Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It is amazing how much we could cram into 5 days, so many pictures that we needed two collages!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
I am still cleaning up all of the camping gear. I will post again soon, in the meantime enjoy these pictures from day 2!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
We are back from Creation 2009, so I thought that I would post a few pictures, enjoy! (There are more to come!)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We are less than twelve hours away from our departure to Creation 2009 and about twenty-four hours away from our first concert! The weather is never a problem at Creation, but I thought that I would take a look anyways. So once again it is going to be hovering around 100 degrees the whole week, and after a rainy Maylong that is exactly the kind of weather that I want!(Ya I know it didn't rain this year or last at the Maylong, but I love the hot weather anyways. Notice all of the zero's on the right?)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
this post goes out to lance, dan, ryley, sam, drew, david, max, zach and the dude from k town i have yet to meet!
So for those who dont know there are two stages at creation, the main stage which is in the gorge and the fringe stage which is usually set up by tooth and nail! on most occasions i enjoy more of the bands at the fringe stage and would love to see them on a bigger stage! anyway here are a few bands that i think would be worth checking out at the fringe stage!
1. Classic Crime

About 4 years ago when i went to creation fest the tooth and nail booth were selling any 4 cds for 20 bucks so i picked up the classic crime cd "Albatross" without ever hearing about them! on the trip home i popped it into lances cd player and became very happy with my purchase! Since then they have put out a ep and new album that are both amazing! i am very very very excited to see what these guys can do live this year!
2. John Reuben

Its no mystery that i am a huge John Reuben fan! i have seen him live about 4 times and always enjoyed watching his full band hip hop show! its been a few years now since john has appeared at the gorge and since then he has put out a couple of what i think are his best albums. he is very talented at getting the crowd into his shows and having fun! im very excited to see reuben again and get him to complete my collection of signed cds!
3. Ivoryline

Ivoryline was very much like classic crime in the way that i went out on a limb and bought their album without hearing a single song of theirs! like classic crime i enjoyed the album very much! they have a similar style as classic crime as a tooth and nail rock band, and i cant wait to see what these guys are like live!
4. The Showdown

The Showdown is really up in the air for me...i enjoy their music but most likely couldnt listen to their cds all day unlike relient k and john reuben. this will be one of the bands that i think would be cool to watch and check out and then maybe go back to the merch tent! but who knows maybe they will surprise me!
5. House of Heroes

The few songs i have of these guys on my itunes i cant seem to stop listening to, i dont own one of their albums but maybe its high time to change that! they are no doubt very talented and one of those bands in the christian music industry that doesnt sound like every other band out there! again these guys would be cool to check out and make a judgment call after a few songs!
well in my opinion these are the best bands playing at the fringe stage, but when it comes music everyone has a different opinion which is sweet! anyway cant wait to actually get going and seeing some shows! for those of you who are coming on the trip be at my house tues night at 8 for the night so that when wed rolls around lance can just come in the van to take us all down! peace out
-bent ;)
So for those who dont know there are two stages at creation, the main stage which is in the gorge and the fringe stage which is usually set up by tooth and nail! on most occasions i enjoy more of the bands at the fringe stage and would love to see them on a bigger stage! anyway here are a few bands that i think would be worth checking out at the fringe stage!
1. Classic Crime

About 4 years ago when i went to creation fest the tooth and nail booth were selling any 4 cds for 20 bucks so i picked up the classic crime cd "Albatross" without ever hearing about them! on the trip home i popped it into lances cd player and became very happy with my purchase! Since then they have put out a ep and new album that are both amazing! i am very very very excited to see what these guys can do live this year!
2. John Reuben

Its no mystery that i am a huge John Reuben fan! i have seen him live about 4 times and always enjoyed watching his full band hip hop show! its been a few years now since john has appeared at the gorge and since then he has put out a couple of what i think are his best albums. he is very talented at getting the crowd into his shows and having fun! im very excited to see reuben again and get him to complete my collection of signed cds!
3. Ivoryline

Ivoryline was very much like classic crime in the way that i went out on a limb and bought their album without hearing a single song of theirs! like classic crime i enjoyed the album very much! they have a similar style as classic crime as a tooth and nail rock band, and i cant wait to see what these guys are like live!
4. The Showdown

The Showdown is really up in the air for me...i enjoy their music but most likely couldnt listen to their cds all day unlike relient k and john reuben. this will be one of the bands that i think would be cool to watch and check out and then maybe go back to the merch tent! but who knows maybe they will surprise me!
5. House of Heroes

