Welcome to The Grand Forks, B.C. 3739 Battalion Headquarters! here you will find info on upcoming events, learn more about guys who are in The Nation, and most importantly learn more about God! The Headquarters is ran by none other than our Captain Lance Martens! Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Here are a few more pics from the football trip. A special thanks to all of the Alumni that came out, it was good to see all of you. There were a few surprises, I still can't believe that the Neufelds were there, that Jason actually got the waitresses name tag and that Dalton actually picked that piece of food off of his cup with his teeth. Again this year we did not get to play the Director's Cup but we did confirm with the Captain from Langley for next year. I can't wait!
Ben, Jason and Dalton will be with us at Battalion this week and Ben will be doing the Bible study, so make sure you are there.
John Launstein, the President of CSB Canada will be in Grand Forks Thursday night. John would like to meet with all Brigade Leaders, Btln Alumni and any other guys that would like to come out. We will meet at the church at 8:30 p.m. after Stockade. It would be nice to have as many guys as possible, hope you can make it.
Monday, October 27, 2008
BTLN Football 2008
so another football trip has come and gone and what a trip it was! We started out on saturday meeting at the the church. it appeared that everyone was there when we realized that our good friend Dalton Erixon was missing! we all jumped in our vehicles and went over to his place to get him. i went to the door and Dalton answered wearing nothing but bed head and boxers! haha the conversation went something like this Ben "Hey" Dalton "Hey...........O NO!" haha o man what a start i love ya Dalton.
We continued on our way with Lances Expedition, my Dads Truck, Jers truck, and Abes Van that Aaron drove. Though every vehicle had their own adventures on the road im sure each was a good time! we stopped in Chilliwack (no clue how to spell that) at the mall with that sweet sports store then took forever to fill up on gas and leave but we left none the less.
Most years we would stop in at house of james but due to time and wanting to hit up Authentix we decided to go straight to Van! We had received a call from Dev and found out that Joe, Dev, Ryley, Tyler, and Kenny were already there waiting for us, that was the good news, the bad news was that our field we use for football was fenced off!!! This was disappointing but we were still really exciting to see the alumni!
We quickly made a stop in at Authentix (one of my all time favorite stores) and then headed over to BC PLACE! we went to the place we usually park and were reunited with the alumni! it was awesome to see the guys again even if its for a short time.
we hung out at the parking lot with the rest of CSB from around BC and shared some pop and hot dogs which is always good, makes me excited for the 3 B's night! we found out that there was going to be no football game since no one was ready to play us! this was a bit frustrating i was ready for some football but o well we are just way too intimidating i almost dont blame them! the guys received their shirts and we took a group photo for victory number three! not the best way to win but a win none the less! so so far for wins we had 1!
It was now Lions time and we headed over to the game as soon as they opened the doors because the first 3000 people who came got Clairmont bobble heads which is awesome! by the looks of it pretty much all the guys got bobble heads so it worked out well!
we made our way to our seats and got ready for some CFL football!!! i was really excited to see the game since its been a year since i have gotten to see them live! as we waited we tried to find where joes season ticket seat was and we found him! we took my camera zoomed in and took pictures of him to see what he was up to.......ya it was kinda creepy! haha!
The game finally started and it turned out to be a great game close at moments but im pretty sure BC was ahead the entire game! they ended up winning which gave us 2 wins for the night, and just before that win we found out that the canucks had beat the oilers 6-3 which gave us win number 3! while the game was going on we saw people getting escorted out by security, my dad getting about 5 free blankets for signing up for credit cards, and THE NEUFELDS! Dan and Andrew were just in front of us and we didnt even see them till the 2nd quarter! haha it was pretty awesome to see those guys, when they were in GF they came to Battalion all the time great guys! we also got to see my cousins which was a nice treat!
