well boys thought i would take the reigns here for the ol blog again! its been awhile but im always stoked to help! anyway since im supposed to be writing papers and what not i thought this would be way better and i can continue to improve on my procrastinating skills! ;) so its been an amazing visit being able to see a lot of friends including charlie, joe, dan, and tiff who i did not expext to see and many of my GF friends who i was stoked to see and makes me even more excited to be back in april! so without further adue i am going to give you my famous predictions for tonight which is as far as i know a regular night of good times in the gym at 7 (you are now informed) so first off 1. the Bible study will be on the character daniel. ( i dont know what will be happening for bible study im just throwing that out there). 2. Ben Jepsen and Ryley Heppner will be on the same team tonight for the game and will win! 3. and finally i predict that there will be some of us visiting Alan and Wright tongith! so there ya have it! anyway i hope to see a lot of you guys out i always enjoy coming back and seeing you guys so i hope you make an effort to come out and visit since i dont get many chances to be at battalion! keep it real for Christ! ;)
-bent ;)
Good to have you back!
is the writing on bens hoody backwards??? or am i just seeing things????
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