Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
On February 3rd 2009 Battalion Headquarters 3739 had 20,000 hits. It is now October 31st 2009 and the blog is at 29,792 hits! The support that this blog has received has been amazing! Same deal as last time, if you see 30,000 visits and can prove it(take a picture)then your name will be entered into a draw for an 8GB iPod nano. There might only be one person that will see 30,000 or it could be a few guys, whatever the case all of the names will be put into the draw.(Last time it was Nathan and Ryley.) Who is eligible? Anyone who is part of the Btln Nation.
Again thank you for supporting the blog!
Friday, October 30, 2009
So the boys from Battalion 3445 (Kelowna) are going to be up at the Pines this weekend and they have invited us (3739) to join them Saturday night for a bonfire and a hot tub! Dan said we should show up around 9:00 P.M. and stay for a couple of hours.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thirty-seven boys competed for the belt at The Royal Rumble! We started the night with Smackdown by T.F.K., sweet opening song. The lightweights (grades 7-9) were the first into the ring and being younger doesn't mean that there wasn't some big guys in the ring. Last years lightweight champ Spencer made an early exit, the guys made sure that he wasn't going to win again. This year Cody Harp prevailed, outlasting 24 other lightweights to earn his spot in the heavyweight division! Next up was the heavyweights (grades 10-12), 14 guys battled hard, (Sam Schiesser was one of the first four into the ring. I believe Bent had to be in the ring the whole night as well in the first R.R.) we were wondering if it was ever going to end! After a lot of hard work we finally made it to the last two, Sam Schiesser and Dalton Shore. The guys could hardly stand after all the wrestling but in the end Sam emerged victorious! Congratulations to Sam and Cody on their wins!
Special thanks to everyone who helped set up and tear down, your help is greatly appreciated! Also thanks to Cam again for setting up the sound system and running it for us! Love it when the Alumni help out!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Do you remember what happened last year at The Royal Rumble? Spencer(SuSpence) was the winner of the lightweight division. After winning the lightweight division Spencer was eligible for the heavyweight division and he ended up making it to the final four! Drew, Steve and Kaleb were the other three to make it to the final four. In the end it was Drew and Steve battling it out for the belt with Drew winning the forth Royal Rumble!

1. Forget and Not Slow Down*
2. I Don't Need a Soul*
3. Candlelight*
4. Flare
5. Part of it
6. Outro
7. Therapy* (Featuring, Brian McSweeney guitarist and songwriter, and a member of the Chicago-based band Matthew. He is also the former leader of the Christian rock group Seven Day Jesus, and Ethan Luck the drummer of Relient K).
8. Over it*
9. Sahara* (Featuring, Matt MacDonald lead singer for The Classic Crime, Tim Skipper lead singer for House of Heroes, Aaron Gillespie lead singer for The Almost, as well as drummer and vocalist for UnderOath, and Arnold Thiessen...Matts brother).
10. Oasis
11. Savannah* (Featuring Arnold Thiessen, Jonathan Thiessen, and Matthew Hoopes)
12. Baby
13. If You Believe Me* (Featuring, Matt MacDonald lead singer for The Classic Crime)
14. This is the End
15. (If You Want it)
Now i realize that i tend to go forever on these posts, so to make it reader friendly i will try my best to keep em short and sweet!
Well the boys are back at it! I have been very excited for one of my all time favorite bands, Relient K, to show us their music genius again! Relient K has been making music since 1998, putting out 6 full albums, selling over 2 million records and having 3 of there albums certified as "Gold" meaning that 3 of their albums have sold over 500,000 copies. They have been on "Gotee Records" (ran by Toby Mac) for most of their career, then moved to the major record label "Capitol Records" and finally with their latest release on Gotee's sub label "Mono Vs. Stereo." The cool thing about these guys being on Mono vs. Stereo is that they are now running the label alongside Toby Mac. Relient K now has the freedom to run the label and sign bands as well as release their cds under the label! this is very exciting to see what these guys are able to do as they continue to spread their musical talents!
So as these guys grow as a band they get more recognition and in a way start to network with other talents around North America. This is exciting because they now feature talents like Tim Skipper (also sang on John Reuben's "All in All" on the record "The Professional Rapper," as well as "So Glad" on "The Boy vs. The Cynic"), Matt MacDonald, and Aaron Gillespie on their album. Along with that Matt Thiessen has started helping other bands. not only playing on their songs but helping them write their stuff! From Christian bands (Switchfoot) to non-christian bands (Owl City and Kelly Clarkson) Matt has been able to share his never ending well of talent.