The few songs i have of these guys on my itunes i cant seem to stop listening to, i dont own one of their albums but maybe its high time to change that! they are no doubt very talented and one of those bands in the christian music industry that doesnt sound like every other band out there! again these guys would be cool to check out and make a judgment call after a few songs!
well in my opinion these are the best bands playing at the fringe stage, but when it comes music everyone has a different opinion which is sweet! anyway cant wait to actually get going and seeing some shows! for those of you who are coming on the trip be at my house tues night at 8 for the night so that when wed rolls around lance can just come in the van to take us all down! peace out
-bent ;)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
This post goes out to Lance, Dan, Ryley, Drew, David, Sammy, Max, Zack, and that other guy from k town i have yet to meet!
Now creation fest is basically my favorite week of the entire year! as you all know i love music, and going to creation fest is like my favorite thing...i dont know it just fits! maybe one day they will ask my advice for bands...in my dreams! anyway heres a rundown of what I think will be the best shows this year at Creation! (In order...roughly)
1. Relient K

From the last show i saw of these guys at Creation Fest and the last show i saw of News Boys its no wonder why Relient K will be the closing band for Creation Fest 2009. Not only do they have awesome catchy songs, they are hilarious on stage and play a sweet show! This trip will all be worth it if i only got to see RK!
2. Skillet

I havnt been listening to Skillet for very long, and to be honest i thought there first few albums were terrible! But the last few they have put out are amazing and some how they stepped up their game dramatically! last years Creation Fest i was excited to see how they would pull of the violin/hardcore rock show, and as soon as they opened with comatose i got shivers down my spine! i would imagine that even if they played the exact same show as last year i would be very happy!
3. Family Force Five

Now many would prolly disagree with me on this one, but im really hoping that these guys have the underdog type show that blows people away! they are no doubt a bunch of weirdos with a weird band name, (better then "the brothers" or "the phamily" however) but man do they have some sweet tunes! i think those of you going this year will be pleasantly surprised...but to each his own.
4. TFK

I have seen TFK around 7 times live and i seem to always go away dissatisfied, mainly cause they never play anything from their best album which is their first! however last years show made me think that they could turn it around! they added a new member to the band who plays keys which actually worked very well for them, and this year they are playing later than they ever have which means more stage time, and hopefully bigger show! im holding out for something big!
5. Hawk Nelson
Last year i hopped in the mosh pit with lance and the boys and noticed that i may have been one of the oldest in the mosh pit and as i looked around i saw a great number of teenage girls! haha then it all made sense after Hawk Nelson took the stage! now that being said they put on a sweet show and i love their music, you could tell that they were loving it on the stage and were just having a blast which is cool to see, and this year im hoping to see the same and hopefully a few extras!
6. Kutless

Another awesome band that i have seen a few times. they have some great songs, and i love a lot of their lyrics. they do an amazing job live especially vocally alas they dont seem to put one as much of a show as some bands that i have seen! Will they step it up this year?
7. Needtobreathe

A band prolly no one has heard of, but take my word for it they are good stuff! i have heard a few of their songs and hope to pick up their album this week at the gorge and what i have heard has blown me away! The lead singer has a very unique voice and from what i hear the members of the band are great musicians! im hoping these guys end up being one of the underdog bands that kinda take us by surprise!
8. 116 Clique feat Lecrae

This is the super house group consisting of Trip Lee, J'Son, Sho Baraka, FLAME, and Lecrae. I hope to get my Hip Hop fix from these talented Rappers (some of which are the most talented in the Christian music industry). I always enjoy a few rap shows over the creation week, they just now how to party and have fun! You know me and Sammy Jay will be swaying our hands back and forth all day! YE! YE! WHAT!?
Runners up, David Crowder Band, not my fav music but great show! Casting Crowns, an amazing worship band! Pillar, i just want to hear fireproof really! Group one crew, an amazing rap group. Sanctus Real, a great band that has never really made it big!
-bent ;)
Now creation fest is basically my favorite week of the entire year! as you all know i love music, and going to creation fest is like my favorite thing...i dont know it just fits! maybe one day they will ask my advice for bands...in my dreams! anyway heres a rundown of what I think will be the best shows this year at Creation! (In order...roughly)
1. Relient K

