Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Just another quick reminder that Battalion is at the high school playing football this week. Be at the school at 6:30 p.m. Defense of the Director's Cup begins now! (Howard Pike if you are reading this we are starting to practise this week!)
Monday, March 30, 2009
It's that time of year again! Spring football at Battalion! Can't believe that spring is finally here, anyways Battalion is meeting at the high school field on Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. We will be playing either touch or flag football(not decided yet). Like other years we will go back to the church after we are done playing football for squad meetings and council ring.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
We found some old Brigade slides that we have converted into pictures, just thought that I would share a couple with you. Do you recognize anyone?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
There were a lot of good moments tonight. Just look at the picture of Chris wearing shorts on the ice, who does that? Thanks to Cody and Jeremy for playing net, it gave me a chance to play out.(It was the most fun I've had playing hockey at Battalion) The teams were very closely matched and we had exactly two lines for both teams, so everyone had a lot of ice time. After hockey we did something that we haven't done before at the arena, we played Bulldog between the blue lines. (Jeremy thought that the shootout wasn't worthy of the Helmet) We played with the flags, cause even for Battalion sharp skates and a lack of helmets is a little too dangerous to have guys tackling and trying to lift each other up on the ice. The last two guys in B-dog were Drew and Seth, with Drew having a little more forward progress than Seth to take the win! Congrats to Drew on his forth Helmet of the 2008/09 season!
DREW BROWN - 4 Helmets and 1 Major
DAVID PODOVINIKOFF - 3 Helmets and 1 Major
SAMMY JEPSEN - 3 Helmets
STEVEN FEENSTRA - 2 Helmets and 1 Major
ZAC GOBBETT - 2 Helmets
PARKER STEADMAN - 1 Helmet and 1 Major
ANDREW EYRE - 1 Helmet
Almost forgot, thanks to Iris for the free drinks!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hockey night this week at Battalion! Battalion has the G.F. Arena rented from 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., make sure to remember the 8:30 start time. If you don't have skates there are free rentals and there will be extra sticks. There will also be free hot chocolate and free Pepsi after we are done. One other thing we need someone to play net,(we have equipment)so if you want to play in goal leave me a note in the comments.
I guess I gave too much information, cause Joe figured it out after only 4 clues. Samuel was the answer. Nice work Joe, Bible college is making a difference! It needs to be more challenging next time. Anyways the next two clues would have been.
CLUE #5 - I killed the king of the Amalekites.
CLUE #6 - I am from the tribe of Ephraim.
Monday, March 23, 2009
All right Bent, we will narrow it down a bit. You can't figure it out on the first post! Good answer Ryley, not the one that I was looking for, but it still would have made sense up to this point.
CLUE #3 - I am my mother's first born.
CLUE #4 - I was a judge in Israel.
So we are going to try "Who am I" again. The same rules apply as last time, you will be allowed two guesses total, but only one guess per post. Again there will be one or two clues every day until someone gets the right answer. Leave your answers in the comments. Also write your name when you leave an answer. We will start with two clues.
CLUE #1 - I am a Bible character.
CLUE #2 - My Life story is in the Old Testament.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Bulldog Music Presents "The 3739 Top 27 Most Anticipated of 2009" Also bands you NEED to check out! Part 3
15. The Almost-Speculation 2009

One of the greatest solo projects i have heard (along with Jon Foreman). Aaron Gillespie the drummer and singer (one of them) from underoath has put out a very stellar album! not as heavy as underoath but still makes you want to mosh or play hardcore sports or something! haha the best part is he meshes a couple of great slow songs as well covering amazing grace and adding some personal touch, is hands down my favorite song on the album! since he does a lot with underoath im not really expecting anything too soon but one can hope!
14. Third Day