Once the game was over Dan (the captain from k-town also a btln alumni) organized a meeting with some Christian football players (and one ex player who helps coach now). it was pretty awesome going downstairs in BC Place to this cool room with these guys hearing about their lives. the best part was when Dan asked one of the players how much he could curl but he asked Nick but there was no one named Nick so they were all pretty confused haha! thanks Dan it was pretty awesome and better then sitting in our vehicle waiting for traffic to clear out!
So we all got into our vehicles and headed over to BP! I love BP but on this trip i also hate it cause once the meal is over we have to say our goodbyes to the alumni which is never fun! so after our stomachs were full we headed outside to say our goodbyes to the alumni! always great to see you guys glad you guys could come out!
we then headed out to the Best Western the official hotel of 3739. we dispersed into the 5 rooms and called it a day.
the next day we checked out but it wasnt time to head home yet! we got to go to the mall and then over to Red Robins (prolly my favorite restaurant of all time). it was awesome to be all together in the restaurant eating and laughing about the trip, but the highlight of the day was again Dalton. we had pooled 5 bucks in change for Dalton to bite off a piece of food from his cup that had stuck on from who knows where. Dalton being a college student agreed to eat it but as he did his gag reflex kicked in and he nearly puked haha o man it was hilarious! he got it off and then didnt eat it!!! so we took our money back but i would pay 5 bucks to see him try again haha!
after we had eaten once again we decided it was time to head back to GF, so we headed out for the road trip back! it was good times driving back talking and meeting up with the other cars along the way! we finally arrived in GF around 7ish and after getting everyone home called it a weekend!
so thanks again for those who planned out the trip and drove and everything else! it was a great trip and im glad i was able to come out once again! me dalton and jay will be there on wed night so you better be there too!!!
-bent ;)
Friday, October 24, 2008
This is a little late but my schedule has been a little hectic lately, what with the Locker Room and work being so busy. Some random thoughts.
Probably the most guys that we have had all year, not sure how many, the gym was full.
Stephen Lawrence won Bulldog, way to go Stephen!
We played murderball and even though I thought the teams were not even in the end the series was really close.
In Bible study and the squad meetings we talked about God not wanting any of us to perish and that he(Jesus) was the only way to heaven.(1Timothy 2:3-5)
I can't wait to go to the Lion's game.
Sure is uplifting to see the Alumni when they come home.
Can't wait to see the rest of the Alumni at the game.
I wonder if I will find something to buy at the Canucks team store.
The Locker Room is perfect for doing the Bible study.
We are thinking about putting rubber floors in the Locker Room.(Like in a hockey dressing room.)
Will anyone ever get a name tag from a waitress?
I hope Pike can get a team together.
The Director's Cup will be the highlight of my trip, if we get to play.
We leave in eight hours.
I hope that I haven't forgot anything.
Free Jason Clermont bobblehead's if we are early.
good night!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This is not finalized, but it is very close to the team that we will be fielding for the 2008 Director's Cup.
This is a strong team, I can't wait to play!
Make sure to check out the new poll and count down on the side of the page!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I know that the coast wasn't able to put a team together last year, but that wasn't our fault. Hopefully they get a team together because we need someone to beat. The Director's Cup has had a permanent home in G.F., and that's the way it should be. Anyways the final roster is almost set, and it looks like we will have enough vehicles to get us all down there, the only thing left to do is to go down there and three-peat!
Bulldog Music Reviews

1. The End*
2. Just A Man*
3. Grave Digging*
4. The Way That You Are*
5. 5805*
6. Salt In The Snow
7. Abracadavers*
8. R&R
9. God and Drugs
10. Medisin
11. The Ascent
12. Sing
13. Everything
14. Closer Than We Think
15. The Beginning (A Simple Seed)*
This post goes out to Drew Brown the only other Classic Crime fan i know! so i picked up this album over summer during Creation Fest, now that i think of it i picked up their first album from creation fest as well. now the first album "Albatross" was amazing (check out the song "the fight" and youll see what i mean) but their second (LP) is surprisingly even better! i wasnt sure how they would pull off an even greater album but they did!
