Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A couple weeks ago Ben suggested that I put a complete list of Btln 3739 Sergeants on the blog, so here it is. It took a while to get this list, and nobody is exactly sure about the early years but I am pretty sure that this list is accurate. If you look at the collage I have at least one picture of every Sergeant except one. See if you can figure out who is missing from the collage. Lots of good memories, enjoy!
1979-80 Garry Pepin
1980-81 Garry Pepin
1981-82 Brian Eschbach
1982-83 Brian Eschbach
1983-84 Bruce Jepsen
1984-85 Alan Martens
1985-86 Alan Martens
1986-87 Gerry Nickel
1987-88 Gerry Nickel
1988-89 Geoff Martens
1989-90 Lance Martens
1990-91 Leighton Friesen
1991-92 Leighton Friesen
1992-93 Harry Tournemille
1995-96 Courtenay Friesen
1996-97 Courtenay Friesen
1997-98 Jeremy Feddersen
1998-99 Aaron Friesen
1999-00 Derek Taylor
2000-01 Justin Bekker
2001-02 Justin Bekker, Ryley Heppner
2002-03 Joe Kraftchick
2003-04 Justin Thompson
2004-05 Calvin Peters
2005-06 Ben Jepsen
2006-07 Jason Hayashi
2007-08 Devin Chursinoff
Friday, March 28, 2008
Passage Of the Week
New feature on the blog, Passage of the week. I hope to put some encouraging passages here once a week. I find that when I am feeling a little depressed that I haven't been reading my Bible enough. So hopefully this will encourage us all to read our Bibles more. Hope that you enjoy it.
After Easter I thought that these passages would be appropriate.
Job 19:25-27 - I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes -I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!
What a wonderful thing to know that Jesus our Redeemer lives! Job is also looking forward to his own resurrection when he would meet his Redeemer. Job says, how my heart yearns within me! We can all be excited that one day we will get to meet the one that paid for our sins.
1 Thessalonians 4:17b,18 And so we will be with the Lord forever. There encourage each other with these words.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sam Schiesser has two wins in the last two weeks, coming out of nowhere to put himself into the middle of the race for Winston. With five weeks left the race for Winston is wide open. There are three guys with three wins, three guys with two wins and eleven guys with one win. Tonight we played hockey for the first hour, not sure which team won. Next we went to the shootout. Cody Harp and Sam were the only ones to score in the first round, with Sam coming out on top in the third round. We finished the night with some Pepsi in the locker room. Another good night at Btln 3739!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Well boys after a week off it's time for some more Battalion! I'm going through withdrawal! It's our annual Hockey Night at Battalion. Remember guys the hockey is free, skate rentals are free and I have bought some spare sticks so that won't be a problem either. We will be playing a game followed by a shootout for the helmet. Last years shootout winner was Drew Brown, so we will see if he can repeat as shootout champion and take the lead in the race for Winston. With hockey this week and football next week at the high school field, these are good days at Btln 3739. We are on the ice at 7:00 P.M., so come a little early, I will be there at 6:30. Remember the hockey is free and after the game the pop is free.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Welcome to the second edition of the Btln original series. I have combined the original series and the trivia this time. The first picture that you see is the Ark of the Covenant. God gave the Israelites instructions on what the Ark should look like(Exodus 37:1-9). The Ark was kept in the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle, and then after it was built the Temple. The High Priest was the only one that went into the Most Holy Place and he only did that once a year. The only time the Israelite people saw the Ark was when God told the Israelites to move when they were still wandering in the wilderness.
What does this have to do with the Btln ark? Nothing really but I thought that it was interesting. The Btln ark is a box that I purchased at the army surplus store in Spokane. We have brought the ark with us to Creationfest ever since we have had it. The ark also makes appearances on Brigade night, Last night and this year the May Long. The ark is covered with stickers from various bands that we have seen at Creationfest. Inside the ark we have treasures that we have collected on our various road trips, along with other things. The ark is memories in a box. This brings me to my question. What did the Israelites keep in the Ark of the Covenant? Secondly what do we keep in the Btln ark? Name as many things as possible.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
When I was younger I always wondered how Jesus could be in the grave three days when he died on a Friday and rose again on a Sunday. I was never very good at math but I can count to one. If Jesus died on a Friday and rose again on Sunday that only leaves Saturday. I was reading one of my commentaries when I finally got my answer. Under Jewish law the Israelites had to observe seven festivals each year, two of these festivals were the Passover and Unleavened Bread. These two festivals were on consecutive days with the regular weekly Sabbath to follow. Each of these festivals was considered a Sabbath. Lets recap, Jesus died on a Wednesday the Preparation Day,(the day that the Israelites prepared for the Sabbaths because they were not allowed to do any work on a Sabbath) he was also buried on Wednesday, Thursday is the Passover, Friday is the Unleavened Bread festival, Saturday is the regular weekly Sabbath and Sunday is the day that Jesus rose from the dead! Why is this important? I think that we need to tell the truth. If I could do the math there will be unbelievers who will also be able to figure out that there are not three days between Friday and Sunday. It will look like we as Christians are either not telling the truth or that we are not very smart. Jesus warned that the traditions of men would nullify the word of God.(Matthew 15:6) Lets all take a fresh look at the Easter story this year, expecting God to show us something we have not seen before! (Read: Matthew 27:11-66, Matthew 28:1-20)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Welcome to meet the Btln Nation with Ben Jepsen!(a.k.a. Bent, Bulldog) Ben was the one that started the blog as well as this feature, Meet the Nation. For any of you young guys out there Ben was our sergeant for the 2005-06 season. This is the forth in the series with hopefully many more to come.