From the last show i saw of these guys at Creation Fest and the last show i saw of News Boys its no wonder why Relient K will be the closing band for Creation Fest 2009. Not only do they have awesome catchy songs, they are hilarious on stage and play a sweet show! This trip will all be worth it if i only got to see RK!
2. Skillet

I havnt been listening to Skillet for very long, and to be honest i thought there first few albums were terrible! But the last few they have put out are amazing and some how they stepped up their game dramatically! last years Creation Fest i was excited to see how they would pull of the violin/hardcore rock show, and as soon as they opened with comatose i got shivers down my spine! i would imagine that even if they played the exact same show as last year i would be very happy!
3. Family Force Five

Now many would prolly disagree with me on this one, but im really hoping that these guys have the underdog type show that blows people away! they are no doubt a bunch of weirdos with a weird band name, (better then "the brothers" or "the phamily" however) but man do they have some sweet tunes! i think those of you going this year will be pleasantly surprised...but to each his own.
4. TFK

I have seen TFK around 7 times live and i seem to always go away dissatisfied, mainly cause they never play anything from their best album which is their first! however last years show made me think that they could turn it around! they added a new member to the band who plays keys which actually worked very well for them, and this year they are playing later than they ever have which means more stage time, and hopefully bigger show! im holding out for something big!
5. Hawk Nelson

Last year i hopped in the mosh pit with lance and the boys and noticed that i may have been one of the oldest in the mosh pit and as i looked around i saw a great number of teenage girls! haha then it all made sense after Hawk Nelson took the stage! now that being said they put on a sweet show and i love their music, you could tell that they were loving it on the stage and were just having a blast which is cool to see, and this year im hoping to see the same and hopefully a few extras!
6. Kutless

Another awesome band that i have seen a few times. they have some great songs, and i love a lot of their lyrics. they do an amazing job live especially vocally alas they dont seem to put one as much of a show as some bands that i have seen! Will they step it up this year?
7. Needtobreathe

A band prolly no one has heard of, but take my word for it they are good stuff! i have heard a few of their songs and hope to pick up their album this week at the gorge and what i have heard has blown me away! The lead singer has a very unique voice and from what i hear the members of the band are great musicians! im hoping these guys end up being one of the underdog bands that kinda take us by surprise!
8. 116 Clique feat Lecrae

This is the super house group consisting of Trip Lee, J'Son, Sho Baraka, FLAME, and Lecrae. I hope to get my Hip Hop fix from these talented Rappers (some of which are the most talented in the Christian music industry). I always enjoy a few rap shows over the creation week, they just now how to party and have fun! You know me and Sammy Jay will be swaying our hands back and forth all day! YE! YE! WHAT!?
Runners up, David Crowder Band, not my fav music but great show! Casting Crowns, an amazing worship band! Pillar, i just want to hear fireproof really! Group one crew, an amazing rap group. Sanctus Real, a great band that has never really made it big!
-bent ;)
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Btln Bus is a reality! We picked it up on a twelve hour round trip to Surrey on Wednesday.(Did that make sense?) It is going to make all of our Btln road trips(The football trip, Creation, golf, B.P. trips and....) a lot easier and a lot more fun. The maiden voyage for the Bus will be next week when we go to Creation. Can't wait!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The torch is a replica of the Olympic Torch from 1896, the first of the modern Olympic Games, which were held in Athens. The torch was made in Greece and made the trip over the pond. It will be used at our Btln Olympics and other Btln events and will be displayed in the trophy case in the Locker room.
Like the Sword, the Torch represents God's word.
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I figured that I would give you a list of things to bring to Creation, and in no particular order they are .....
(1)Banana Boat
(2)Btln Medallions
(4)Air conditioned pants (OK they don't exist, but they should.)
(5)Sharpie (To obtain girls phone numbers, but if that doesn't work it can be used to get autographs.)
(6)Cash (For merch.)
(7)Shade tent
(8)Frisbee (For suicide Frisbee.)
(9)Hawaiian Punch, Pepsi, water.
(10)Ben Jepsen
(11)Miracle Whip (2 if Charlie is there.)
(12)The Ark
(14)Cowbell (Unfortunately Audio A. won't be there)
(16)Shoes (Going to be doing a lot of walking and jumping around.)
(17)Music (i-Pod or c.d.'s to brush up on your favourite bands songs)
(19)Guitar (We don't have to bring one but Matt Thiessen better not forget.)
(20)Sharp elbows (To work our way to the front of the mosh pit)
(22)Cargo net (To prevent loss of backpack or sleeping bag)
(24)Btln shirts
(25)Camera (Paparazzi?)
(26)Energy drink (To make it through Saturday night.)
(27)Btln flag(and flagpole)
(28)Btln Bus
(30)Chairs (In the Gorge to sit on the grass?)
(32)Ice (to be used with #9)
(33)1 block of cheese
(34)Voice (You know you're going to singing along)
(36)Free Hug shirt
(37)Other Btln Nation members (See #10.)
(39)Toothbrush (If you forget #38 or #39 you probably won't be able to use the Sharpie for girls phone numbers, see #5.)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Just like the N.H.L. off-season, it seems like nothing is going on and then all of a sudden there is all kinds of news! Yah I know waiting for news on this van was like waiting to find out if Mats Sundin was going to sign with the Canucks. Either do it, or just forget it, right? We have a deal in place, we just need to get down to the coast and pick it up! The van is a fifteen passenger, 2005 Chevrolet with only 66,000 Km! Thanks to Rick Rolleman for finding us this van!(That's two now, he also discovered the Yorkie Bar!) This van is going to be awesome for road trips, I can't wait!
More Btln news coming soon!
Monday, July 06, 2009
Just wanted to say that we here at the blog totally support the Pines and would like to encourage all the guys from Battalion 3739 to spend a week up at the Pines! Just a reminder, if you cannot afford to pay the registration fee we will pay it for you!(Three guys have already taken us up on this offer!)
TEEN CAMP ages 13-17 August 3-8
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Bulldog Music Presents "The 3739 Top 27 Most Anticipated of 2009" Also bands you NEED to check out! Part 5
6. Anberlin-Not likely to happen 2009

