"Light speed Jeremy, light speed!" - GeRRald
"I'm gonna keep a stern face for all of the pictures." - GeRRald
"Yoda was GeRRald's padawan. Vote for GeRRald!" - Bent
"We'll be looking golden!" - GeRRald

"We are going to get up at 5 a.m. to work out!" - John, Cody, Landon and GeRRald.
Another amazing road trip for Btln 3739! We left at 8 a.m. Saturday morning for Vancouver (With stops at Timmy's in Osoyoos and McDonald's in Abbotsford.)and arrived at Science World parking lot around 3 p.m. were we met Geoff, Ryley, Blake and Sam. We were ready to hand the coast team another Director's Cup loss but like almost every other year they didn't show up. Another weak showing by the coast! The Lions game was better as the Lions won the game 29-22 and took over first place in the Western Division!
After the game we headed to Boston Pizza to celebrate withe Cup. (We drove all that way, we deserved the win! Even if that wasn't how we wanted to win.) Next we headed to Langley and our hotel. In the parking lot of the hotel we met some people that were not going to be feeling very good today(Sunday). Once in the hotel it was nearly an hour before the guys settled down. (Lots of laughing and throwing pillows.)
The next morning we had breakfast at the hotel, swam in the pool,(With a water slide.)went to the mall and had lunch at Red Robin with Ryley and Sam! After lunch we were back on the road and headed for home.
More amazing memories for Btln 3739!