well another battalion night has passed us. this night was the last night in the gym before the very last night we have! between them are football and hockey! anyway ill get to that later. so the night started out with quite a few guys out which is always good. we had Jason as sarg (since he is the sarg) dev, joel, and kev were the corprals. (im a horrivble spellger). we got into our squad meetings and i cant really tell you how they went since i had to cruise down to DQ and pick up cheeseburgers for random bible check!!! so Lance handed out the burgers to those who had bibles. we broke into 2 teams for murderball and it ended up being a bit lopsided but still good times! i believe it was like 5 to 3 so not bad good games! we then headed to the corner as jer shared a story about Joseph and a story about daniel. both obeyed God but got thrown into jail and a lions den! yet in the end things worked out for them (read up). both were very trustworthy and honest in their work and thats what we should strive for as well as we work at jobs even jobs that suck (this is all from Jers mouth not mine). anyway we then went into a game of bulldog with Joel starting in the middle. after a good 20 mins of that dev C came out the winner! atta boy! so predictons. Jay got like 24 points so i got one for that! some kid i have never seen/saw in my life came so i was very suprised! he was a suprising fellow thats for sure! so 2 for me. and last some good friends of mine came that i have not seen/saw in awhile Jer H, Dav K, and Brian B! good to see you guys out again! so 3 for 3 woohoo! so no battalion next wed but stay tuned for some good posts coming up for the next week from some outside writers!!! but on wed 28 battalion is hitting the ice for some good ol hockey! cant skate you say? well guess what neither can I! dont worry those who are poor at skating will play against those who are poor skaters as well so its even! what no money for skating you say well guess what everything is free yupee! as well as pop! yessssssssssssssssssss! so be there!!! anyway i believe thats everything i need to report. have a great weekend guys and as always keep it real for Christ.
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