I was able to see these guys once at creation fest, and once in Regina! i have to say that both shows were amazing, and seeing them in a smaller venue in regina was actually really nice and they played an amazing show! Anberlin has been slowly winning the hearts of everyone Christian or not, and seem to always put out stellar albums! as of late though i haven't been too thrilled about them, due to the fact that they now claim they are not a Christian band whatever that really means, and due to the fact that their last album seemed very rushed and well not up to standard of their last 3! I await a good redemption cd to come out to make up for the poor showing of their last, but if you want to check out a good album by these guys, Never Take Friendship Personal is my fav for sure! it has sold more than any other album they have put out and was the album that got them big!
5. MxPx-In the works of writing since Jan 09

Its no secret that MxPx is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) "hey i go to youth group, and love punk music" bands of our generation. seeing these guys live at Creation Fest was absolutely amazing! they are a very talented and a very tight band. watching them on stage you can just tell they are having an amazing time together and no one can deny their simple yet catchy skills. because they have been on a label since 93 they have fans ranging over a 16 year span, making them a widely acceptable band for all! their last real good album in my opinion was "before everything and after", and i still await an album that rivals it, could #9 be the one? we'll see! and if you cant wait to find out go pick up their latest release "on the cover 2" where they take classics and put that certain MxPx spin on it ;) though some of us get older and allow to let our MxPx cds collect dust, i still get shivers hearing Mike ask me to go to a punk rock show! heck i aint got no place to go!
4. Relient K-Forget and Not Slow Down Oct. 6 2009

Relient K just may be the "New MxPx" so to speak. In some ways RK has been able to be as big as MxPx once was for this up and coming generation, and is now the staple "youth group punk band" so to speak. seeing these guys live is a great experience! they change up their show, have fun, and are absolutely amazing and funny all at the same time! With every new album it seems that they only continue to impress me more and each new album becomes my favorite! With new drummer Ethan Luck (O.C. Supertones if anyone remembers them) and guest vocals with Classic Crime, the album is off to a great start! this will be one you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS this year!
3. Switchfoot-Hello Hurricane October 2009, ALSO Vice Verses 2010

So if you did not know Switchfoot is one of the biggest Christian Rock Bands to date and they show no sign of stopping! As of late Jon Foreman has really been showing his talents by releasing 4 eps as well as a side band called "Fiction Family", all of which have been amazing! i have to say though it has been far too long since the last album and i think we are all good and ready for album #7! so be patient cause october is going to be a good month! RK and Switchfoot! this next album will be the first album they have released independently on their label "lowercase people records" so expect a slightly different sound as they may have a bit more freedom being on their own (listen to the last Jars of Clay for a good example of this).
2. Jars of Clay-"The Long Fall Back to Earth"-April 21 2009

