I cant believe that The Classic Crime has released their 3rd album already! i still remember picking up their first album at Creation Fest not knowing what i was getting into at all! after listening to "Albatross" i was hooked! These guys bring a unique energy to the stage and their albums.
the continuing argument of what makes a Christian band "Christian" camps out with The Classic Crime. On the subject Lead singer Matt MacDonald says, "We believe faith is personal, and can be only held by an individual person. To entitle a group "Christian" would be to assume that the group has a collective soul, or at least individual souls tied to a solid collective belief. Not everyone in our band is decidedly set in their faith, and we respect that." its an interesting stand for sure but should tip you off that if your looking for a deep spiritual album that a band like Leeland will bring you, you shouldn't look to The Classic Crime to bring it to you!
The challenge of putting out an amazing album like "The Silver Cord" is that your next album will be put against your previous, Jars of Clay anyone? so for the Classic Crime to put out an album after "The Silver Cord" is no easy feet. that being said i believe they have put out an album that competes with their previous.
Vagabonds has similarities with "The Silver Cord" for sure but there is a distinct difference in both music like the sound on the song "Vagabonds" and lyrics that sound a bit more personal then their previous release like on the song "Everything and Nothing".
I haven't seen these guys live enough to give them a fair call on how they present these songs live, but the little i did see i was impressed. the crowd was into it and so were they! Being the biggest band (in my opinion) on the fringe stage this year at Creation Fest i am excited to see what these guys can bring!
In the end when comparing "Vagabonds" with their previous albums i would put it slightly higher than "Albatross" and slightly lower than "The Silver Cord". Which results in a very solid Classic Crime album! if your looking for a good hard rock album with plenty of whoa oh a oh's and gang vocals than look no further! and if your looking for the best of The Classic Crime pick "The Silver Cord". Until next time keep it real and let me know your thoughts! ;)
1. "A Perfect Voice" - 2:49*
2. "Cheap Shots" - 3:29*
3. "Solar Powered Life" - 2:05***
4. "Four Chords" - 3:36*
5. "Vagabonds" - 3:42*
6. "The Happy Nihilist" - 3:27*
7. "My Name" - 4:21
8. "Everything & Nothing" - 4:02
9. "The Count" - 3:44
10. "Different Now" - 3:57*
11. "Broken Mess" - 4:18
The Classic Crime: Vagabonds-10/10
-bent ;)
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