Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Two years ago Bent started the Meet the Btln Nation. At first it was called Veterans Day and Bent's first feature was on Ryley Heppner. So how well do you know your friends? Do you remember Ryley's answers to Bent's questions? Well here is your chance, I will give you ten of the questions Bent asked and see if you can remember or figure out what Ryley's answers were. To check your answers the original post was October 16, 2006. Leave your score in the feedback.
(1)What is your favourite sport?
(2)What is your favourite book of the Bible?
(3)Who is your favourite Bible character?
(4)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(5)Who is your favourite superhero?
(6)Who is your biggest hero?
(7)Where were you born?
(8)What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?
(9)What is your most memorable moment from Battalion?
(10)If you had to either phone a girl that you had a crush on and tell her your feelings about her or go into a cage with a hungry bear what would you do?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Another Olympics is in the books and this one will rank as one of the best ever. With 30 guys, the 08/09 Olympics tied the 06/07 for the largest attendance at an Olympics. It was nice to see all of the guys running around and having fun. One of my favourite things about the Olympics is that everyone has to quickly learn everyone else's name in order to challenge them. This year there wasn't a clear favourite which made for great drama. There must have been at least 4 or 5 lead changes throughout the night. Drew, David, Levi, Mitchell, Kevin and Zac all either had the lead at one point or were within one point of the lead. Several times throughout the night Jeremy and Charlie would declare that someone different was now in the lead. This year we had all of the pyramids at one table, I think that this was an improvement, the guys could watch all of the events and use a little more strategy. In the end the difference between 1st and 2nd was one point and that came down to one final battle between D-pod and Sam Schiesser. Sam and David had arm wrestled twice before and both guys had won once. At the third and final battle Drew and David were tied with 24 points but Drew had a first in Box Hockey so Dave would have to beat Sam to take the title. With a crowd around them Dave and Sam battled hard and in the end Dave defeated Sam to take first in Arm Wrestling and the Olympic Title! All of the events had multiple leaders throughout the night. Sammy J. took the Football Toss at the very end of the night(the new Football Tosses were awesome), Mitch won Basketball for the second year in a row and Zac G. finished third overall.
David Podovinikoff 25 points
Drew Brown 24 points
Zac Gobbett 22 points
David Podovinikoff
Drew Brown
Mitchell Bekker
Sammy Jepsen
Congratulations to all of the winners! Thanks to all of the guys for coming out! See ya next week!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Don't forget tomorrow is the 14th annual Battalion Olympics. Who will win this year? This year is wide open, the competition should be good. Will it be Steve, Drew, Dave, Sammy or maybe the Fonz? Tomorrow at this time we will know. Good luck to all!
Meet the Btln Nation is back and this time it is with Calvin Peters. Calvin was the Sergeant for the 04/05 season and in 99/00 Calvin and Devan England went on the first ever Memory Work trip.(Spokane to watch Monster Jam.) Calvin completed the Memory Work as a grade 7 student, something that has not happened since. Calvin is now going to Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford were he is taking the Outdoor Life program. Calvin is engaged to Denay(sorry no last name)and they will be getting married this summer.
(1)Who is your favourite band?
(2)What is your favourite song?
(A)Celestial completion
(3)What is your favourite style of music?
(4)Do you shave with an electric razor or a blade?
(5)What would you rather grow? A beard or a moustache?
(6)What would you rather drive? A big truck or a fast car?
(A)Big truck
(7)Ford, Chevy or Dodge?
(8)What is more important before you go to bed? Brushing your teeth or watching the sports highlights?
(A)The two usually coincide.
(9)What would you rather wear? A ball cap or a toque?
(A)Depends on the season.
(10)What is your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?
(A)Bridge jumping
(11)What was your favourite class in school? Shop or P.E.?
(12)What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?
(A)That's tough, probably the band.
(13)If you could be a superhero for a day who would you want to be?
(14)What is your dream job?
(A)Bush pilot
(15)If I had a million dollars ....
(A)I would buy an 1986 4Runner, redo everything and lift it.
(16)Do you have any nicknames?
(A)Clayvin, Clayva and Clave
(17)What is your M.M.M. from Battalion?
