Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Ted has kept some of the old programs for Brigade night, this is the oldest one that he has. How many names do you recognize? This is the only one that has all of the boys names.
Tyler sent me these pictures, this is the first draft. The dog needs a dog tag that says 3739 or Btln. Tell us what you think, leave comments. Hope you like it, remember changes can be made.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
As I write this the blog is at 19,776 visitors since September 20 2006! That is more people than can fit into G.M. Place!
If you see 20,000 visits on our blog and can prove it(take a picture)your name will be entered into a draw for an 8GB iPod nano. There might only be one person that will see 20,000 or it could be a few guys, whatever the case all of the names will be put into the draw. Who is eligible? Anyone who is a part of the Btln Nation. This is our way of saying thank you for supporting the blog. Almost forgot, everyone who does see 20,000(and can prove it)will win a meal at Dairy Queen.(besides the draw) Good luck!
Another amazing night at Battalion. Before I say anymore Congrats to Steve on back to back Winterslam Championships! Winning one is tough enough, usually the second year everyone gangs up on the reigning Champion but Steve was able to get it done. In the Lightweight division Spencer has back to back wins in the ring. (Spencer won the Wrestling Lightweight division) We started the night with Darth Vader's theme music and ended with the Star Wars theme, if these songs don't get you pumped up nothing will. 27 guys competed for the title, the light weight division was a little slow at times but if we can get two more sets of gloves I think that both divisions will have less standing in the corner and more fighting. There were a lot of big hits tonight, more than I can remember from past Winterslams. Anyways thanks to Sammy and Charlie for helping set up, and to Cam for setting up the sound(and running the sound). Also thanks to Aaron for the great pictures.(I love the overhead shot from the backboard, it is amazing)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Winterslam is the third major of the Btln 3739 season. Drew took the Royal Rumble and D-pod is the Olympic Champion. So who will win the belt? Steve is the reigning Winterslam Champion. Will he repeat or will someone take it away from him? (Drew, D-pod, Kevin, Sam and Sammy?)Can't wait to find out. Again like last year there will be two divisions, lightweight and heavyweight. Make sure to come early Wednesday night.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Bulldog Music Reviews News

well i just checked the top 25 most anticipated albums of 2009 on http://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/features/highlights/2009 and if you love music then i recommend heading over to that link and checking out the list. i have to say i wasnt overly impressed by the list they came up with and im considering making my own list for the blog but i want to know what albums YOU are looking forward to hearing in 2009! leave a comment and it can help make the list! if you need help head over to www.jesusfreakhideout.com and check out the release dates of 2009 they have listed, it may help!
in other music news i am also working on a list of bands at creation fest that are worth checking out and what kind of fans they draw and any info i can think of, so if your doing the memory work this could be good to check out, no promises when i will finish it since im getting very busy out here in the flat lands but ill do my best! as always keep it real!
-bent ;)
So you're thinking to yourself, I can see that Stevie won the helmet(congrats to Stevie)but why is Mike's picture on the blog? Last night we played Mike! The atmosphere in the gym was awesome, the guys were pumped for Mike. One of my all-time favourite games,(it was invented by Mike)Jeremy and I were laughing the whole time Mike was being played. Drew's team jumped out to an early lead, but was caught at the end by Steve's team and Blake's team. There was only one point separating the three teams, but in the end Drew's team pulled it out. (The fourth team never did catch up.)
Jeremy led the Bible study and one of the passages that he used was
2 Chronicles 16:9a - For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
God is searching the earth looking for people that want to serve him so that he can help them out. This doesn't mean that everything will be easy for us. God will allow some things in our lives to help us grow, but he is ready to help us when we ask him.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
We started Bulldog with the strobe but once we got to the end it was a little to dangerous and way to difficult to grab the big guys so we ended with the lights on.
I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to start saying their verses and then last night we had quite a few. I think Zac set a record for most points in one night, he had 151 points by the end of the night! Here are the point totals for the verses.
