well i was asked by the captain to do up a post on the ol blog so i hope you enjoy yet again another top ten list brought to you by Ben Jepsen, I now present to you the top ten things that do not exist at the maylong camp out.
10. Seriousness
9. Rain (apparently)
8. Sadness/Bad times
7. Healthy food choices (for the most part)
6. Rhinos Driving Motor Bikes
5. Girls
4. Time
3. Common sense
2. Regard for the body
1. Calories
-bent ;)
other things that don't exist, toothbrush and manners.
if time didnt exist and then how are people picked up at the docks, how to people know when to leave, ect. I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. Theres no escaping ti
theres no escaping ti apparently but i realy wish there was rhinos riding motor bikes that would make may long evean better
Hey, I had an apple on the weekend.
people are picked up at the docks when we sense them there hence no time we leave when we are ready
-bent ;)
I love the people that argue things on the blog and then leave it as an anonymous comment. If you're too lazy to make an account put your name at the end, own it.
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