One of the greatest all time Christian bands has never really disappointed me and seems to improve as time goes on! not really the same kind of band that i have listed so far, Third Day is more of a worship Christ centered band and they do it very well! in the Christian music scene there are all types of varieties but it seems that every Christian band has or will be putting out a worship cd which is all fine and good but the ones who have done it best and maybe even started it was these guys! their newest cd revelation came out last summer so im not really expecting anything but maybe telling you to go get that album!
13. Newsboys-"In The Hands Of God" May 5 2009

So if your mind hasnt been blown this year then maybe it will be after you find out that DC Talk's Michael Tait is now the lead singer for Newsboys! as of now hes just doing tours while Pete writes and makes albums and spends time at home and occasionally join Tait and the boys on the road! but still Tait? im a huge Tait fan and love his voice but this would be just weird to see! Maybe Kmax will join Jars of Clay or something! ha DC Boys! anyway it may be good i suppose if anyone should replace Pete it should be Tait and thus far fans are loving it! haha anyway their new album in May will not feature Tait though i wish it would just to hear what it would sound like! the 4 times i have seen these guys they have put on a great show (save one) and its always a blast to see them play! one of the greatest all time Christian bands is definitely worth checking out! if you have not been listening to shine and breakfast or many other great hits then you have to! going public is a great album among many, i wasnt a huge fan of the worship cds they made (again stick to Third Day for that) but they still and always will be one of the greatest!
12. John Reuben-"Untitled" 2009

Without a doubt my favorite rapper and in my top 5 all time favorite bands, John Reuben never disappoints! Since his first album he has matured a lot and become even better as time goes on! his last 2 albums have been amazing and shown his talent and diversity using a plethora ("would you say i had a plethora?"-3 Amigos) of different sounds! one of the greatest things about john reuben is he actually has a band not a dj or cd player dropping beats! i loved his shows and how funny he was up on stage! i love his sense of humor and see him use it in very affective ways throughout his music! i can not wait to hear what he has in store! if you have not heard anything by John go get "The Boy vs. Cynic" you wont be disappointed!
11. Thousand Foot Krutch-"Welcome to the Masquerade" 2009

TFK was a band i absolutely loved then wasnt sure about then loved then wasnt sure about and now love! ha i have always enjoyed their music but every time they put out a cd im hoping for something similar to "set if off" and everytime its not ha! none the less these guys have put out some great stuff and i always enjoy their albums! since they are the staple Canadian Christian band i have seen them at every Christian Canadian event (YQ, Creation Fest, Rush) too many times and grew tired of their show! but last summer at Creation Fest i was very pleased with their show since they played some old stuff and added a key board player who was actually very good! so i am excited to hear "welcome to the masquerade"
-bent ;)

One of the greatest solo projects i have heard (along with Jon Foreman). Aaron Gillespie the drummer and singer (one of them) from underoath has put out a very stellar album! not as heavy as underoath but still makes you want to mosh or play hardcore sports or something! haha the best part is he meshes a couple of great slow songs as well covering amazing grace and adding some personal touch, is hands down my favorite song on the album! since he does a lot with underoath im not really expecting anything too soon but one can hope!
14. Third Day

One of the greatest all time Christian bands has never really disappointed me and seems to improve as time goes on! not really the same kind of band that i have listed so far, Third Day is more of a worship Christ centered band and they do it very well! in the Christian music scene there are all types of varieties but it seems that every Christian band has or will be putting out a worship cd which is all fine and good but the ones who have done it best and maybe even started it was these guys! their newest cd revelation came out last summer so im not really expecting anything but maybe telling you to go get that album!
13. Newsboys-"In The Hands Of God" May 5 2009