Yes i fell asleep at the wheel, this cd is already out! none the less i still hold at #2 for most anticipated! if you have yet to pick this one up you need to get over to ebay and bid on a copy....or something! ha i have to say that this album is a lot different then most JOC albums! and the only real reason i can think of is the fact that they are jumping on the "independent record label" wagon! which can be both good and bad! as far as im concerned as long as these guys continue to make music i dont care!
1. Toby Mac-November 2009

Its not for sure but from what i could find there may be hope for album #4 in November! Toby Mac could be argued to be one of the biggest influences in Christian Music today. perhaps not with his solo career but with DC Talk for sure! every time i watch his band perform i wish they would go for a few hrs more! he surrounds himself with some of the most talented musicians out there and allows the entire band to show what they got! though it is a solo project, his band is no solo act! though i love every album he has put out, my fav to this day is still "Momentum" none the less any toby mac is good toby mac! also the man is 45! thats like as old as my dad! haha :)
Well that concludes this huge project! i hope you enjoyed it and maybe just maybe one person read them all! haha! keep it real guys!
Bulldog Music Presents "The 3739 Top 27 Most Anticipated of 2009" Also bands you NEED to check out! RECAP!!! *=updated info on bands release dates and titles!
1. Toby Mac-November 2009
2. Jars of Clay-"The Long Fall Back to Earth"-April 21 2009
3. Switchfoot-Hello Hurricane October 2009, ALSO Vice Verses 2010
4. Relient K-Forget and Not Slow Down Oct. 6 2009
5. MxPx-In the works of writing since Jan 09
6. Anberlin-Not likely to happen 2009
7. Blindside-very hopeful 2009 (im hopeful for a new album that is)
8. Emery-While broken hearts prevail (EP 2008) ...In Shallow Seas We Sail (2009)
9. Skillet-sometime 2009
10. FM Static-Dear Diary April 7 2009
11. Thousand Foot Krutch-"Welcome to the Masquerade" 2009
12. John Reuben-"Sex, Drugs, and Self Control" Dec. 2009*
13. Newsboys-"In The Hands Of God" May 5 2009
14. Third Day
15. The Almost-"Monster, Monster" Fall 2009*
16. Mute Math-Spotlight EP, 2009 Armistice Aug. 18 2009*
17. KJ-52-"52 Television
18. Dj Maj-Speculation 2009
19. Mae- "12 songs, 12 months, 1 goal" all of 2009
20. Tait- "Loveology" 2009?
21. Kmax (Kevin Max)-"Cotes d'Armor" sometime 2009
22. Hawk Nelson-Late 2009 (they are coming out with a remix cd this year as well)
23. Fiction Family-"Fiction Family" January 20, 2009
24. Fair-Untitled 2009*
25. Mat Kearney-"City Of Black And White" May 19th
26. Seabird-Speculation for new album
27. Ivoryline-Speculation for new album
stay tuned for "Bulldog Music, Creation Fest Edition!"
-bent ;)

I was able to see these guys once at creation fest, and once in Regina! i have to say that both shows were amazing, and seeing them in a smaller venue in regina was actually really nice and they played an amazing show! Anberlin has been slowly winning the hearts of everyone Christian or not, and seem to always put out stellar albums! as of late though i haven't been too thrilled about them, due to the fact that they now claim they are not a Christian band whatever that really means, and due to the fact that their last album seemed very rushed and well not up to standard of their last 3! I await a good redemption cd to come out to make up for the poor showing of their last, but if you want to check out a good album by these guys, Never Take Friendship Personal is my fav for sure! it has sold more than any other album they have put out and was the album that got them big!
5. MxPx-In the works of writing since Jan 09

Its no secret that MxPx is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) "hey i go to youth group, and love punk music" bands of our generation. seeing these guys live at Creation Fest was absolutely amazing! they are a very talented and a very tight band. watching them on stage you can just tell they are having an amazing time together and no one can deny their simple yet catchy skills. because they have been on a label since 93 they have fans ranging over a 16 year span, making them a widely acceptable band for all! their last real good album in my opinion was "before everything and after", and i still await an album that rivals it, could #9 be the one? we'll see! and if you cant wait to find out go pick up their latest release "on the cover 2" where they take classics and put that certain MxPx spin on it ;) though some of us get older and allow to let our MxPx cds collect dust, i still get shivers hearing Mike ask me to go to a punk rock show! heck i aint got no place to go!
4. Relient K-Forget and Not Slow Down Oct. 6 2009