When it comes to "Forget and not Slow Down" i found the sound to be very much Relient K but at the same time their sound changed. the album features a lot less synth and a lot more "organic sound" (gotta love the sax at the end of "Over It"). I also love the vocals that Tim, Matt, and Aaron give on "Sahara." They keep to the very catchy lyrics that everyone loves and mix in some amazing lyrics that make you think and that are so greatly woven and witty that it can be hard to understand exactly what Matt T means haha. It is obvious that every album RK puts out Matt gets better at writing especially if you compare this album to their self titled album where they sang about Manson eating their girlfriend! ha!
Overall this album is well worth the money, obviously i am biased and i only review albums i really like (however i would be open to review any album you want if you make a request) but this is a great addition to anyone's collection. I challenge you to listen to it and read the lyrics while your at it, its a great experience when you have Matt constructing the music! My only criticism is that the lyrics may be too witty, im not sure what "candlelight" is really saying, or what the story behind "i dont need a soul" is but maybe im just missing something! anyway hope you made it through the review! keep listening and lets hope Switchfoot can bring us just as good if not better album!
-bent ;)
ps COME TO YQ!!!!!!!

1. Forget and Not Slow Down*
2. I Don't Need a Soul*
3. Candlelight*
4. Flare
5. Part of it
6. Outro
7. Therapy* (Featuring, Brian McSweeney guitarist and songwriter, and a member of the Chicago-based band Matthew. He is also the former leader of the Christian rock group Seven Day Jesus, and Ethan Luck the drummer of Relient K).
8. Over it*
9. Sahara* (Featuring, Matt MacDonald lead singer for The Classic Crime, Tim Skipper lead singer for House of Heroes, Aaron Gillespie lead singer for The Almost, as well as drummer and vocalist for UnderOath, and Arnold Thiessen...Matts brother).
10. Oasis
11. Savannah* (Featuring Arnold Thiessen, Jonathan Thiessen, and Matthew Hoopes)
12. Baby
13. If You Believe Me* (Featuring, Matt MacDonald lead singer for The Classic Crime)
14. This is the End
15. (If You Want it)
Now i realize that i tend to go forever on these posts, so to make it reader friendly i will try my best to keep em short and sweet!
Well the boys are back at it! I have been very excited for one of my all time favorite bands, Relient K, to show us their music genius again! Relient K has been making music since 1998, putting out 6 full albums, selling over 2 million records and having 3 of there albums certified as "Gold" meaning that 3 of their albums have sold over 500,000 copies. They have been on "Gotee Records" (ran by Toby Mac) for most of their career, then moved to the major record label "Capitol Records" and finally with their latest release on Gotee's sub label "Mono Vs. Stereo." The cool thing about these guys being on Mono vs. Stereo is that they are now running the label alongside Toby Mac. Relient K now has the freedom to run the label and sign bands as well as release their cds under the label! this is very exciting to see what these guys are able to do as they continue to spread their musical talents!
So as these guys grow as a band they get more recognition and in a way start to network with other talents around North America. This is exciting because they now feature talents like Tim Skipper (also sang on John Reuben's "All in All" on the record "The Professional Rapper," as well as "So Glad" on "The Boy vs. The Cynic"), Matt MacDonald, and Aaron Gillespie on their album. Along with that Matt Thiessen has started helping other bands. not only playing on their songs but helping them write their stuff! From Christian bands (Switchfoot) to non-christian bands (Owl City and Kelly Clarkson) Matt has been able to share his never ending well of talent.
When it comes to "Forget and not Slow Down" i found the sound to be very much Relient K but at the same time their sound changed. the album features a lot less synth and a lot more "organic sound" (gotta love the sax at the end of "Over It"). I also love the vocals that Tim, Matt, and Aaron give on "Sahara." They keep to the very catchy lyrics that everyone loves and mix in some amazing lyrics that make you think and that are so greatly woven and witty that it can be hard to understand exactly what Matt T means haha. It is obvious that every album RK puts out Matt gets better at writing especially if you compare this album to their self titled album where they sang about Manson eating their girlfriend! ha!
Overall this album is well worth the money, obviously i am biased and i only review albums i really like (however i would be open to review any album you want if you make a request) but this is a great addition to anyone's collection. I challenge you to listen to it and read the lyrics while your at it, its a great experience when you have Matt constructing the music! My only criticism is that the lyrics may be too witty, im not sure what "candlelight" is really saying, or what the story behind "i dont need a soul" is but maybe im just missing something! anyway hope you made it through the review! keep listening and lets hope Switchfoot can bring us just as good if not better album!
-bent ;)
ps COME TO YQ!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday night is the fifth edition of The Royal Rumble! The Rumble is the first Btln Major of the year, and the first time that the ring will be out. After making the collage I noticed a trend. What do all of the winners have in common? It will be interesting to see if the trend will continue. Anyways make sure that you come early so that we can start on time, it will give you more time to wrestle after we are done.
