Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Parker Steadman
Just in case you were wondering how it all broke down last year, here is last years poster.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The 16th Annual Btln Ping Pong Tourney is only a few days away! Parker is gone, so who will win this year?(Calvin Peters (4 time Champion), Nathan Ball(2 time Champion) and Parker Steadman(3 time Champion) have won every Ping Pong tourney the last nine years.) Could it be Zane Lawson, our runner-up from last year? Or will someone else step it up?
Make sure to come early and bring a friend!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
With the lower numbers at Btln the times are a changing, this gives us the chance to do things that we haven't been able to do for a while. This week we played floor hockey for the first time in years! Like any other game at Btln it just seemed like we needed to tweak it to make it ours. Floor hockey with two balls is crazy, it had me feeling like a dog chasing it's tail. It is something we will definitely do again!(My team won 11-9!)
This week in the Bible study we looked at two stories. Jesus feeding the five thousand(Mark 6:32-44, Matthew 14:31-21, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:5-13) and Jesus feeding the four thousand(Mark 8:1-9, Matthew 15:32-39).
Mark 6:34 - When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.
Mark 8:2,3 - "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance."
Jesus not only has compassion on us because of our spiritual condition, but he is also concerned about our physical needs as well!
Mark 8:4 - His disciples answered, "But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?"
Isn't it amazing that after watching Jesus feed five thousand men that his disciples would question that he could feed four thousand men? The truth is we wouldn't have been any different. It is comforting to know that Jesus didn't give up on his disciples and that he won't give up on us either!
Dalton started in the middle for Bulldog and with the lower numbers there is more room out there almost making it more difficult for the guy in the middle. In the end it was down to Cody and Zach with Zach pulling out his third Helmet of the year! Congrats Zach! There is a huge log jam in the Winston Standings it looks a lot like the Western Conference Standings in the NHL!
Next week is the 16th Annual Btln Ping Pong Tourney! Come early and bring a friend!
Monday, February 21, 2011

Will we ever run out of Btln 3739 Legends to interview? The streak is still alive as we take some time to get to know Mike Hughes a little better. So many good memories of Mike at Battalion. The squad meetings in the library were a lot of fun with Mike.(I wish I could remember the book Mike used to pick up every week.) Mike graduated in 2004 and was the inventor of Mike and Mike 23. Mike is now working in the Yukon.
(1)What is your favourite style of music?
(2)Do you shave with an electric razor or a blade?
(A)Neither, I'm o-natural but I use a clipper to keep it in check.
(3)What would you rather grow? A beard or a moustache?
(A)Beard all the way! Moustaches are creepy!
(4)What would you rather drive? A big truck or a fast car?
(A)Big truck
(5)Ford, Chevy or Dodge?
(6)What would you rather wear? A ball cap or a toque?
(A)Ball cap
(7)How many times have you crashed a vehicle?
(A)For some crazy reason not at all!(knock on wood) But! I have scraped the ol Jeep with a few rocks.
(8)What is more important before you go to bed? Brushing your teeth or watching the sports highlights?
(A)You can't take tooth hygiene serious enough. So ya I would brush my teeth after the sports highlights for sure.
(9)What is your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?
(A)Tubing down the river.
(10)What was your favourite class in school? Shop, P.E. or Band?
(A)Shop! What other class would let you play with fire?
(11)What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?
(A)My favourite band.
(12)What do you like better? Skiing or snowboarding?
(13)What is your favourite sport?
(14)If you could be a superhero for a day who would you want to be?
(A)Aquaman.... swimming is cool.
(15)What is your kryptonite?
(A)Helicopters completely capture 100% of my attention.
(16)What is your dream job?
(A)Traveling the world as a gypsy helicopter mechanic.
(17)Do you have any nicknames?
(A)Smelly, Huge
(18)I have always wanted to....
(A)Buy a sailboat and sail around the world.
(19)I will never....
(A)Watch an episode of American Idle.
(20)I really dislike....
(A)Post-it notes, they haunt me everywhere I go.
(21)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(A)Battalion Olympics, all events except Basketball.
(22)What is your favourite Battalion shirt?
(A)The original Bulldog shirt.
(23)What do you like better? Mike or Bulldog?
(A)Not to sound to full of myself, but Mike is an awesome game!
(24)You arrive at the boat launch on your way out to the Maylong when you realize the boat doesn't have enough room for both your tarp and your food. What do you leave behind, your tarp or your food?
(A)I would leave the tarp. I like my snacks and there's always a lot of other tarps there already.
