well i am sorry i never blogged about wed night! so here we go! so first off predictions! i give myself 2 of 3 cause i forgot to count the guys so there was 47! and the bible study did have Abraham in it crazy eh! but alas dave pod did not win the helmet! so i was at the church around 5 30 shooting hoops waiting for some guys to show. eventually everyone showed up and the night started. for the first time i got to see the new sarg in action Mr. Dev Chursinoff so that was pretty awesome. and after that we broke into squad meetings with yours truly leading the bible study. (hopefully it was good). after that we had an intense game of murder ball ending with a 4-3 victory for the opposing team! ah! we then made our way to the corner where i lead the bible study on faith and how Abraham and Isaac were faithful men of God and how we too can be faithful as they were. and after that? you guessed it bulldog! lol ya its been way to long. we had Bad Bad Leroy Brown take over the helmet and a Yorkie for his victory! way to go man. also apart from myself we had Mike Hughes for alumni! all in all it was an amazing night and im glad i was able to be apart of it! it was awesome to be back for a wed night and the football (still havnt missed a road trip) again and i look forward to december for more action! have a great week everyone.
-bent ;)
I don't think I've won a game of murderball since I graduated.
thanks ben, we'll miss ya man
the sarg
i dont need praying for!
everyone needs prayer sam come now
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