Remember, Battalion is like heaven, there is always room for one more!(So bring a friend!)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
If you haven't been reading the comments in the last post then this will probably be news to you, Creation is moving from The Gorge to King County Fair near Seattle! After attending Creation for the last six years this is a little shocking, but we know that God is in charge and like Drew said, "this is a new adventure for Btln!
The new dates are July 21-24 2010.
Ryley said "bring it on creation fest! "ain't gotta be at the gorge to make the good times roll! "they roll wherever battalion rolls!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Another solid week at Btln 3739! The numbers seem to get better every week, the atmosphere is so much better when the gym is full. It has been three weeks since we last played murderball, that is way to long between games. We played six games, Jeremy's team winning the first three and my team winning the last three! Our second win was one of the quickest games of murderball ever played at Btln, I don't think that it lasted a minute.(We need a Btln statistician.) I am going to claim victory for my team on the basis that (As Uncle Tim says) "He who wins last wins best".
Jeremy lead us through the story of Job, he talked about how God is in control in the good times as well as in the bad. It doesn't matter what the situation God is watching out for us, he's got your back! What a comforting thought! Take the time to read Job chapters 38-41 it is an amazing passage!
Job 38:1-7 Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said: "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone - while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?
After reading this passage our only response can be "How great is our God!"
Bulldog was a little unusual this week, all of the leaders were caught first. The game was over quickly and in the end Zane had won his first Helmet. Congrats to Zane, on your first win!
Next week is the Royal Rumble! Bring a friend!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I guess the Random Bible Checks are not as random as we thought. Max was right this time, but how about next time?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Christian music has come a long way. The first three albums in the collage are (1)Rez Band - Bootleg Tour, the first tape(ya I said tape)that I owned, (2)Stryper - To Hell With The Devil and (3)DC Talk - Jesus Freak. These three bands all changed Christian Music for the better, but we didn't have much choice.
Now look at all of the music that is and will be available. All of these bands (not including the first three)have played at Creation and most will probably be back next year. The selection that is available now is amazing! I have the new Jars, Skillet, Hawk Nelson, Relient K, Leeland and TFK. All of these albums are amazing. Can't wait for the new Tobymac, Switchfoot and Kutlees albums. With all of this new music Creation 2010 should be awesome. Only nine months away!
I know that this is usually Bent's area of expertise, but I'm pumped about all of the new music!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It has taken us a while but we can finally introduce our Btln 3739 2009/10 Non-Coms to you.
Sammy Jepsen - Sergeant
Sam Schiesser - Corporal
Parker Steadman - Corporal
Zach Gobbett - Corporal
Thanks for your help, Battalion is not the same without you!
Take time to pray for these guys!
Friday, October 16, 2009
It feels like Btln is picking up steam, like we are rolling down hill.(Brakes? Who needs them?) We played handball for the second time this year and it was a little crowded but no complaining here. Three balls are needed to keep everyone involved. This makes it a little sketchy for the goalie and the defenseman, but that's the way we like it. There were a few big scrums in the corners, lots of intensity. In the end Owen had the winning goal, feels like I can't win a game.
In Bible study we read two Old Testament stories. First we read about Joshua and how he asked God to cause the sun and moon to stand still so that Israel's enemies could not get away under the cover of darkness. The second story was about Hezekiah and how God caused the shadow to move back ten degrees on the sun dial as a sign that Hezekiah would be healed. Two amazing stories, in the first God stopped the earth's rotation for an entire day. In the second God also stopped the earth's rotation and then he backed it up! How great is our God!
These stories are found here.
Joshua 10:5-14
2Kings 20:1-11
Take time to read Habakkuk chapter three it is amazing!
Habakkuk 3:2a - Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord.
Habakkuk 3:15 - You trampled the sea with your horses, churning the great waters.
I love this last verse, can you visualize it? God's chariot running through the sea as if it was a small puddle.
In Bulldog Zach got his first helmet of the year! Zach actually outlasted all of the leaders! A lot of speed and determination. Congrats!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Paparazzi had it right, Bent was the answer to the Btln trivia. Here are a few more answers from Bent.
(1)Who is your favourite band?
(A)P.O.D.(This one still surprises me.)
(2)Who is your favourite superhero?
(A)Green Lantern
(3)What is your dream job?
(A)Owner of my own record label(Bent Records)
(4)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(A)Olympics, two time winner baby!
(5)What are your plans for the future?