There is plenty of time left if you have not started, and it will definitely be worth the work.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
November 20, 2006 Bent interviewed Joe in what was originally called Veteran's Day. Now it is time to take a look back at some of the questions that Joe answered. I am going to give you ten of the questions that Bent asked and see if you can remember or figure out what Joe answered. Check your answers with the original post and leave your score in the feedback.
(1)Who is your all time favourite band?
(2)What is your favourite sport?
(3)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(4)Who is your favourite super hero?
(5)Who do you think would win a fight between Indiana Jones and Todd Bertuzzi?
(6)What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi? (Everyone should get at least one right)
(7)What is your ultimate dream?
(8)Where were you born?
(9)Who is your favourite Bible character?
(10)What is your favourite Bible verse?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Bulldog Music Reviews

1. "Count Me In" – 4:06
2. "Let It Out Now" – 3:34*
3. "Enter This Temple" – 3:21
4. "Opposite Way" – 3:40*
5. "Wake Up" – 3:07*
6. "Beginning And The End" – 3:09*
7. "Brighter Days" – 3:42
8. "Falling For You" – 3:41
9. "Don't Go Away" – 3:35
10. "Thief in the Night" – 4:22
11. "May Our Praise" – 4:21
Well its been a long time i know. the fact of the matter is i just haven't bought any cds for a long time which is good cause it saves me money but over christmas i broke down and bought 11 cds so it doesnt seem to matter that i took a break from buying music! in my defence i got them all super cheap hurray american economy and boxing day (by the way its a joke i hope america and canada's economy picks up soon!)
this one goes out to my man Ryley one of the only Leeland fans i know! Leeland is one of those bands that kind of takes you by surprise, I bought there first cd when it came out not knowing anything about it or what they sounded like, i was just looking for something new to listen to and i was pleasantly surprised by the jem that i had found! The only thing that i knew about this band was that they were on essential records which was also the home for jars of clay (they now are on Gray Matters which is their own independent label), third day, and red. knowing that essential records had produced some great music talent made me think that these guys had to be half way decent and they were that and more!
Leeland is a worship style band that seems to be very tight for being so young! the lead singer/song writer Leeland Mooring was born on June 16 1988 making him the same age as me (20 for those of you who dont know or cant do math). there music can be described as worship but all of their music is melodic (similiar to copeland or even better Mae). their first album "Sound of Melodies" was a lot more of a worship album then "Opposite way" i found that opposite way was more of a rock album but still had very clear and God centered lyrics!
I find that the lyrics on the new album are very simple yet beautiful, the album has a way of bringing you up when your down, or just reminding you of the beauty of Gods word and what he has done for us. to be able to stay so God centered in lyrics and at the same time making great hit songs that are pretty catchy is no easy feet and can only be done by few. i find in the christian music industry a lot of bands can cross over to secular venues (P.O.D., Relient K, Switchfoot) but their lyrics change and aren't as God centered as they once were which is fine, then theres bands that have the same style but they cant seem to make it as big (bleach, plankeye, falling up), then there are bands that make all worship music and never appeal to any fan base but christians (Hillsong, Starfield, Shane and Shane), and finally there are bands who can keep their lyrics God centered and still appeal to a wide variety of fans (jars of clay, third day, david crowder band, dc talk) and that is where i think Leeland sits and i respect them for it and hope it continues!
the first time i saw this band it was actually just Leeland Mooring playing a few worship songs before a speaker came out at Creation Fest NW and it was amazing ask Lance or any other guy there that year (2006 i believe). the next year he showed up with a full band and i had their first and only cd out at that time and it was great singing along with them and seeing them do so well on stage! this last year at creation they came and had more of a following with 2 albums out (opposite way just came out) and they blew me away with their performance, it wasnt that they had a lot of lights or fancy stage toys but just a tight good band! in the end a concert is good cause of the work put into but what makes it even better is if the band is good and can actually play good music and Leeland can do just that!