The Classic Crime seems to be one of those bands that is super talented but no one really knows about them, or if they do its "ya i heard about them." they are in my opinion a hidden jewel. they recently put out a softer/acoustic EP titled "The Seattle Sessions" that was also amazing! its actually quite shocking how no one really knows these guys due to three great albums!
once again we run into the norm from "tooth an nail records" the question of what is the difference between a "Christian band" and "Christians in a band?" well for these guys this is what i found out from an interview with the band (Matt Macdonald is the lead singer). Some fans have assumed that The Classic Crime is a "Christian band" due to being signed on to Tooth & Nail Records. However, The Classic Crime does not label themselves a 'Christian' band. Matt spoke on the subject saying "We believe faith is personal, and can be only held by an individual person. To entitle a group "Christian" would be to assume that the group has a collective soul, or at least individual souls tied to a solid collective belief. Not everyone in our band is decidedly set in their faith, and we respect that."Justin DuQue (guitar) stated that "3 of the 5 members in the band are Christian. We get that a lot being on a pseudo-Christian label (Tooth & Nail) but no we are not a Christian band. Our lyrics are very positive and hopeful though". Also, in an interview, vocalist Matt MacDonald spoke about how The Classic Crime does not like the Christian music industry! all this being said it would appear that a band to be a "Christian band" all members must be Christians! ha i think over these reviews we may slowly resolve this again lets move on!
Anyway overall this CD was a great surprise and i found that i was loving each song! the thing that these guys do real well is there guitar riffs and making each song exciting and fun! i also love how they have the entire band doing vocal parts together throughout the album. this album also takes on a bit of a heavier darker sound compared to their last album "Albatross" which i hope they carry on to their next album.
So talk to Drew he will tell ya anything you need to know over in GF, my opinion is more people need to be checking out this band there are a lot of great bands on tooth And Nail but these guys are prolly one of my favorite of the tooth and nail roster. again if your an anberlin, emery, the almost fan then you will love these guys! a great album to listen to while playing sports or rocking out in the car (or even better 4x4ing up Motto).
check out the album at http://www.purevolume.com/theclassiccrime just copy and paste this on your search bar! keep it real and thanks for reading my spree of music reviews! ill keep trying to fire them out through out the week!
Overall i give this album a 10/10
-bent ;)

1. The End*
2. Just A Man*
3. Grave Digging*
4. The Way That You Are*
5. 5805*
6. Salt In The Snow
7. Abracadavers*
8. R&R
9. God and Drugs
10. Medisin
11. The Ascent
12. Sing
13. Everything
14. Closer Than We Think
15. The Beginning (A Simple Seed)*
This post goes out to Drew Brown the only other Classic Crime fan i know! so i picked up this album over summer during Creation Fest, now that i think of it i picked up their first album from creation fest as well. now the first album "Albatross" was amazing (check out the song "the fight" and youll see what i mean) but their second (LP) is surprisingly even better! i wasnt sure how they would pull off an even greater album but they did!
The Classic Crime seems to be one of those bands that is super talented but no one really knows about them, or if they do its "ya i heard about them." they are in my opinion a hidden jewel. they recently put out a softer/acoustic EP titled "The Seattle Sessions" that was also amazing! its actually quite shocking how no one really knows these guys due to three great albums!
once again we run into the norm from "tooth an nail records" the question of what is the difference between a "Christian band" and "Christians in a band?" well for these guys this is what i found out from an interview with the band (Matt Macdonald is the lead singer). Some fans have assumed that The Classic Crime is a "Christian band" due to being signed on to Tooth & Nail Records. However, The Classic Crime does not label themselves a 'Christian' band. Matt spoke on the subject saying "We believe faith is personal, and can be only held by an individual person. To entitle a group "Christian" would be to assume that the group has a collective soul, or at least individual souls tied to a solid collective belief. Not everyone in our band is decidedly set in their faith, and we respect that."Justin DuQue (guitar) stated that "3 of the 5 members in the band are Christian. We get that a lot being on a pseudo-Christian label (Tooth & Nail) but no we are not a Christian band. Our lyrics are very positive and hopeful though". Also, in an interview, vocalist Matt MacDonald spoke about how The Classic Crime does not like the Christian music industry! all this being said it would appear that a band to be a "Christian band" all members must be Christians! ha i think over these reviews we may slowly resolve this again lets move on!