(A)I want to buy a house, raise a family and run a youth group.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
There has been thirteen "Meet the Btln Nation" segments here on the blog in the last three years. I thought that I would give you ten questions and the answers that the member gave and then see if anyone could figure out who the member was that gave this set of answers. Here is the list of guys and when their article was posted on the blog.
(1)What would you rather drive? A big truck or fast car?
(A)Big truck
(2)What is your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?
(A)Tubing down the river
(3)What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?
(4)What is your favourite Battalion shirt?
(5)What do you miss most about Battalion?
(A)All my brothers
(6)What is your favourite restaurant?
(A)Red Robin
(7)What is your favourite flavour of chips?
(A)Sour Cream
(8)When do you plan on being married? Five, ten or fifteen years?
(A)Two years
(9)What is your favourite book of the Bible?
(10)Who is your favourite Bible character?
Leave your answers in the comments.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
All right I realize that it has been a long time since the last p-dub(passage of the week)but here goes anyways.
Lately I have been reminded that I need to get my joy from what God has done for me and not from what I have done for him. It is so easy to be discouraged when I look at my own life. At the same time it is easy to be encouraged when I remember what God has done and continues to do for me. After all that God has done for us it should be easy to be thankful.
1Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
2Corinthians 2:14 - But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.
2Corinthians 9:15 - Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Romans 7:25 - Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Psalm 100 - Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
We have so much to be thankful for!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Baseball was our biggest night of the year so far! Probably the most guys we have had out for baseball in the last five years. The weather was amazing which makes for a better night, it just felt like October/playoff baseball. We had the toss machine working at the beginning for those guys that wanted to see how far they could hit the ball.
Ted was in charge of the B.B.Q. and had the Menno cooked to perfection.
Kendall and Owen were the pitchers for the two teams, thanks guys! Not sure what the score was but I know that my team got beat.(I think this is a recurring theme.)
Next on the agenda was Bulldog. I have said it before and I'll say it again, Bulldog on the baseball field is probably the best of the year.(Excluding Alumni Night.) Dalton Shore started in the middle and with that many guys it takes a few rounds but in the end it was Sam S. beating Kaleb by the smallest of margins.(We had to consult the video replay.)
Random Thoughts,
1)Good to see Aaron Friesen out for the first time this year.
2)Thanks to the dads that came out to play.
3)Glad to see some new faces.
4)Sammy used Bruce's huge wooden bat.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Hard to believe that this will be the fifth year for Btln baseball! There is something about playing ball under the lights that makes you feel like a pro. Bring your glove and your appetite, there will be Mennonite sausage, hot chocolate and Pepsi. Come out early and stay late, you never know what will happen. (The Peanut Man)
Bring a friend, there is always room for one more!
Monday, October 05, 2009
September is always a big month, but this year it seemed bigger than ever. The month started with First Night and a trip to Boston Pizza. The second week brought the unveiling of the new t-shirts and the pool party. Next up was the trip to Vancouver to watch the Lions and the big win in The Director's Cup.(Back to back to back to back) Finally we had the presentation of this years Sergeant jersey to Sammy J. So many great memories and so many more to come!
There isn't any quit in Btln 3739, October will bring Baseball night under the lights and The Royal Rumble!
Sunday, October 04, 2009
I love the pictures in this collage, lots of good memories! We here at the blog pray that you will have a good birthday and great year! May God bless you again this year!
Ephesians 1:3 - Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Happy Birthday!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Congrats to Sam Jepsen on becoming the twenty-third Sergeant of Battalion 3739! Sam is the third Jepsen to become Sergeant of Btln 3739. Bruce was the third Sergeant in the 1983-84 season and Ben was the nineteenth Sergeant in the 2005-06 season. Sam Schiesser and Parker Steadman will be the Corporals this year. Thanks to Sammy, Sam and Parker for taking on a leadership role at Battalion, we couldn't do it without you!
Murderball was the game of the night, and you know that it never disappoints. My team never had much of a chance so we had Kaleb switch teams and things seemed to even out. Jeremy took a ball to the eye, so that also helped to even up the teams. Anyways, good times.
In the Bible study we talked about Gods faithfulness and how his faithfulness is not dependent on ours. God is completely faithful and in Revelation 19:11 he is called Faithful and True.(Isn't that the kind of friend that you want?)
2 Timothy 2:13 - If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.
It is Gods faithfulness that will save us.
1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Chris started in the middle for bulldog and after a few knockdowns it was down to Dalton and Cody with Dalton coming out on top. Nice work Dalton!
After the night was over we adjourned to the dubber for some snacks, I love hanging out at the end of the night. More good memories!
Almost forgot, we had our first Random Bible Check of the year, you never know when it will happen even if Maxwell thinks that there is a pattern.
Next week is Btln Baseball under the lights at James Donaldson Park. Dads are welcome!
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