Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Not trying to put any pressure on you Drew, but I need to know if you would like me to bring the flag to the grad ceremony. I don't know if I would have had the nerve to carry the flag at my grad. Either way you have represented Battalion 3739 well this year, we here at the Btln blog salute you!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The second half isn't any slower than the first, in fact if anything we pick it up in the second half! Winterslam started the second half followed by The Ping Pong Tourney, Brigade night(The 30th anniversary), Hockey Night at Battalion, spring football, The Masters, Last Night and The May Long. So much going on this year and we still have Creation 09! Not sure if we could do any more in a year, but we will try!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It is hard to believe how much we cram into four months. There is First Night, with a trip to B.P., the pool party, Btln baseball, the football trip(Director's Cup), The Royal Rumble, Btln Olympics, The Three B's and Alumni night, with a lot of murderball and bulldog thrown in between. To top it all off we built the Btln Locker Room in the first half! Can't wait until First Night!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
"Battalion Headquarters 3739" 503 posts and still Keppin' It Real!
well last week Lance told me that the next post would be post 500 and he wanted me to do it and i totally dropped the ball, but i figured i would still put something up!
Over the years Battalion has been growing bigger and bigger so i wanted to come up with some sort of time line and maybe Lance could put up the actual dates i just think its cool to see how far we have gone!
1. 1978 Battalion starts in Gospel Chapel
2. Al Martens receives Herald of Christ
3. A bunch of stuff happens that im not aware of cause im not even born yet
4. Lance takes over as captain of Battalion 3739
5. Battalion Olympics and ping pong are the two major events for battalion
6. The Memory work challenge is born (first year winners Calvin Peters and Devan England: Monster trucks)
7. 1999 Btln merch is born with the bulldog shirt
8. The Top Ten Reasons to Come to Battalion continues for Brigade night by various people leading it year after year and is still somehow funny
9. Boxing, wrestling, and golf are all new majors for 3739
10. Going to BP on the last night becomes tradition
11. We come up with a secret saying on the back of our shirts that you only find out when you graduate and after you read what it says you have to eat the paper! haha!
12. Creation Fest becomes the place to go for anyone who finishes the memory work!
13. 2006 the battalion blog is born
14. 2000? The CSB football trip starts out our year
15. Btln merch grows with the birth of the blue zip up hoodies, invented by Lance M, Joe K, and Ben J
16. 2006? Battalion Alumni Party is born
17. The piece of metal around the older guys' car mirrors is finally explained and is dubbed by Jason Hayashi as the "Battalion Medallion" and is no longer around car mirrors but around guys' necks
18. 2007 the helmet is introduced for the winner of bulldog
19. 2008 winston is awarded to the guy who wins the most helmets during the year
20. Ben and Jason make Btln merch for girls (more to come? one can hope!)
21. 2006 The three B's night is born (Bacon, BBQ, and Barqs) (and beans and battalion and whatever else starts with b)
22. The bulldog becomes the official mascot of 3739
23. 2007 the church gives us the go ahead for the btln room
24. 2008/2009 with the help of alumni and whoever could give a hand the btln room is born and continues to grow!
25. 2006 Maylong switches from a fishing competition to a crib competition
ok so im sure i forgot a lot of things well i know i did and its not in order but i put up some great memories! now its your turn! in the comments put up your favorite memories from the last 30 years and things that should be put on this list! lets make a time line guys!
Battalion 3739, 30 years and still keeping it real ;)
-bent ;)
Over the years Battalion has been growing bigger and bigger so i wanted to come up with some sort of time line and maybe Lance could put up the actual dates i just think its cool to see how far we have gone!
1. 1978 Battalion starts in Gospel Chapel
2. Al Martens receives Herald of Christ
3. A bunch of stuff happens that im not aware of cause im not even born yet
4. Lance takes over as captain of Battalion 3739
5. Battalion Olympics and ping pong are the two major events for battalion
6. The Memory work challenge is born (first year winners Calvin Peters and Devan England: Monster trucks)
7. 1999 Btln merch is born with the bulldog shirt
8. The Top Ten Reasons to Come to Battalion continues for Brigade night by various people leading it year after year and is still somehow funny
9. Boxing, wrestling, and golf are all new majors for 3739
10. Going to BP on the last night becomes tradition
11. We come up with a secret saying on the back of our shirts that you only find out when you graduate and after you read what it says you have to eat the paper! haha!
12. Creation Fest becomes the place to go for anyone who finishes the memory work!
13. 2006 the battalion blog is born
14. 2000? The CSB football trip starts out our year
15. Btln merch grows with the birth of the blue zip up hoodies, invented by Lance M, Joe K, and Ben J
16. 2006? Battalion Alumni Party is born
17. The piece of metal around the older guys' car mirrors is finally explained and is dubbed by Jason Hayashi as the "Battalion Medallion" and is no longer around car mirrors but around guys' necks
18. 2007 the helmet is introduced for the winner of bulldog
19. 2008 winston is awarded to the guy who wins the most helmets during the year
20. Ben and Jason make Btln merch for girls (more to come? one can hope!)
21. 2006 The three B's night is born (Bacon, BBQ, and Barqs) (and beans and battalion and whatever else starts with b)
22. The bulldog becomes the official mascot of 3739
23. 2007 the church gives us the go ahead for the btln room
24. 2008/2009 with the help of alumni and whoever could give a hand the btln room is born and continues to grow!
25. 2006 Maylong switches from a fishing competition to a crib competition
ok so im sure i forgot a lot of things well i know i did and its not in order but i put up some great memories! now its your turn! in the comments put up your favorite memories from the last 30 years and things that should be put on this list! lets make a time line guys!