Anyway overall this CD was a great surprise and i found that i was loving each song! the thing that these guys do real well is there guitar riffs and making each song exciting and fun! i also love how they have the entire band doing vocal parts together throughout the album. this album also takes on a bit of a heavier darker sound compared to their last album "Albatross" which i hope they carry on to their next album.
So talk to Drew he will tell ya anything you need to know over in GF, my opinion is more people need to be checking out this band there are a lot of great bands on tooth And Nail but these guys are prolly one of my favorite of the tooth and nail roster. again if your an anberlin, emery, the almost fan then you will love these guys! a great album to listen to while playing sports or rocking out in the car (or even better 4x4ing up Motto).
check out the album at http://www.purevolume.com/theclassiccrime just copy and paste this on your search bar! keep it real and thanks for reading my spree of music reviews! ill keep trying to fire them out through out the week!
Overall i give this album a 10/10
-bent ;)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Bulldog Music Reviews

1. The Resistance*
2. Breaking
3. Blame Me! Blame Me!
4. Retrace*
5. Feel Good Drag
6. Disappear*
7. Breathe*
8. Burn Out Brighter (Northern Lights)
9. Younglife
10. Haight St
11. Soft Skeletons
12. Miserabile Visu (Ex Malo Bonum)*
I know yet another music review! but i had time so i thought i would crank as much of these out as i could! hope someone is enjoying these haha!
Well i picked up this album a couple weeks ago when it came out and to be honest there wasnt as much hype around it as the other albums. i remember waiting for the day cities came out to go and get it, but for new surrender i kinda forgot they were even coming out with a new one! none the less i was still excited to pick it up for 9 bucks and listen to one of my favorite bands as of late! I still remember listening to never take friendship personal for the first time not having any idea who anberlin was and being very happy about my purchase! (still my favorite anberlin album of their 4). i also saw them a few years back at creation fest right before they started recording cities and loving their show, unfortunatly the rest of the Battalion guys were too tired, didnt know who Anberlin was, or didnt care! its been great to see them do so well over the years!
now their has been some news surrounding anberlin this year on their faith. for their entire career (which started with some of them still in highschool.....MxPx anyone?) they have been on tooth and nail which can be classified as a Christian record label though not all bands on the label are "Christian bands." this new album is on Universal Republic a secular record label. now all that being said im always happy to see christian bands make it big and have their music played world wide (relint k, jars of clay, sixpense none the richer, P.O.D., switchfoot, just a few names that come to mind) but there is a difference between a "Christian band" and "Christians in a band" and this year Stephen Christian has clarified that- "I think we're categorized like that a lot because we're on Tooth & Nail Records, which, years ago, was known as a Christian label and never lost that reputation. I don't care who listens to our records. If it helps people in whatever circumstances they're in, that's amazing, but I definitely don't classify us as a Christian band." now all that being said its hard to know where every band out there is at with God and what not! not that i doubt these guys' faith because they have made known to all that they are in fact Christians even members from Fall out Boy who they used to tour with commented on these guys' faith and said in an interview that they didnt know anything about Jesus until they met the guys from Anberlin which i think is awesome! but where is the integrity within a band whos members are all Christian but dont want to be labeled as a Christian band? im not sure and its one of those big questions within the music industry that i will no longer comment on for now, maybe another day.