Relient K just may be the "New MxPx" so to speak. In some ways RK has been able to be as big as MxPx once was for this up and coming generation, and is now the staple "youth group punk band" so to speak. seeing these guys live is a great experience! they change up their show, have fun, and are absolutely amazing and funny all at the same time! With every new album it seems that they only continue to impress me more and each new album becomes my favorite! With new drummer Ethan Luck (O.C. Supertones if anyone remembers them) and guest vocals with Classic Crime, the album is off to a great start! this will be one you WILL NOT WANT TO MISS this year!
3. Switchfoot-Hello Hurricane October 2009, ALSO Vice Verses 2010

So if you did not know Switchfoot is one of the biggest Christian Rock Bands to date and they show no sign of stopping! As of late Jon Foreman has really been showing his talents by releasing 4 eps as well as a side band called "Fiction Family", all of which have been amazing! i have to say though it has been far too long since the last album and i think we are all good and ready for album #7! so be patient cause october is going to be a good month! RK and Switchfoot! this next album will be the first album they have released independently on their label "lowercase people records" so expect a slightly different sound as they may have a bit more freedom being on their own (listen to the last Jars of Clay for a good example of this).
2. Jars of Clay-"The Long Fall Back to Earth"-April 21 2009

Yes i fell asleep at the wheel, this cd is already out! none the less i still hold at #2 for most anticipated! if you have yet to pick this one up you need to get over to ebay and bid on a copy....or something! ha i have to say that this album is a lot different then most JOC albums! and the only real reason i can think of is the fact that they are jumping on the "independent record label" wagon! which can be both good and bad! as far as im concerned as long as these guys continue to make music i dont care!
1. Toby Mac-November 2009

Its not for sure but from what i could find there may be hope for album #4 in November! Toby Mac could be argued to be one of the biggest influences in Christian Music today. perhaps not with his solo career but with DC Talk for sure! every time i watch his band perform i wish they would go for a few hrs more! he surrounds himself with some of the most talented musicians out there and allows the entire band to show what they got! though it is a solo project, his band is no solo act! though i love every album he has put out, my fav to this day is still "Momentum" none the less any toby mac is good toby mac! also the man is 45! thats like as old as my dad! haha :)
Well that concludes this huge project! i hope you enjoyed it and maybe just maybe one person read them all! haha! keep it real guys!
Bulldog Music Presents "The 3739 Top 27 Most Anticipated of 2009" Also bands you NEED to check out! RECAP!!! *=updated info on bands release dates and titles!
1. Toby Mac-November 2009
2. Jars of Clay-"The Long Fall Back to Earth"-April 21 2009
3. Switchfoot-Hello Hurricane October 2009, ALSO Vice Verses 2010
4. Relient K-Forget and Not Slow Down Oct. 6 2009
5. MxPx-In the works of writing since Jan 09
6. Anberlin-Not likely to happen 2009
7. Blindside-very hopeful 2009 (im hopeful for a new album that is)
8. Emery-While broken hearts prevail (EP 2008) ...In Shallow Seas We Sail (2009)
9. Skillet-sometime 2009
10. FM Static-Dear Diary April 7 2009
11. Thousand Foot Krutch-"Welcome to the Masquerade" 2009
12. John Reuben-"Sex, Drugs, and Self Control" Dec. 2009*
13. Newsboys-"In The Hands Of God" May 5 2009
14. Third Day
15. The Almost-"Monster, Monster" Fall 2009*
16. Mute Math-Spotlight EP, 2009 Armistice Aug. 18 2009*
17. KJ-52-"52 Television
18. Dj Maj-Speculation 2009
19. Mae- "12 songs, 12 months, 1 goal" all of 2009
20. Tait- "Loveology" 2009?
21. Kmax (Kevin Max)-"Cotes d'Armor" sometime 2009
22. Hawk Nelson-Late 2009 (they are coming out with a remix cd this year as well)
23. Fiction Family-"Fiction Family" January 20, 2009
24. Fair-Untitled 2009*
25. Mat Kearney-"City Of Black And White" May 19th
26. Seabird-Speculation for new album
27. Ivoryline-Speculation for new album
stay tuned for "Bulldog Music, Creation Fest Edition!"
-bent ;)
Thursday, July 02, 2009
It's birthday time again! There is just something about July birthdays, not sure why but everyone is tall.(Must be the summer air) May God continue to bless you as you have blessed us at Battalion! Anyways Happy Birthday guys!
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