(1)Who is your favourite band?
(2)Do you shave with a stick or an electric razor?
(3)What would you rather grow? A beard or a moustache?
(4)What would you rather drive? A big truck or a fast car?
(A)Big truck
(5)What is more important before you go to sleep? Brushing your teeth or watching the sports highlights?
(A)Sports highlights
(6)What would you rather wear? A ball cap or a toque?
(7)What is your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?
(A)Tubing down the river
(8)What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?
(9)What was your favourite class in school? Shop or P.E.?
(10)Who is your favourite superhero?
(A)Green Lantern
(11)What is your dream job?
(A)Owner of my own record label(Bent Records)
(12)What is your most memorable moment from Battalion?
(A)First time that I won the Btln Olympics.
(13)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(A)Olympics, two time winner baby!
(14)What is your favourite Battalion shirt?
(15)What do you like better? Mike to the extreme or Bulldog to the extreme?
(A)Bulldog to the extreme
(16)What do you miss most about Battalion?
(A)All my brothers.
(17)What do you like better May long or Creationfest?
(18)You get to the boat launch on your way out to the May long when you realize the boat doesn't have enough room for both your tarp and your food. What do you leave behind? Your tarp or your food?
(A)I would leave my tarp behind and bring my food so that I can feed everyone on the beach.
(19)How long have you been in the Btln Nation?
(A)8 years
(20)What is your favourite restaurant?
(A)Red Robin
(21)How do you like your steak?
(22)What is your favourite vegetable? Beans or potatoes?
(23)What do you like better chips or cheezies?
(24)What do you like better? Burgers or Pizza?
(25)What is your favourite flavour of chips?
(A)Sour Cream
(26)What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?
(27)When you were in high school what would you have chosen? Phone the girl that you liked or climb in a cage with a hungry bear?
(A)I would have beat up the bear in front of the girl.
(28)Have you ever been shafted by a girl?
(A)Does a bear have fur?
(29)When do you plan to be married? Five, ten or fifteen years?
(A)Two years
(30)What do you like better? Blondes, brunettes or redheads?
(31)What do you like better? Short or long hair?
(A)Long hair
(32)What would you rather do on a first date? Dinner and a movie or 4x4ing up motto?
(A)Dinner and a movie, I'd take it slow.
(33)Would you ever try to pass a cubic zirconia for a diamond?
(34)What is your favourite verse?
(A)Proverbs 1:17 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
(35)What is your favourite book of the Bible?
(36)Who is your favourite Bible character?
(37)What are your plans for the future?
(A)I want to buy a house, raise a family and run a youth group.
Thanks to Ben for taking the time and being involved! Remember if you can think of any questions that we should be asking here let me know.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Lance Martens, 1989-90
Jeremy Feddersen, 1997-98
Justin Bekker, 2000-01, fall of 2001
Ryley Heppner, spring of 2002
Joe Kraftchick, 2002-03
Calvin Peters, 2004-05
Ben Jepsen, 2005-06
Jason Hayashi, 2006-07
Devin Chursinoff, 2007-08
I still can't believe the depth of good young men that we had in Battalion. I'm not sure who won but I'm sure that we will discuss this later. Thanks for participating I have a second one in the works.