So if your mind hasnt been blown this year then maybe it will be after you find out that DC Talk's Michael Tait is now the lead singer for Newsboys! as of now hes just doing tours while Pete writes and makes albums and spends time at home and occasionally join Tait and the boys on the road! but still Tait? im a huge Tait fan and love his voice but this would be just weird to see! Maybe Kmax will join Jars of Clay or something! ha DC Boys! anyway it may be good i suppose if anyone should replace Pete it should be Tait and thus far fans are loving it! haha anyway their new album in May will not feature Tait though i wish it would just to hear what it would sound like! the 4 times i have seen these guys they have put on a great show (save one) and its always a blast to see them play! one of the greatest all time Christian bands is definitely worth checking out! if you have not been listening to shine and breakfast or many other great hits then you have to! going public is a great album among many, i wasnt a huge fan of the worship cds they made (again stick to Third Day for that) but they still and always will be one of the greatest!
12. John Reuben-"Untitled" 2009

Without a doubt my favorite rapper and in my top 5 all time favorite bands, John Reuben never disappoints! Since his first album he has matured a lot and become even better as time goes on! his last 2 albums have been amazing and shown his talent and diversity using a plethora ("would you say i had a plethora?"-3 Amigos) of different sounds! one of the greatest things about john reuben is he actually has a band not a dj or cd player dropping beats! i loved his shows and how funny he was up on stage! i love his sense of humor and see him use it in very affective ways throughout his music! i can not wait to hear what he has in store! if you have not heard anything by John go get "The Boy vs. Cynic" you wont be disappointed!
11. Thousand Foot Krutch-"Welcome to the Masquerade" 2009

TFK was a band i absolutely loved then wasnt sure about then loved then wasnt sure about and now love! ha i have always enjoyed their music but every time they put out a cd im hoping for something similar to "set if off" and everytime its not ha! none the less these guys have put out some great stuff and i always enjoy their albums! since they are the staple Canadian Christian band i have seen them at every Christian Canadian event (YQ, Creation Fest, Rush) too many times and grew tired of their show! but last summer at Creation Fest i was very pleased with their show since they played some old stuff and added a key board player who was actually very good! so i am excited to hear "welcome to the masquerade"
-bent ;)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
So Bent guessed Aaron Friesen and that was the right answer, but up to this point Nathan Klassen, Justin Thompson and Jordon Walsh would still have made sense. The next clues were going to be.
CLUE #5 - My brother-in-law was a Sergeant.
CLUE #6 - I am married.
Congrats to Ben, and sorry dude there is no iPod. We will have to do this again.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Part three of Btln "Who am I" and for starters Joe, Dan, Ryley and Owen are all wrong. One clue tonight and two tomorrow.
CLUE #4 - I have won a Btln Major.(The Btln Majors are Ping Pong, Olympics, Boxing, Wrestling and Golf)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Here is clue number 3, this should narrow it down a bit.
CLUE #3 - I have lived in Kelowna.
Monday, March 16, 2009
So we thought that we would try something new here on the blog. This is "Who am I", your goal is to figure out who this person is. There will be one or two clues every day for the next week, if you think that you know who this person is, leave your guess in the comments(Everyone is allowed two guesses).
CLUE #1 - I am part of the Btln Nation.
CLUE #2 - I was born in the 1980's.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Well for starters I'm sorry that this is late. I promised Sage that this would be up on Thursday and that was what I had planned but sometimes things just don't work out. Anyways here are the Btln Birthdays for March. Happy Birthday guys! We know that God has something good in store for your lives this year. We can be thankful that when God promises or plans something he always follows through!
SAGE - MARCH 12 (sorry can't remember last name)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Bulldog Music Presents "The 3739 Top 27 Most Anticipated of 2009" Also bands you NEED to check out! Part 2
20. Tait- "Loveology" 2009?