(A)Burning down the tree on Old Glory and the ensuing run down.
(18)What is your favourite Battalion event?
(19)What is your favourite Battalion shirt?
(A)The Bulldog
(20)What do you like better? Mike or Bulldog?
(21)What do you miss most about Battalion?
(A)Being able to attend.
(22)You arrive at the boat launch on your way out to the Maylong when you realize the boat doesn't have enough room for both your tarp and your food. What do you leave behind, your tarp or your food?
(A)Tarp....or your passengers.
(23)How long have you been a part of the Btln Nation?
(A)10 years
(24)How do you spend most of your time at the Maylong? Fishing or playing Cribbage?
(25)How many times did you complete the Memory Work?
(26)How many Battalion Majors did you win?
(A)Four time Ping Pong Champion, 01/02, 02/03, 03/04 and 04/05.
(27)What is your favourite restaurant?
(A)The Keg
(28)What is your favourite menu item?
(A)Baseball steak
(29)How do you like your steak?
(30)What is your favourite vegetable? Beans or potatoes?
(31)What do you like better? Burgers or pizza?
(A)The Pizza Sandwich.
(32)What is your favourite flavour of chips?
(A)Salt and vinegar
(33)What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?
(A)Come on seriously.
(34)Was there ever a time in high school that you would have rather climbed into a cage with a hungry bear than call the girl that you liked?
(A)Oh yaaaa
(35)When do you plan to be married?
(A)Summer 2009
(36)What do you like better? Short or long hair?
(37)What would you have done on a first date? Dinner and a movie or 4x4ing up moto?
(A)4x4ing up moto.
(38)What is your favourite passage from the Bible?
(A)Philippians 4:6,7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(39)What is your favourite book of the Bible?
(40)Who is your favourite Bible character?
(41)What are your plans for the future?
(A)Continue school at C.B.C., and once I am finished that, work in an Outdoor/Faith program at a Bible School.
Thanks to Calvin for taking the time to answer all of these questions! Sorry it took so long, but it was worth the wait.
Monday, November 24, 2008
It has been a long time coming, and Drew told me that the old football tosses were not up to Battalion standards, so we finally purchased some new football tosses. I had been looking for a while and was unable to find anything and then I found these, they are actually a lot tougher and nicer than what I expected. We actually have storage space now, so we will have a place to keep them. Remember Olympics is Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m., come early!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It has been a while since we have updated the status of the Locker Room so here it is. The paint is finished! Yah I'm pumped! We finished the third coat of blue, four coats of varnish on the benches and the pole as well as three coats of gray on the floor. The paint on the floor is probably temporary but it gives the room a finished look and buys us some time until we decide what we want to do. We have talked about tile or rubber floors and at the moment I am leaning towards tile again but that could change. As you can see we put the flag in the room and it is amazing what a difference it makes to have something on the walls. Bruce has been working on the trophy case and I am not sure when it will be done but I am sure that it will look awesome in the room when it is finished. (Can't wait to have the Btln Alumni in the locker room!)
Tonight we had the Box Hockey out to get the guys thinking about the Olympics for next week. Keeping with tradition the trophy made an appearance, love that silver bowl. Bump is becoming the game of choice at the beginning of the night, not sure who won, there were also a few games of box hockey. Murderball needs to be played at least twice a month, so we got our bi-monthly fix in. The teams are usually pretty close, but tonight my team got rocked. We were not even close, the games were 5-1. The Bible study was from 1Timothy 1:18,19. In this passage Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight. We also looked at (Philippians 1:27 - Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a matter worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel). We need to fight the good fight, this includes contending for the faith as well as living a life worthy of the gospel.(Some other passages, 2Corinthians 10:3-5, Philippians 1:16 and 1Timothy 6:11,12) Before the night ends we need to go back to the gym for Bulldog and this week Sam Schiesser took the helmet! Sam now has three wins and has the lead in the race for Winston.(Last year Drew had four wins to take Winston)Sam is an underdog no more!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The 14th annual Battalion Olympics is next week so I thought that this would be a good time to do the Btln Original Series. Actually this will be the 15th year for the Olympics, the first year we did not have an overall champion(there were champions for each individual event) or a trophy. Fred Klassen was the Captain the first year that we had the Olympics and he was the one that introduced 3739 to those triangles that make the Olympics work. The following year Fred had left Battalion but his ideas were here to stay. The first Major at Btln was the Ping Pong tourney and we were looking for a Major for the second half of the year so we changed a couple of the events, added a scoring system and the trophy. The first year the events were Arm Wrestling, Hockey(shooting a puck through a whole in a board) and Basketball(21). The first year that we had the Trophy, Hockey changed to a shootout, but probably the best change we made was changing Hockey to Box Hockey. Box Hockey is by far the best event at the Olympics and is usually the difference maker when it comes to crowning a Champion. In 89-90 the Championship came down to one game of Box Hockey between Aaron Friesen and Nathan Klassen and in 03-04 Dan Neufeld took the title because of Box Hockey. Since that first year we have also added the Football Toss, so the events are now Basketball(21), Arm Wrestling, Football Toss and Box Hockey. We now have the four Majors at Btln but The Battalion Olympics is still my favourite. Here are the Champions.