Some random thoughts, congrats to Sam on his first helmet win! Around forty guys out again. Bible study was about Jesus' death and resurrection(we looked at how Jesus' witness on the cross made believers out of one of the criminals and a centurion). We played murderball and the team that Jason and I played on had the fastest murderball victory ever. Dalton Erixon is David Letterman. Ryley invented an instant classic, the 45 second challenge(you must eat one momma burger in 45 seconds). It is harder than it sounds just ask Devin. We will have one contestant everytime we go to the dub after Btln. I will answer the Btln trivia tomorrow. The first one to write down the right answers in the comments will receive a combo deal at A&W next time we go. Meet the BTLN nation with Ben Jepsen coming soon. No Btln next week. Hockey night at Battalion in two weeks. Drew Brown, Steven Feenstra and Sammy Jepsen are all going on a missions trip to Mexico, they are leaving tomorrow. Nice work guys! Second Btln original series coming soon. That's all for now.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Steve Chursinoff(a.k.a. The Mill Lake Fisherman) came to the shop today and we started talking about the Maylong campout and it got me excited about this years edition! So I started looking at some old pictures and realized that there were alot of sergeants in the pictures. The question is how many sergeants do you see? Do not count anyone more than once. If you are really good, list the year or years that they were sergeant. See how many other people that you recognize. Lots of good memories in those pictures!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Happy birthday guys! I was never sure why I was writing down everbody's birthday and now I know. God is always a step ahead of us, that should give us confidence! Anyways lets keep these guys in our prayers!
Mitchell Bekker, March 10
Mac Williamson, March 22
Evan Podovinikoff, March 28
Here are some pictures from Wednesday, congrats to Josh on his first Helmet win. Check out the ninja moves by Jason, I geuss he is paying for those moves now. Stay tuned for a meet the Btln nation with Ben Jepsen and another Btln original series!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
roy ALLEN & frank WRIGHT

so battalion was as always awesome! but i was surprised to find that we did not play the traditional murderball instead we play what i call mike 23 i call it this because no one seems to know if its really 2 or 3 i guess we should just ask mike......anyway the game was wicked! Dylan did the bible study tonight and did a great job! we read the chapter in hebrews 11 where it goes over the men of faith and recapped what are main theme was which was great and on top of that he talked about baarack (have no idea how to spell and im in my bed right now so im too lazy to go get it sorry) it was a crazy story cause it seems weird that this guy would make this list of men of faith but after looking at the story with dylan we find that he did in fact have faith! there was a great showing of guys tonight and it was awesome to see so many new and familiar faces! later we played bulldog and for the guys well ummm i actually forgot his name and im terribly sorry so someone will have to leave a comment or post later on who won! we also had legend josh trainer out which is always a treat! as far as predictions we went to roy ALLEN & frank WRIGHT as for the rest i was wrong which puts me at world-2900 ben-2587 i got some catching up to do ;) all in all it was a great night and i was happy to be there for it!
-bent ;)
seeya in a month!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
im lovin it

well boys thought i would take the reigns here for the ol blog again! its been awhile but im always stoked to help! anyway since im supposed to be writing papers and what not i thought this would be way better and i can continue to improve on my procrastinating skills! ;) so its been an amazing visit being able to see a lot of friends including charlie, joe, dan, and tiff who i did not expext to see and many of my GF friends who i was stoked to see and makes me even more excited to be back in april! so without further adue i am going to give you my famous predictions for tonight which is as far as i know a regular night of good times in the gym at 7 (you are now informed) so first off 1. the Bible study will be on the character daniel. ( i dont know what will be happening for bible study im just throwing that out there). 2. Ben Jepsen and Ryley Heppner will be on the same team tonight for the game and will win! 3. and finally i predict that there will be some of us visiting Alan and Wright tongith! so there ya have it! anyway i hope to see a lot of you guys out i always enjoy coming back and seeing you guys so i hope you make an effort to come out and visit since i dont get many chances to be at battalion! keep it real for Christ! ;)
-bent ;)
Monday, March 03, 2008
First of all congratulations to Nathan Ball for winning the Ping Pong tourney in back to back years! With Nathan's win he now pulls into a three-way tie with Devin and Drew for Winston. Brigade night went really well Devin, Nathan, Drew and David all recited a passage in front of the church. Way to go guys it takes alot of courage to stand in front of everyone like that! Jason and Devin did top ten reasons to come to Battalion, which I hope to put on the blog later this week! Ben made a Creationfest promo video that was really sweet as well as preparing the slideshow. We also had appearances by other alumni, Dan, Charlie and Joe. By the way if you read this tomorrow and it doesn't make sense thats because it is 2:00 A.M. Anyway I'm sure it was one of the biggest turnouts that we have ever had, the gym was really full. It was awesome! Thanks to everyone who helped me set up and then take it all down. Thanks also goes out to the Jepsens for having us all over after the night was over. I just love sitting around talking about old times. Time to go, see yah Wednesday!
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