God is the reason why we do what we do! its good to look at the people God has put into place to fulfill his will. it was Gods will for battalion to take place wed nights in Grand Forks B.C. and he started it all with a man named Joe Coughlin.
Sometimes to know where we are going we have to look at where we have been! i think thats from some movie and its kinda korney but i just wanted to remind ya of some brigade history.
In 1937, Joe Coughlin, a college student teaching a Sunday School class of boys in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, started a weekly club program in order to challenge his restless pupils. It wasn't an unusual idea, but Joe wasn't an ordinary Sunday School teacher. He was a young man with a vivid imagination and a burning zeal to serve Christ.

Coughlin dreamed on a grand scale: his Sunday School class of boys could become the nucleus of an army of Christian young men marching for the cause of Christ. The movement grew, molding thousands of boys into mature men of Christ.
Joe Coughlin had a dream and followed thru with it! with his passions and Gods help he started what we call Christian Service Brigade which we attend Wed nights (battalion) and thurs night (stockade). Because of this man and Lance Martens we get to meet wed nights and have a great time. It would be weird to think that wed nights would be filled with nothing! just think missing out on all the great things we do at brigade because Joe didnt follow his dream for something bigger! a world without battalion would be a sad thing, a world without Joe Coughlin would be a tragedy.
Joe is no longer alive but theres more about him at the brigade web site http://www.csbministries.org/coughlin_bio.html i challenge you to look it up!
lets take these next few minutes to raise a glass to battalions founding father, here here joe, here here.
This makes no sense what so ever. How come you believe that Santa isn't real but yet you believe a GOD exists. Do you need someone to tell you he doesn't exist just like someone told you Santa doesn't. Program you brain to think for yourself and not let someone else control you.
The reason why you believed in Santa was because you saw the presents on Christmas morning.The reason we believe in God is because of his beautiful creation and all the other presents he gives us,like salvation from our sins and a peace that passes all understanding.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:22
ok first off to the comment anonymous i wrote nothing about santa, second off who said santa doesnt exsist? the captin says it best FOOL!
good post bent, and to anonymous, with a comment like that its unfortuante you couldnt man up enough to leave some contact info.
who does this annonymous guy think he is...and when did anyone mention santa?!?!?!?!?!
k well, firstly, mr anonymous person, to say that you dont beleive in God is a correct statement, is it not? so heres a question for you, do you beleive in santa? how can you even begin to think that some dude comes into your house to bring you toys, and not look outside your window, and not marvel at how beatiful Gods creation is! or begin to ponder the intellect behind human complexity. How can you say there is no God? And secondly no one forces any of us what to believe, its our choice to follow Chirst and believe in God.
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