(25)How do you spend most of your time at the Maylong? Fishing or playing cribbage?
(A)I would totally go out fishing most of the time.
(26)One big block of cheese or the outhouse?
(A)Ha Ha Ha. I like cheese, but the outhouse seems more economical.
(27)What is your favourite Battalion tradition?
(A)Playing Bulldog at the end of every meeting.
(28)How long have you been a part of the Btln Nation?
(A)13 years
(29)What is your favourite restaurant?
(A)Donair Spot in Vancouver.
(30)Menu item?
(A)Whatever the special is.
(31)How do you like your steak?
(32)What is your favourite vegetable? Beans or potatoes?
(33)What do you like better? Burgers or pizza?
(A)I like cheese burger pizza. mmmmm
(34)What size pizza could you eat in one sitting? Individual, small, medium or large?
(A)Large, almost to easily.
(35)What is your favourite flavour of chips?
(A)Lays BBQ
(36)What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?
(37)Was there ever a time in high school that you would have climbed into a cage with a hungry bear rather than call the girl that you liked?
(A)Oh totally rather climb into a cage with a hungry bear, I was so shy with girls in high school.
(38)Have you ever been shafted by a girl?
(A)Oh Ya!
(39)When do you plan on being married? Five, ten or fifteen years?
(A)Fifteen years or more. I have a lot I want to accomplish, but I guess when you are not looking for it is when it happens.
(40)What do you like better? Blondes, brunettes or redheads?
(41)What do you like better? Short or long hair?
(A)Long hair?
(42)What would you rather do on a first date? Dinner and a movie or 4x4ing up moto?
(A)4x4ing up moto.
(43)What is your favourite book of the Bible?
(44)Who is your favourite Bible character?
(45)Where do you work?
(A)Fireweed Helicopter in Whitehorse Yukon.
(46)What are your plans for the future?
(A)Work in the Yukon for the next three years, then move onto some international work and see where it takes me.
Thanks to Mike for taking the time to answer all of these questions!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The winner of the i-Pod is A.J.! Congratulations A.J.! There were six guys that had there name in the draw. Blake, Ball, d-Pod, Chris(The King), John and A.J. all saw 50,000 on the blog. Once again thanks to everyone who supports the blog!
This week we had the ping pong tables out again getting the guys ready for the 16th Annual Btln Ping Pong Tourney. The Tourney is only two weeks away.
The Btln Trifecta has become popular at Battalion lately. Unfortunately for me my teams haven't fared very well. We always start the Trifecta with Handball and again this week one team fell behind early only to make a late game comeback. My team was down 7-3 but fought hard to make it 8-8 only to lose 10-8 in the end. Next was Murderball and again my team looked strong but could not live up to it's potential losing three straight games! The last leg of the Trifecta is Extreme Bulldog and it looked like we had a chance to win at least one game but my team was shutout of the Trifecta again!(I have never won Extreme Bulldog!)
This week in Bible study we looked at a story where Jesus healed a demon-possessed man. (Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-37, Matthew 8:28-34) It is interesting to see what this man was like before he met Jesus. This man lived in the tombs, did not wear clothes or live in a house. He was always shouting at the top of his voice, he was cutting himself with rocks and could not be controlled. What a change in this man's life after he meets Jesus!
Luke 8:35b - When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus' feet, dressed and in his right mind.
This man was now sitting at Jesus' feet! He was resting in God's peace and was finally relaxed and content! God wants to do the same for us! Without God we can never have true contentment. Jesus wants to free us from our sinful nature.
Gerald started in the middle for Bulldog and did an amazing job for his first time as the Bulldog. It seemed like Gerald didn't ever waste a round. There was always someone going down each round. In the end it was Dalton taking his third Helmet of the year, tightening up the race for Winston! Congratulations Dalton! That fifth Helmet has been elusive for Chris(The King), he is overdue for another win!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Time again to Meet another Battalion Legend!(How else would we celebrate another Battalion Headquarters milestone?)This time we will be taking a closer look at Devin Chursinoff. Devin is one of only three Btln 3739 Members that has completed the Memory Work four times! Devin was also the 21st Sergeant of Battalion 3739. Devin is engaged to Brittany Pauls(Congratulations!)and has recently moved to Alberta to start his Millwright apprenticeship.
(1)Who is your favourite band?
(2)What is your favourite song?
(A)Stars(When in concert.)
(3)What is your favourite style of music?
(4)Do you shave with an electric razor or a blade?
(A)Depends on the day.
(5)What would you rather grow? A beard or a moustache?