Overall the new Leeland is awesome and a great addition to any collection! i highly recommend picking it up. if you enjoy your third day, mae, copeland, starfield, or jars of clay (the list could go on) then you will enjoy this album!
hats off if you get through any of my reviews hope someone is enjoying them! :)
just a reminder songs with a * by them are my favs!
10/10 (big surprise eh?)
-bent ;)

1. "Count Me In" – 4:06
2. "Let It Out Now" – 3:34*
3. "Enter This Temple" – 3:21
4. "Opposite Way" – 3:40*
5. "Wake Up" – 3:07*
6. "Beginning And The End" – 3:09*
7. "Brighter Days" – 3:42
8. "Falling For You" – 3:41
9. "Don't Go Away" – 3:35
10. "Thief in the Night" – 4:22
11. "May Our Praise" – 4:21
Well its been a long time i know. the fact of the matter is i just haven't bought any cds for a long time which is good cause it saves me money but over christmas i broke down and bought 11 cds so it doesnt seem to matter that i took a break from buying music! in my defence i got them all super cheap hurray american economy and boxing day (by the way its a joke i hope america and canada's economy picks up soon!)
this one goes out to my man Ryley one of the only Leeland fans i know! Leeland is one of those bands that kind of takes you by surprise, I bought there first cd when it came out not knowing anything about it or what they sounded like, i was just looking for something new to listen to and i was pleasantly surprised by the jem that i had found! The only thing that i knew about this band was that they were on essential records which was also the home for jars of clay (they now are on Gray Matters which is their own independent label), third day, and red. knowing that essential records had produced some great music talent made me think that these guys had to be half way decent and they were that and more!
Leeland is a worship style band that seems to be very tight for being so young! the lead singer/song writer Leeland Mooring was born on June 16 1988 making him the same age as me (20 for those of you who dont know or cant do math). there music can be described as worship but all of their music is melodic (similiar to copeland or even better Mae). their first album "Sound of Melodies" was a lot more of a worship album then "Opposite way" i found that opposite way was more of a rock album but still had very clear and God centered lyrics!
I find that the lyrics on the new album are very simple yet beautiful, the album has a way of bringing you up when your down, or just reminding you of the beauty of Gods word and what he has done for us. to be able to stay so God centered in lyrics and at the same time making great hit songs that are pretty catchy is no easy feet and can only be done by few. i find in the christian music industry a lot of bands can cross over to secular venues (P.O.D., Relient K, Switchfoot) but their lyrics change and aren't as God centered as they once were which is fine, then theres bands that have the same style but they cant seem to make it as big (bleach, plankeye, falling up), then there are bands that make all worship music and never appeal to any fan base but christians (Hillsong, Starfield, Shane and Shane), and finally there are bands who can keep their lyrics God centered and still appeal to a wide variety of fans (jars of clay, third day, david crowder band, dc talk) and that is where i think Leeland sits and i respect them for it and hope it continues!
the first time i saw this band it was actually just Leeland Mooring playing a few worship songs before a speaker came out at Creation Fest NW and it was amazing ask Lance or any other guy there that year (2006 i believe). the next year he showed up with a full band and i had their first and only cd out at that time and it was great singing along with them and seeing them do so well on stage! this last year at creation they came and had more of a following with 2 albums out (opposite way just came out) and they blew me away with their performance, it wasnt that they had a lot of lights or fancy stage toys but just a tight good band! in the end a concert is good cause of the work put into but what makes it even better is if the band is good and can actually play good music and Leeland can do just that!
Overall the new Leeland is awesome and a great addition to any collection! i highly recommend picking it up. if you enjoy your third day, mae, copeland, starfield, or jars of clay (the list could go on) then you will enjoy this album!
hats off if you get through any of my reviews hope someone is enjoying them! :)
just a reminder songs with a * by them are my favs!
10/10 (big surprise eh?)