BUT back to the band its great to see Anberlin get signed to a big label and be given even more opportunities in the music industry (much like Relient K did last year getting on Capitol Records). that being said i cant help but wonder if they had to whip up something quick for the label so they can get a new cd out, cause at times in this album it seems to be thrown together quick and wasnt given as much time and thought as "Cities" or "Never Take Friendship Personal." one example is having Feel Good Drag return, i know im getting a bit too critical but i think its a DRAG (man am i funny or what) that they had to put an old song on a new cd. i also understand that this happens all the time but come on did you not have another song somewhere to throw on the cd? im sure in a couple months there will be a special edition cd with three new songs tagged on why not put one of those on the original instead of this one? anyway still a great song.
Now all this being said i still really liked this album, i still got that great Anberlin sound and the talent of frontman Stephen Christian shows up once again in this album. great bands have this super talent with them, guys like Matt Thiessen and Jon Foreman are just a couple examples, and Anerlin has this super talent (Stephen Christian if you didnt catch on) and it shows and thats why they are getting even more popular! (a super talent band like DC Talk has three of these guys it doesnt seem fair does it?). the other thing i liked about this album is the balance with fast fun songs (The Resistance) and laid back mellow acoustic songs (Breathe), i especially liked the last song on the album that shows more of the experimental side of the band and reminds me of the last song on cities which i also loved!
so if you enjoy some feel good music that you can sing to and your a fan of bands like relient k or even the almost then go get this album! or even better if your looking to get some Anberlin i suggest never take friendship personal or cities, even blueprints for the blackmarket is good before you embark on this new Anberlin!
overall ill give this one a 9/10
-bent ;)

1. The Resistance*
2. Breaking
3. Blame Me! Blame Me!
4. Retrace*
5. Feel Good Drag
6. Disappear*
7. Breathe*
8. Burn Out Brighter (Northern Lights)
9. Younglife
10. Haight St
11. Soft Skeletons
12. Miserabile Visu (Ex Malo Bonum)*
I know yet another music review! but i had time so i thought i would crank as much of these out as i could! hope someone is enjoying these haha!
Well i picked up this album a couple weeks ago when it came out and to be honest there wasnt as much hype around it as the other albums. i remember waiting for the day cities came out to go and get it, but for new surrender i kinda forgot they were even coming out with a new one! none the less i was still excited to pick it up for 9 bucks and listen to one of my favorite bands as of late! I still remember listening to never take friendship personal for the first time not having any idea who anberlin was and being very happy about my purchase! (still my favorite anberlin album of their 4). i also saw them a few years back at creation fest right before they started recording cities and loving their show, unfortunatly the rest of the Battalion guys were too tired, didnt know who Anberlin was, or didnt care! its been great to see them do so well over the years!
now their has been some news surrounding anberlin this year on their faith. for their entire career (which started with some of them still in highschool.....MxPx anyone?) they have been on tooth and nail which can be classified as a Christian record label though not all bands on the label are "Christian bands." this new album is on Universal Republic a secular record label. now all that being said im always happy to see christian bands make it big and have their music played world wide (relint k, jars of clay, sixpense none the richer, P.O.D., switchfoot, just a few names that come to mind) but there is a difference between a "Christian band" and "Christians in a band" and this year Stephen Christian has clarified that- "I think we're categorized like that a lot because we're on Tooth & Nail Records, which, years ago, was known as a Christian label and never lost that reputation. I don't care who listens to our records. If it helps people in whatever circumstances they're in, that's amazing, but I definitely don't classify us as a Christian band." now all that being said its hard to know where every band out there is at with God and what not! not that i doubt these guys' faith because they have made known to all that they are in fact Christians even members from Fall out Boy who they used to tour with commented on these guys' faith and said in an interview that they didnt know anything about Jesus until they met the guys from Anberlin which i think is awesome! but where is the integrity within a band whos members are all Christian but dont want to be labeled as a Christian band? im not sure and its one of those big questions within the music industry that i will no longer comment on for now, maybe another day.