(6)What would you rather drive? A big truck or a fast car?
(A)A big truck.
(7)Ford, Chevy or Dodge?
(8)What would you rather wear? A ball cap or a toque?
(A)A ball cap.
(9)What is your hat size?
(A)22 inch perimeter?
(10)What your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?
(A)Bridge jumping
(11)What was your favourite class in school? Shop, P.E. or Band?
(12)What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?
(A)My favourite band.
(13)What is your favourite sport?
(14)What do you like better? Skiing or snowboarding?
(15)If you could be a superhero for a day who would you want to be?
(16)What is your kryptonite?
(A)My lack of a superpower.
(17)What is your dream job?
(A)Self Employed. Fish Farm
(18)Do you have any nicknames?
(19)What is your favourite quote?
(A)"You need one more, a bird doesn't fly on one wing."
(20)If I had a million dollars....
(A)I would invest it.
(21)Something that you don't know about me is....
(A)When I was fourteen I was scouted for modeling.
(22)I have always wanted to....
(A)Do a gainer.
(23)I will never....
(A)Be a good cook.
(24)I really dislike....
(A)that politics is a part of everything we do and every decision we make.
(25)What is your M.M.M. from Battalion?
(A)Hot tubbing at the Maylong.
(26)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(A)The Maylong
(27)What is your favourite Battalion shirt?
(A)The black shirt with the Bulldog on the hip.
(28)What do you miss most about Battalion?
(A)Haven't left yet, but would have to be the competition.
(29)What do you like better? The Memory Work Trips or the Maylong Campouts?
(A)The Maylong Campouts.
(30)How do you spend most of your time at the Maylong?
(A)Readying the hot tub.
(31)One big block of cheese or the outhouse?
(A)A nice fallen tree.
(32)How many times did you complete the Memory Work?
(33)How many Btln Majors have you won?
(A)3 - 2006/07 Winterslam, 2007/08 Olympics and 2007/08 Royal Rumble.
(34)Do you wear your Btln Medallion around your neck or hang it from your rear-view mirror?
(A)I wear my Btln Medallion around my neck.
(35)What is your favourite Battalion tradition?
(A)The Battalion Medallion.
(36)How long have you been a part of the Btln 3739 Nation?
(A)9 years
(37)What is your favourite restaurant?
(A)Red Robin
(38)Menu item?
(A)Whiskey River B.B.Q. Burger.
(39)How do you like your steak?
(A)Medium rare
(40)What is your favourite vegetable? Beans or potatoes?
(41)What do you like better? Burgers or pizza?
(42)What size pizza could you eat in one sitting? Individual, small, medium or large?
(43)What is your favourite flavour of chips?
(44)What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?
(45)Was there ever a time in high school that you would have climbed into a cage with a hungry bear rather than call the girl that you liked?
(46)Have you ever been shafted by a girl?
(47)When do you plan to be married?
(A)5 months!
(48)What would you rather do on a first date? Dinner and a movie or 4x4ing up moto?
(A)Dinner and a movie.
(49)What is your favourite book of the Bible?
(50)What is your favourite Bible passage?
(A)Isaiah 41:10,11 - "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish."
(51)Where do you work?
(A)Brooks Alberta, Lakeside Packers.
(52)What are your plans for the future?
(A)To get my Millwright journeyman ticket.
Thanks to Devin for taking the time to answer all of these questions!
Friday, February 11, 2011
50,000 FOR THE BLOG!
Battalion Headquarters has reached 50,000 visitors! So far I know of three Members that saw 50,000 on the counter. I have heard from Blake, Ball and d-Pod. If anyone else saw 50,000 they will need to let me know before Wednesday. We will hold the draw for the i-Pod on Wednesday night at Battalion. Once again thanks to everyone who supports the blog!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
This Wednesday night was Devin Chursinoff Night! Why Devin you ask? Devin is moving to Alberta so we decided to dedicate Wednesday night to the 21st Sergeant of Btln 3739. We had Devin doing everything from praying and reading God's word to starting in the middle for Bulldog and taking the Btln Big Shot.(Which he missed.) As you can see from the picture after the night was over Devin was done.
This week we decided that we would try the Btln Trifecta again.(It was a lot of fun last time.) We started with Handball and Jeremy's team was down early, I'm going to say 5-2 but just like the last time we played Handball, the team that started in the hole was able to come back and take the victory. It was the first team to ten that would win. The score ended 12-10 for Jeremy's team.(Gotta win by two.) Next we played Murderball. It was the first team to three wins that would take Murderball. This time it was Jeremy's team that jumped out to a 2-1 lead and just like in Handball the team that fell behind early made a comeback for the win! It was fitting that on Devin Chursinoff night that his team would win 3-2. After Murderball we ran out of time so we had to skip Extreme Bulldog.
