance had the food ready i went and got my cd player and music like most partys have and people started showing up! we had about 40 guys altogether which was wicked awesome and we swam and ate grapes. then the first game started pool football getting it across the pool and getting a touch down our team slaughtered! then the belly flop contest came next. the leaders gave some examples, Aarons was the best (front flip and a half which results in a belly flop!). guys started getting in line and the three judges did what they did best........judge. the leader so far was cam and parker at a score of 8 8 8. Dev C steps up for his master skills and gets a whopping 1 4 5. so um my prediction was way off! next came the cops...........yup you heard right the cops came three of them! they came with flashlights asking if we were naked.......sammy laughed. anyway they asked who lived here and Lance told them that his parents did (at this point it was very dark and steamy from the pool) the cops then asked where Lances parents were, Lance didnt know. the cops pressed lance as though he were 15 so Lance told them he was 34. i guess the cops didnt believe him because they asked him for ID. Lance left and some of us were thinking it was pretty funny and tried not to laugh. Lance came back and rumour has it he had to do a breathalizer (not true by the way). they gave us a warning and told us next time theyll charge us 80 dollars for being loud which is funny cause we looked it up and found that there is a noise curfew at 10 and it was only 8 maybe 8:15. so that was pretty awesome! we continued the night with only two men left for the belly flop comp! our very own sarg Jason Hayashi and to end it off the defending champ Jordan Walsh! jason steped up and asked Lance to make sure the light was on him. the next part of the blog is for people who are 18 and over so i warned you if you get mad at it comes.....................Jason gets naked and does a flying streak in the air and does a pretty good belly flop! he gets 9 9 9 which puts him in first! so last up Jordan walsh. he steps up like its no big deal jumps 8 feet into the air and slams the water like no one i have ever saw! he gets 10 10 10 and wins once again! if i had a hat as i type this i would take it off for ya Jordan! the night continues with cake and good times in the basement! we also celebrate charlie langis turning 17 on the 20th and my bro Sammy Jay turning 14 on sept 17. and yes i forgot when his birthday was so kill me! im a horrible horrible horrible brother! im for sale apparently. anyway alltogether it was a night to remember and i hope the CBC boys and all other retired battalion boys can take something from reading this blog for its dedicated to all the guys out of battalion! we salute you. keep it real and stay tuned for our next adventure were we decide if we want to travel to a certain island!!!!



Phantom of the blogs said...

o dear me, that was a heck of un update, way to get naked jason! im proud, so so proud, carry on with the good times boys and dont give no respect to the fuzz, there just tryin to keep ya down yo, peaceout soliders

Blake Chursinoff said...

congrats, my wishes to you lance, those freakin cops are nuts out there in that small town business trying to find something to do, release your lash 3739!!!!


Anonymous said...

bent how much r ya for sale for me and dave will split ya