BUT back to the band its great to see Anberlin get signed to a big label and be given even more opportunities in the music industry (much like Relient K did last year getting on Capitol Records). that being said i cant help but wonder if they had to whip up something quick for the label so they can get a new cd out, cause at times in this album it seems to be thrown together quick and wasnt given as much time and thought as "Cities" or "Never Take Friendship Personal." one example is having Feel Good Drag return, i know im getting a bit too critical but i think its a DRAG (man am i funny or what) that they had to put an old song on a new cd. i also understand that this happens all the time but come on did you not have another song somewhere to throw on the cd? im sure in a couple months there will be a special edition cd with three new songs tagged on why not put one of those on the original instead of this one? anyway still a great song.
Now all this being said i still really liked this album, i still got that great Anberlin sound and the talent of frontman Stephen Christian shows up once again in this album. great bands have this super talent with them, guys like Matt Thiessen and Jon Foreman are just a couple examples, and Anerlin has this super talent (Stephen Christian if you didnt catch on) and it shows and thats why they are getting even more popular! (a super talent band like DC Talk has three of these guys it doesnt seem fair does it?). the other thing i liked about this album is the balance with fast fun songs (The Resistance) and laid back mellow acoustic songs (Breathe), i especially liked the last song on the album that shows more of the experimental side of the band and reminds me of the last song on cities which i also loved!
so if you enjoy some feel good music that you can sing to and your a fan of bands like relient k or even the almost then go get this album! or even better if your looking to get some Anberlin i suggest never take friendship personal or cities, even blueprints for the blackmarket is good before you embark on this new Anberlin!
overall ill give this one a 9/10
-bent ;)

Baseball is always fun, especially under the lights, it makes you feel like a pro. Just turning the lights on was a thrill.(Yah I know, I'm strange) The guys that came early took a few practise swings with the toss machine, Owen had one bomb that was about ten feet from the fence! When it was time to get going we split up into two teams and played a two-inning game. While we played Jeremy cooked the Menno. A problem surfaced as the BBQ would not heat up. The BBQ was from Extra Foods, this is the second time an Extra Foods BBQ has let us down.(Owen's BBQ did the same thing at the Three B's) After this episode I have decided that Coleman will be the official BBQ of Btln 3739. (I'm not sure what this means, it just sounds good) Anyways Jeremy and Dylan went to Dylan's house and we used his BBQ. A disaster was avoided!(Baseball isn't the same without Menno) After baseball we ended the night the way we always end it, yes even at the ball field we play Bulldog. We play in the infield, the only thing difference being that you can't touch the base lines or the pitching mound. This is probably my favourite Bulldog of the year, because it is so different playing on the grass. Sam S. started us off, and after some tough rounds Sergeant Drew Brown won his first Bulldog of the year. Congrats Drew! Another good night at Btln 3739!