2004-05 BEN JEPSEN
2005-06 BEN JEPSEN
Monday, November 17, 2008
Just a reminder December 27th 2008 is the third annual BTLN 3739 Alumni reunion! Make sure to mark it on your calender. It is just over a month away! See you there!(at the gym)
It's a good thing that I have a month to get this done, but better late than never. Happy birthday guys, sorry that this was late, the room has been taking every spare moment that I have. Styles has moved away but I figured it would be a good reminder to pray for him as well as for Dan, Devan and Nathan.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Blarney Stone has been around for hundreds of years, has been kissed by millions of people and has all kinds of tradition, but does that make it better than our post? The Blarney Post has been around for sixty years, has been kissed by one and kissing it will not bring you any luck, but who cares? Is there really any difference? The post has been supporting the church for sixty years, reminds me of the fact that Jesus has also been supporting the church over the last sixty years.
The Battalion year rolls on and it always amazes me how God just keeps bringing new guys out to Battalion. Some guys only come once and some guys keep coming and become part of the core group, and either way they are exposed to God's Word and that makes everything that we do worth it. We started the night with bump which is a good game to get lot's of guys involved. After squad meetings we played handball and D-Pod and I were taking a beating from Charlie(Charlie was trying to soften us up), although I don't think he scored to many times(I was playing net and D-Pod was playing defense). The score ended one to nothing, like every other time that we have played handball. We were playing next goal wins, and after what seemed like ten minutes Charlie's team scored to take the win.(I guess Charlie's strategy worked.)
Aaron led the Bible study and the passage that he was speaking on was 1Timothy 4:1-4. The passage talks about people abandoning the faith and following deceiving spirits. Aaron pointed out that if we use God`s word as a guide that we will not be deceived.
Spencer(Big Chris`s little brother)capped off two big weeks at Btln by winning Bulldog!(Last week Spencer won the lightweight division at the Royal Rumble)Congrats Spencer!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
I have been telling Bent about this song for a while now, and I never remember to play it for him, so I thought I would post it. Al Martens(my Cousin)pointed out this song, I had heared it before but had never really listened to it. Take a listen, this is probably my favourite Newsboys song. Enjoy.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Bulldog Music Reviews

1. The Cure For Pain*
2. Southbound Train*
3. Lord, Save Me From Myself*
4. Equally Skilled*
5. The Moon Is A Magnet
6. My Love Goes Free
1. Learning How To Die*
2. Behind Your Eyes
3. Somebody's Baby*
4. White As Snow*
5. I Am Still Running*
6. In Love*
1. March (A Prelude to Spring)*
2. Love Isn't Made*
3. In My Arms
4. Baptize My Mind*
5. Your Love Is Strong
6. Revenge
1. A Mirror Is Harder To Hold
2. Resurrect Me*
3. Deep In Your Eyes
4. Instead Of A Show
5. The House Of God Forever
6. Again
Alright so first things first a big congrats to Drew Brown for winning the belt! welcome to the club my friend! Outside of Lance and myself i dont know anyone else who listens to Jon Foreman so this one goes out to the Captain!
So i realize that there are 4 CDs being reviewed here but total they make 24 songs roughly 2 full length albums but i thought i would just do all his stuff together here! that being said he just put out a cd called limbs and branches that have a collection of these songs as well as a new recording! so if you dont want to buy 4 eps (or they also come in 2 double cd packs) then pick up the new one with a collection of them, which kinda makes me mad cause i would like to hear that new song but i dont need the other 11 songs i already have.....i guess thats what itunes are for.
Now just in case you were asking yourself "who is this random Jon Foreman guy" you need to know hes not all that random or new to the music scene, since he is in fact the lead singer on Switchfoot! that right there should be proof enough that the cds should be good! but what does Jon Foreman sound like without the rest of switchfoot? can he actually pull of good music without the boys from switchfoot? well the answer is a big fat YES! dont get me wrong the guys on switchfoot are all really talented at what they do and though Jon Foreman is most likely the biggest part of switchfoot the rest of the band contribute more than you may think and make what switchfoot is today!
so when i heard that Jon Foreman was putting out some of his own stuff i was really excited, especially after seeing what guys from bands that do solo stuff on the side can do, like Dustin Kensrue from thrice, or Dallas Green from Alexisonfire. i was also excited to hear that it was going to be a more acoustic/mellow style which is one of my favorite styles of music.
I ended up getting all 4 discs by the end of creation fest this summer and i honestly cant think of a single song i dont like! Jon sings about his relationship with God as well as songs about his love for God and some songs on the beauty of God. there are some songs as well that talk about the love and beauty of women (maybe in his life) and how that relationship works at times in our lives.
Jon Foremans skills as a musician blow me away, not even with his skills on instruments but his skills to write amazing lyrics. one of the greatest things about these cds is its not just him and a guitar but he gets some horns, percussion, and even some clarinet in there which works well! on top of the slow and mellow songs Jon throws in some fast pace get into your head music which is also done very well.
I had very high hopes for his stuff and he went way past my expectations. if you havnt listened to any of his stuff do yourself a favor and go check it out! again if your looking for some switchfoot sounding stuff then dont go for his stuff, its nothing like there switchfoot stuff (which makes sense since he doesnt need to go do solo stuff to do that). if your a fan of city and colour, andy shauf, Ben Harper, or even some copeland and mae then this is the stuff for you!
thanks for reading (if you made it through) stay posted for some more!
overall i give these albums 10/10 each one is amazing! its hard to not put a * beside each song.

1. The Cure For Pain*
2. Southbound Train*
3. Lord, Save Me From Myself*
4. Equally Skilled*
5. The Moon Is A Magnet
6. My Love Goes Free
1. Learning How To Die*
2. Behind Your Eyes
3. Somebody's Baby*
4. White As Snow*
5. I Am Still Running*
6. In Love*
1. March (A Prelude to Spring)*
2. Love Isn't Made*
3. In My Arms
4. Baptize My Mind*
5. Your Love Is Strong
6. Revenge
1. A Mirror Is Harder To Hold
2. Resurrect Me*
3. Deep In Your Eyes
4. Instead Of A Show
5. The House Of God Forever
6. Again
Alright so first things first a big congrats to Drew Brown for winning the belt! welcome to the club my friend! Outside of Lance and myself i dont know anyone else who listens to Jon Foreman so this one goes out to the Captain!
So i realize that there are 4 CDs being reviewed here but total they make 24 songs roughly 2 full length albums but i thought i would just do all his stuff together here! that being said he just put out a cd called limbs and branches that have a collection of these songs as well as a new recording! so if you dont want to buy 4 eps (or they also come in 2 double cd packs) then pick up the new one with a collection of them, which kinda makes me mad cause i would like to hear that new song but i dont need the other 11 songs i already have.....i guess thats what itunes are for.
Now just in case you were asking yourself "who is this random Jon Foreman guy" you need to know hes not all that random or new to the music scene, since he is in fact the lead singer on Switchfoot! that right there should be proof enough that the cds should be good! but what does Jon Foreman sound like without the rest of switchfoot? can he actually pull of good music without the boys from switchfoot? well the answer is a big fat YES! dont get me wrong the guys on switchfoot are all really talented at what they do and though Jon Foreman is most likely the biggest part of switchfoot the rest of the band contribute more than you may think and make what switchfoot is today!
so when i heard that Jon Foreman was putting out some of his own stuff i was really excited, especially after seeing what guys from bands that do solo stuff on the side can do, like Dustin Kensrue from thrice, or Dallas Green from Alexisonfire. i was also excited to hear that it was going to be a more acoustic/mellow style which is one of my favorite styles of music.
I ended up getting all 4 discs by the end of creation fest this summer and i honestly cant think of a single song i dont like! Jon sings about his relationship with God as well as songs about his love for God and some songs on the beauty of God. there are some songs as well that talk about the love and beauty of women (maybe in his life) and how that relationship works at times in our lives.
Jon Foremans skills as a musician blow me away, not even with his skills on instruments but his skills to write amazing lyrics. one of the greatest things about these cds is its not just him and a guitar but he gets some horns, percussion, and even some clarinet in there which works well! on top of the slow and mellow songs Jon throws in some fast pace get into your head music which is also done very well.
I had very high hopes for his stuff and he went way past my expectations. if you havnt listened to any of his stuff do yourself a favor and go check it out! again if your looking for some switchfoot sounding stuff then dont go for his stuff, its nothing like there switchfoot stuff (which makes sense since he doesnt need to go do solo stuff to do that). if your a fan of city and colour, andy shauf, Ben Harper, or even some copeland and mae then this is the stuff for you!
thanks for reading (if you made it through) stay posted for some more!
overall i give these albums 10/10 each one is amazing! its hard to not put a * beside each song.
Tonight The Royal Rumble was held at The Pound(the gym). The night started with Rawkfist by TFK, the music was pounding as the guys walked into the gym. Last year we made a change to the program as we had lightweight(grades 7-9) and heavyweight(grades 10-12) divisions. We kept the same format, so we started with the lightweights and after a lot of wrestling it was down to Spencer(Big Chris's little brother) and David(Thomas Hecht's little brother). These last two guys seemed to last forever, but in the end Spencer outlasted David and took the lightweight division. Next it was time for the big boys to enter the ring, and let me tell you, the blower had a hard time keeping up! Spencer and David from the lightweight division started with the heavyweights, and Spencer made it to the final four! Once Steve and Drew made it into the ring they teamed up and dominated. It was amazing how fast they cleaned the ring out! Teamwork definitely pays off in the Rumble. So it was down to Drew and Steve, I guess it was the way it was it was supposed to be. The battle did not last long, but these two friends did fight hard and in the end Drew came out on top. Congrats to Spencer for taking the lightweight title and also to Drew for winning the first Btln Major of the year!
Monday, November 03, 2008
This is the 4th time we have had the Royal Rumble and the 7th time that the guys have competed for the belt. Ben Jepsen won the first Royal Rumble(wrestling) as well as the first Winter Slam(boxing). Jason Hayashi won Royal Rumble 2. Devin Chursinoff won Winter Slam 2 and Royal Rumble 3. Steven Feenstra is the current holder of the belt as the winner of Winter Slam 3. Now it is time for Royal Rumble 4, will Steve defend his title or will someone step it up and take it away from him? I love the Royal Rumble, can't wait until Wednesday!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Wednesday has come and gone and it has been way to long since I have updated the blog so here goes. We started the night with basketball, it was like old times. Ben, Jason and Dalton were there so we played three on three, Saskatchewan verses B.C.. Jeremy, Charlie and I gave those Saskatchewan guys all that they could handle, and in the end we defeated the prairie boys and defended our provinces honor. For the second week in a row we played murder ball and again the games were awesome, my team was an underdog and we fought valiantly, but lost anyway.(Maxwell got a ball in the eye which gave him a shiner, but he kept playing!)Ben did the Bible study and he talked about how we have to listen to our Captain, Jesus Christ. After listening to Ben we headed back upstairs to play some B-DOG and after many rounds Zac pulled out the big win, his first of the season!
Remember it is The Royal Rumble this week, come early!
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