-bent ;)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It is the night after and time for another update. Last night we tried a new game at Battalion, we call it Stickball. It is a combination of baseball and cricket. There is a baseball tee in the middle of the gym and all you have to do is hit the tennis ball off of the tee and run to one of the walls and back to the tee, one run scored. As long as you don't get tagged or hit with the ball you can keep running the bases(you can also stop at the tee but then you are done for the inning). It is a little complicated to explain, which was pretty clear last night. It took until the third inning before the guys started to catch on. Stickball needs some work but I think it will be a really good game once we work out the kinks.
Our journey through 1Timothy in the Bible studies has brought us to chapter 4.
1Timothy 4:13,15,16 - Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save yourself and your hearers.
This passage has so much in it, we are supposed to give ourselves wholly to studying God's word so that there will be progress in our lives. The people around us should notice a difference in how we live our lives and they should be able to see some progress. The last thing is that our lives should match what we believe. This is something that we all need to work on.
Zac finished the night with a win in Bulldog! Congrats to Zac! I was just glad that he showed up, Zac has had some loss of vision in one eye. It is getting better, but let's continue to pray for Zac.
After Battalion the leaders and Non-Coms went to the Station for rootbeers and Cross Trax. As many of you know, not very much gets planned at these meetings but that doesn't matter, it is a time to be encouraged. One thing the guys decided was that we would probably do hoodies again. Ya I know, we all have too many hoodies and we have already done two shirts this year but can you ever have to much Btln merch? Anyways we are working on the design and as soon as I have it I will post it on the blog.
One more thing, get working on those verses!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Wednesday night after Battalion there will be a Non-Com meeting upstairs at the Station, so make plans to be there. All leaders and Non-Coms(Sergeant and Corporals) are invited.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
It is a year now since we started doing the Btln birthdays here on the blog, it is a feature that I really like, it gives us a chance to put the spotlight on all of the different guys at Battalion. This month there are five Alumni that are having birthdays. Put these guys on your prayer list! Happy birthday!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Here we are at the beginning of the second half and the first night was amazing. There were a few Alumni still home for the Christmas holidays and that always makes a difference. The games always have a little more intensity when you have guys like Kenny, Ben, Dalton and Jason around. We played handball and I think the game was pretty even. With three balls you have to keep your head on a swivel, I was playing net and Dalton and Kenny smoked me a few times. We played last goal wins and it took a while, but in the end my team lost.
Ben lead the Bible study and he talked about prayer and godliness. Some of the passages Ben shared were 1Timothy 2:1,2,8 and Galatians 5:22,23. Bible study, prayer and godliness are all connected, you need all of them in your life and you can't have one without the others.
With all those Vets around the Bulldog was awesome. Drew showed everyone in the gym why he is the defending Winston Bulldog Champion, he was not going to be denied. Congrats to Drew! It was a very convincing win.
Thursday night the leaders of C.S.B. had a planning meeting and during the meeting we went into the Locker Room and Henry Klassen(H.P.K.) prayed a blessing on the room, it was awesome! Henry shared this verse with us.
1Corinthians 16:13,14 - Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.
What an encouraging verse! I wish that more of you could have been there. After his prayer we closed with our watchword, it was a night I won't soon forget!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Another band that will be making an appearance at Creation 2009. Can't wait, get working on those verses!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
That's right it has been 10 years since Btln 3739 started doing the Memory-Work! The 99-2000 season was the the first year that Btln did the Memory-Work. Anyways this year we are going back to Creationfest, so start memorizing those verses! Ben Jepsen and Dan Trithardt have already confirmed their attendance for this years trip so you know that it's going to be a good one! If you want to know who the bands will be, follow the Creationfest link at the right of the page.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Do you have the energy? Are you ready? The second half begins Wednesday! The first half is always busy but the second half has just as much going on!
Winterslam(boxing)- January 28
Ping Pong Tourney - February 25
Brigade Sunday - March 1
Hockey Night at Btln - March 25?
The Masters(golf) - April 15
Last Night - April 29
May Long Campout - May 15-18
Creationfest - July 22-25
I know that this is a little late, I would like to have a Non-Com meeting after Battalion this week (at the Station), if it doesn't work this week we can set it up for next week.
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