Just a reminder to the Alumni, I need to know if you are coming to the Lions game so that I can get you a ticket. I think that Ryley is coming, what about Calvin, Kenny and Tyler? If you hear from these guys, let me know, we are running out of time. Thanks!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bulldog Music Reviews

1. Dance or Die*
2. Get Your Back Off the Wall*
3. Rip it Up
4. How in the World
5. Fever*
6. Party Foul
7. D-I-E 4 Y-O-U
8. Share it with Me
9. The First Time
10. Wake the Dead
11. Radiator
First things first i apologize for the long break between the two reviews one reason is that it was impossible for me to get this album since no one on this planet wanted to sell it to me!!! but i got it yesterday finally! luckily my friend lent it to me a while back so i could give it a proper review! also i have realized that i write a lot in these things so my hats off to whoever can actually get through the entire review! if you do please leave a comment simply saying "i survived a bulldog music review" haha ill be very proud of you! i love writing about music so i tend to go forever, Jesus freak hideout here i come! by the way the * by the songs are my favorite songs on the album. and if there are cds you want me to write about (old or new) please let me know on the comments i would love to write on any cd! (so long as its not Pure NRG)
One of the greatest things about this band is the family aspect of it! i know dumb thing to say but they dont call themselves family force five for nothing. Solomon Olds (Soul Glow Activatur) is the frontman of the band and fitting since hes the oldest of the 3 brothers. Also featured as a guest vocalist in the song "The Journey" of one of Showbread's new albums, Nervosa, and featured on the Falling Up song "Moonlit (Neon Predator)" from the album Exit Lights. Jacob Olds (Crouton) brings the drums and more vocals for the band, he is the younger brother of Soul Glow and is Fatty's twin brother. Joshua Olds (Fatty) gives the bass and even more vocals. He is the younger brother of Soul Glow and Crouton's twin brother. Nathan Currin (Nadaddy) is one of my favorite members of the band due to his plethora (yes i used that word if you dont know what it means go do yourself a favor and watch the 3 amigos) of instruments he plays, which consist of Keytar/Family Force 5000 Machine/Turntables/vocals/Hardcore Tambourine/percussion! Finally we have Derek Mount who plays lead guitar! one thing that really helps a band is having multiple vocal talent (DC Talk) and they use this well on this album not having Solomon doing all the work which works really well! It actually surprises me how well it works and how much i enjoy this band due to the 80's style look and how weird these guys are with their v neck shirts and tight pants! i saw them last year at YQ and they put on a great show and you can tell they just love it which says a lot for the fans!
Now the thing about the first FFF (family force five) is it came outta nowhere! i remember hearing about these guys a week before their first album "buisness up front, party in the back" (referring to mullets i assume, which fits these boys) came out and heard a sample of "Replace Me" and loved it! since there first album came out on Gotee Records i assumed it would be good since Toby Mac is an amazing musician and knows talent when he hears it (Relient K anyone?). so that being said im not sure how popular their first record that came out in 06 was until somewhere in 07 when it took off and was recognized by all listeners (Christian or not). with their popularity rising their new record was highly anticipated by all, i would have to put it in my top 10 most anticipated CDs for this year!
All that being said how did this album do? well after listening to it dozens of times i have to say they went above and beyond what i had expected. with their first album doing so well and being such a fun/party mix its hard to come up with something equally as great, but they seem to have done it!
The album starts with the album name "Dance or Die" and is my favorite song on the album. if your not a synth, keys, big drums, electric guitar, and voice altering mics kinda guy then stay away! in fact run for your life because thats what this album is all about and they deliver it well! they still give you that feeling that you want to get out and dance till you die much like their last album, yet they have changed the way they do it, a little softer in some areas but still dance party music. though these boys are still crazy and funny they have a bit more meaning to their lyrics and it seems to me that they have put a bit more thought into their lyrics which is a very good thing, but dont be fooled they keep their style of PARTY. and though this cd may not be deeply spiritual its obvious that they keep God in the center of what they are doing!
Overall i loved this album, and highly recommend it! now since pretty well everything on this new series on the blog is going to get great reviews since i am doing cds i like haha then i want to try and give you knowledge and introduce you to music that may be similar to bands you already like! that being said this album is a total party cd, one you would put on if you had a dance floor at your house and want to get your back off the wall! its a fun one to sing along to maybe not as catchy as relient k/switchfoot style but still fun to sing to. another great thing about these guys is that they dont really sound like anyone else, i will say that they are a bit heavier then your audio adrenaline and newsboys cds, but no where near your underoath and haste the day collection! ha hope that helps. so if you can find this cd out there i would grab it, i have played the opening song 20 times on my iTunes now and it never gets old!
overall this album gets a surprising 10/10
-bent ;)
Stay tuned for a review on the new Anberlin! (hopefully soon)

1. Dance or Die*
2. Get Your Back Off the Wall*
3. Rip it Up
4. How in the World
5. Fever*
6. