First Football/Pop n Dogs of the year was amazing! There were around thirty of us and 64 Menno dogs, needless to say all the dogs were gone by the end of the night! Dan and four of his guys came from Kelowna to play football with us, thanks for making the trip guys!
The game was close, it ended 7-0 for my team.(we had Ryley, Charlie, Zane, Zach and all of the Kelowna guys.) Jeremy's team(Dan, Aaron, Joe and Chris were all on Jeremy's team.) came close several times but could not break through our defense. Zane scored the only touchdown of the game earning the games first star. Second star goes out to Zach who put pressure on the quarterback all game long forcing bad throws that turned into turnovers. Third star goes out to the Kelowna guys for their play on the field as well as for making the trip!
We decided to do the Bible study at the field rather than going back to the church, it was going to be easier that way. Jeremy was leading the Bible study this week and he read us a couple of stories. One was from Luke 12:13-21 it is the parable of the rich fool. A man came to Jesus and asked him to tell his brother to divide the inheritance. Jesus' response was...
Luke 12:15 - "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
It is so easy to get caught up in gaining possessions! It is not bad to have nice things but we should not make it our focus! We need to remember to keep God in the center of our lives!
Jesus then goes on to tell the parable of the rich man. The story ends with God telling the rich man...
Luke 12:20 - "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?"
All the things that the rich man worked for would not be important after he died. We don't know when our lives will end, live for God now!
We ended the night with Bulldog on the field. We used glow sticks as markers because by this time it was dark. It was tough to judge distances in the dark which made it extra tough for Zach who had to start in the middle. Because we were playing on grass tackling became part of Bulldog adding an extra dimension to the game. Chris and Stevie were the last two with Stevie coming out on top taking his third Helmet of the year! Congrats Stevie!
Next week we are back at the high school field for Pop n Dogs and Btln Football!
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