In Bible study we looked at two stories. The first was when Jesus calmed the sea(Luke 8:22-25, Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:36-41)and the other was when Jesus walked on the water(Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-51, John 6:15-21).(It is interesting to read the story from three different points of view, it makes it complete!)
Mark 6:47,48 - When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake.
John 6:19 - When they had rowed three or three and a half miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water.
Jesus was over three miles away and he could see his disciples straining at the oars! It is the same today, Jesus can see our struggles and he wants to help!
Matthew 14:28-31, "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
Even when we only have a little faith and we doubt, Jesus will still reach out his hand and catch us!
Like I said earlier Devin started in the middle for Bulldog. This changes strategy for the older guys, there wasn't any walking for the first six or seven rounds. After a few rounds(It didn't take long with Devin in the middle.)we were down to a couple of guys with Gerald coming out on top! Congrats Gerald! This was Gerald's first ever Helmet win!
49,932 visits as I write this. Less than seventy away from 50,000!
Coming soon, "Meet the Btln 3739 Nation" with Devin Chursinoff and Mike Hughes!
Monday, February 07, 2011
50,000 VISITORS?
That's right Battalion Headquarters is only 450 visitors away from 50,000! The Battalion Blog was started 0n September 2oth 2006 by Ben Jepsen. By April 13th 2008 we hit 10,000 visitors. On February 3rd 2009 the blog was at 20,000. Only 9 months later on November 3rd 2009 the blog hit 30,000. Last year on May 20th 2010(The day before the Maylong.)the blog total was 40,000 visitors. Now it is February 7th 2011 and we are only 450 visitors away from 50,000! Like we have said many times before the support that the blog receives is amazing! Thank you to everyone who visits the blog!
As a thank you we will again be giving away a 8GB iPod Nano! How can you win the iPod you ask? If you are a member of the Btln 3739 Nation and you see 50,000 visitors on the counter on the blog and you can prove it(Take a picture.) then your name will be entered into a draw for the iPod! There might be only one person that will see 50,000 or it could be a few guys. All of the guys that see 50,000 will have their name entered into the draw! Good luck to all!
Nathan won on 20,000, Cody on 30,000 and Dan on 40,000.
Friday, February 04, 2011
The night started with ping pong as the guys started practising for the Btln Ping Pong Tourney! Ping Pong is only three weeks away!
We tried Murderdog this week. (A new game combining Murderball and Bulldog.) It seemed logical to combine the two best games that we play at Btln. The game was okay but not nearly like Bulldog or Murderball.(Murderdog could be good, it just needs some work.) After trying Murderdog three times we ended going back to Murderball and had three amazing games! Jeremy's team coming back from one man left to win the series 2-1!
In Bible study we looked at the story of the Paralytic from Luke 5:17-26. In this story the Paralytic is lowered through the roof of the house that Jesus was teaching in. When Jesus saw their faith he said "Friend, your sins are forgiven." Next Jesus heals the Paralytic in front of the Pharisees who had been thinking that Jesus was speaking blasphemy when he forgave the sins of the Paralytic. The question is, why did Jesus forgive the Paralytic before he healed him? First of all because having one's sins forgiven is a higher priority than being healthy. Secondly Jesus wanted to prove that he was God. The Pharisees knew that only God could forgive sins. They also knew that only God could heal the Paralytic. If Jesus wasn't God and only a good prophet then there was no way that God would use Jesus to heal the Paralytic if he had just blasphemed. This proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was God! The problem was and still is that in the end we as humans still need to accept and believe Jesus! The Pharisees had no reason not to believe and neither do we!
Acts 16:31 - "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved!
Kaleb was in the middle for Bulldog this week. With a grade twelve in the middle it didn't take long for the guys to start dropping like flies. After a few rounds Cody emerged the victor! Congrats Cody! This is Cody's second win in four weeks! Cody is making a late charge for Winston! Lookout Btln 3739!
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
The Btln Birthday posts just never get old for me. The birthday post gives us a chance to put the spotlight on a different group of Btln Legends each month.
Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.
We need to continue to trust in the Lord again this year! I love the thought that God is directing our paths! We need to allow God to be the director in our lives. (Remember he knows the beginning from the end!)
Happy Birthday and may God bless you again this year!
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