Now this ones a bit weird! haha as all you Battalion Headquarter readers know Tait is now the lead singer of Newsboys. which is really cool, but for the last year we have all been waiting for Taits third solo album "Loveology." as of now i am not sure if he is done with his solo days or if while touring with newsboys he will continue to write his own stuff! As of now all i know is hes touring with newsboys to do road shows while Peter Furler stays at home writing and recording albums for Newsboys and occasionally joining shows. so i have no idea if Tait will even be featured on upcoming albums or not. in my mind after the release of the new newsboys album in may Tait will be featured with Peter on albums but who knows! all i can say is i hope Loveology finally comes out! Tait has without a doubt an amazing voice and is always a treat to listen to!
19. Mae- "12 songs, 12 months, 1 goal" all of 2009

Mae is another one of those bands i would love to see live! every album they have put out i absolutely love! Their last album was put out on Capitol Records which is one of the biggest record labels in the history of record labels but are now without a label! the album on capitol in my opinion was great, a bit different from previous stuff with some more diversity and a little more heavy than usual but still great! other mae fans that i know however did not enjoy their last album and i guess the record label didnt either! none the less these guys are not done! they are currently working a year long project called 12 songs, 12 months, 1 goal. Each month during 2009, they will be bringing you a new Mae song! When you visit whatismae.com, you will be able to stream the music for free. Every song will be available as a digital download for a min. donation of $1. all of the profits from digital downloads will go to fund humanitarian projects. i love this idea and at the end of this year you can buy all the songs on actual cds! i have heard some of the new stuff and of course think its awesome! if you want to check out mae at its best though go and do yourself a favor and buy "The Everglow" simply amazing and hands down their best work!
18. Dj Maj-Speculation 2009

So its been awhile since Maj has put out anything on his own which is understandable since he is apart of "The Diverse City Band" which is the collective team of Toby Mac. none the less Maj has some sweet stuff out if your down for some phat beats! i love the talent that Maj pulls for his albums and its always a treat to hear! if you have ever been blessed enough to see "The Diverse City Band" you know how cool it is when Maj is given the stage to go free style with his turn tables. on top of having the skills to move the vinyl Maj also has a great voice and plays a mean trombone! my favorite album of his is boogiroot, so if we dont see anything new from him this year go and check that album out!
17. KJ-52-"52 Television

KJ has one of the most laid back and funniest concerts i have ever seen! i have seen him a few times and most times love watching him go up on stage! many call him the white Eminem of Christian rap and though there are similarities there are many things that are very different. seeing him talk and sing about God and talking to him in person it is very obvious that this man radiates Gods love and is the biggest reason he is singing and putting out albums! it seems that every album KJ puts out gets better and im very excited to see what this upcoming album has to offer! on top of it all KJ has been trying to reach out to people and even get in touch with Eminem. and though he has had no success in doing so he has talked a lot with his ex-wife. through all of that this past year VH1 voted his song "Dear Slim" to be one of the top 40 most embarrassing moments of hip hop history, and of course they took the song and made it out to sound and look the way they wanted it to! even though on the outside they tore him to pieces i would have to say getting on VH1 may have helped even more not only getting his name out but showing that he truly is trying.
16. Mute Math-Spotlight EP, 2009 Upcoming Second Album - Summer 2009

the year was 2006 the venue was YQ and i saw one of the greatest shows i have EVER seen in my life. though Lance argues with me i would say that Mute Math puts on a show that rivals Switchfoot, Audio Adrenaline, Relient K, and Toby Mac. i remember watching their show with Chester that year having no idea who they were and being blown away by how amazing these guys were! still no one seems to take a real interest in this band past myself, i actually dont know anyone in the BTLN Nation that listen to these guys and its a real shame! their music is super high energy, very diverse, and a lot of fun! they made a song for the transformers soundtrack, and even invented their own instrument that makes sounds depending on how much pressure and where your touch it called the "Reset". ha its awesome! anyway i CAN NOT wait to hear their new stuff this summer and i highly recommend checking these guys out! check out the videos below! the first one the singer actually mouthed the words backwards so it would work on the video which has been done i know but still really cool!
think im trying to say something? LISTEN TO MUTE MATH!
-bent ;)