Battalion 3739, 30 years and still keeping it real ;)
-bent ;)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thanks to all of the dads that could make it out to the May Long! It wouldn't be the same without you!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
MAY LONG 2009 - KEEPIN' IT REAL! (Battalion Headquarters 3739 500th post!)
What a weekend! Two years in a row with no rain! Two years in a row without setting up a tarp! How warm was it? I was pantsless all weekend long(I was wearing shorts). So many highlights, not sure where to start. Here are some random highlights.
(1)Aaron, Ben and I were "Keepin' it real" all weekend long, we heard the birds chirping before we went to bed every night. Sunday night we had Ryley, Jeremy, Jason, Drew and d-Pod helping us to "Keep it real". I love talking about old times, that's why the camp fires and the hot tub are my favourites.
(2)The crib tourney was a lot of fun, Derek(Drew and Rik's dad) and Jim(Josh's dad) beat Aaron and Ben in the final to take the title in the forth annual Btln May Long Crib Tourney.
(3)We played poker three times and Risk once along with a whole lot of crib.
(4)Ryley(The human highlight) ate a moth and a water beetle, the water beetle was huge, you could hear it crunch when he bit into it, still can't believe that he ate it.
(5)We played paintball and I shot Jason in the back. Highlight for sure!
(6)The out of towners making the trip to the May Long (Geoff Martens, Rick Heppner, Josh Trainer, Walter Hayashi, Devan England, Dallas England)
(7)The Baconator. (Steve and Blake brought one out)
(8)Two new outhouses!
Many more highlights, I just can't think of them now, to much "Keepin' it real"!
So much fun, can't wait until next year! May 21-24, 2010. Only 366 days!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
One thing we are all guilty of, is packing to much stuff out to the May Long. Problem is once you have brought something(For example the deep fryer) it is hard to leave it at home. We have tried to downsize but it is not going to happen. Our gear is literally a boat load. Love all of the Coleman camping supplies!
tent & tarp
cot, sleeping bag, pillow
Coleman kitchen
slow cooker
propane tank & propane tree
deep fryer
hot tub
paintball gun
crib board & cards
fishing pole
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I have memories of Rob Klassen coming out to the May Long with a cooler that was so small that you could hardly carry your lunch in it, even worse it was filled with celery and carrot sticks. I also remember Tyrone Gill coming out with a pound of hamburger. Bruce Jepsen is legendary for bringing out a bag of oatmeal his first year.(It was his only food.)
Four or five meals a day is common, with snacks in between. Make sure that you have enough food and Pepsi!(We always seem to run out of Pepsi.)
hot dogs
Mennonite sausage
bacon and eggs
one block of cheese
cinnamon buns
hash browns
roll kuchen, Rogers golden syrop and watermelon
coconut fingers
trail mix
D.Q. fries
Fishing is as much a part of the May Long as Cribbage and eating four or fives meal a day. I wonder how many hours have been spent in a boat trolling for kokanee? Anyways it looks like the fishing is going to be good, just don't forget to buy your fishing license.
Only three more days until the May Long.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Good news on the May Long front, Dallas and Devan England will be coming out to the May Long this year! It's been a while since we have seen Devan and Dallas at the May Long, it will be like old times! Love it when the Alumni are still excited to be a part of Battalion!
I have as much trouble picking my favourite thing to do at the May Long as Bent does picking his favourite band. (Is it Relient K, Jars of Clay, P.O.D., M.X.P.X. or Weird Al?) With this being said the hot tub at the May Long is one of my favourites! Nothing like soaking in the tub with a Pepsi. Only four more days until the May Long!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Walk Of Life
You know when you get really excited for the may long camp out? You finished your shopping, bought a new crib board, bought a new tent and a ready to rumble. You get so excited in fact that when it's saturday you get sick and have to go home. Thats the walk of life.(Benny J knows all to well about this one.)
-DJ Zej
-DJ Zej
Friday, May 08, 2009
Crib has been a part of the May Long from the very beginning, but this will be the forth year that we have had an organized Crib tourney. Some of my best May Long memories are playing crib with burger in hand.
Only 7 more days until the May Long. This time next week I will be at Treadmill playing Crib!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
That's right it is only eight days to go until May Long 2009! Thought that I would post the pictures from last years May Long, good memories, can't wait to make some more!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
We are now only nine days away from the May Long and the weather report keeps getting better! It looks like we will have above normal temperatures without rain! Could we really have two dry years in a row?
Time to pull out the camping gear and and dust it off! Only nine more days!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

It's hard to remember what the room looked like when we started, so I thought I would post a couple of pictures so we could see how far we have come! We first had permission to build the room back on November 13 2007,(This is the original post)but we did not start building until August 30 2008. In eight months we have transformed these rooms into a home for Battalion 3739! Thanks to everyone that helped!(I am afraid of forgetting someone so I won't mention any names. God will not forget the good work you have done!) Some helped with their time and skill and others with their money, thanks to all! We can also thank the Elders of the Gospel Chapel for letting us build this room!
Is the room done? Actually we are just getting started. We are only limited by our imaginations.
Anyways take a look at the pictures and see the transformation of our Locker Room!
Monday, May 04, 2009
This is the fourteen day trend for Christina Lake. We will be at Treadmill from the 15th to the 18th. It's looking a little cool, but dry. Don't forget this is only a trend and not the forecast, so it could get better!
Only 11 days until The May Long!
Seven birthdays in May at Btln 3739, three guys that are still in high school and four Alumni. Can you believe that it is May already and almost time for the May Long? Anyways we here at the blog pray that you would have a good year and that you would continue to grow closer to God! Happy Birthday!
Tyler Hanson - May 7
Derek Taylor - May 7
Brad Pauls - May 9
Joel Feenstra - May 21
Rik Brown - May 23
Cody Harp - May 29
Sam Schiesser - May 31
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