Now this ones a bit weird! haha as all you Battalion Headquarter readers know Tait is now the lead singer of Newsboys. which is really cool, but for the last year we have all been waiting for Taits third solo album "Loveology." as of now i am not sure if he is done with his solo days or if while touring with newsboys he will continue to write his own stuff! As of now all i know is hes touring with newsboys to do road shows while Peter Furler stays at home writing and recording albums for Newsboys and occasionally joining shows. so i have no idea if Tait will even be featured on upcoming albums or not. in my mind after the release of the new newsboys album in may Tait will be featured with Peter on albums but who knows! all i can say is i hope Loveology finally comes out! Tait has without a doubt an amazing voice and is always a treat to listen to!
19. Mae- "12 songs, 12 months, 1 goal" all of 2009

Mae is another one of those bands i would love to see live! every album they have put out i absolutely love! Their last album was put out on Capitol Records which is one of the biggest record labels in the history of record labels but are now without a label! the album on capitol in my opinion was great, a bit different from previous stuff with some more diversity and a little more heavy than usual but still great! other mae fans that i know however did not enjoy their last album and i guess the record label didnt either! none the less these guys are not done! they are currently working a year long project called 12 songs, 12 months, 1 goal. Each month during 2009, they will be bringing you a new Mae song! When you visit whatismae.com, you will be able to stream the music for free. Every song will be available as a digital download for a min. donation of $1. all of the profits from digital downloads will go to fund humanitarian projects. i love this idea and at the end of this year you can buy all the songs on actual cds! i have heard some of the new stuff and of course think its awesome! if you want to check out mae at its best though go and do yourself a favor and buy "The Everglow" simply amazing and hands down their best work!
18. Dj Maj-Speculation 2009

So its been awhile since Maj has put out anything on his own which is understandable since he is apart of "The Diverse City Band" which is the collective team of Toby Mac. none the less Maj has some sweet stuff out if your down for some phat beats! i love the talent that Maj pulls for his albums and its always a treat to hear! if you have ever been blessed enough to see "The Diverse City Band" you know how cool it is when Maj is given the stage to go free style with his turn tables. on top of having the skills to move the vinyl Maj also has a great voice and plays a mean trombone! my favorite album of his is boogiroot, so if we dont see anything new from him this year go and check that album out!
17. KJ-52-"52 Television

KJ has one of the most laid back and funniest concerts i have ever seen! i have seen him a few times and most times love watching him go up on stage! many call him the white Eminem of Christian rap and though there are similarities there are many things that are very different. seeing him talk and sing about God and talking to him in person it is very obvious that this man radiates Gods love and is the biggest reason he is singing and putting out albums! it seems that every album KJ puts out gets better and im very excited to see what this upcoming album has to offer! on top of it all KJ has been trying to reach out to people and even get in touch with Eminem. and though he has had no success in doing so he has talked a lot with his ex-wife. through all of that this past year VH1 voted his song "Dear Slim" to be one of the top 40 most embarrassing moments of hip hop history, and of course they took the song and made it out to sound and look the way they wanted it to! even though on the outside they tore him to pieces i would have to say getting on VH1 may have helped even more not only getting his name out but showing that he truly is trying.
16. Mute Math-Spotlight EP, 2009 Upcoming Second Album - Summer 2009

the year was 2006 the venue was YQ and i saw one of the greatest shows i have EVER seen in my life. though Lance argues with me i would say that Mute Math puts on a show that rivals Switchfoot, Audio Adrenaline, Relient K, and Toby Mac. i remember watching their show with Chester that year having no idea who they were and being blown away by how amazing these guys were! still no one seems to take a real interest in this band past myself, i actually dont know anyone in the BTLN Nation that listen to these guys and its a real shame! their music is super high energy, very diverse, and a lot of fun! they made a song for the transformers soundtrack, and even invented their own instrument that makes sounds depending on how much pressure and where your touch it called the "Reset". ha its awesome! anyway i CAN NOT wait to hear their new stuff this summer and i highly recommend checking these guys out! check out the videos below! the first one the singer actually mouthed the words backwards so it would work on the video which has been done i know but still really cool!
think im trying to say something? LISTEN TO MUTE MATH!
-bent ;)
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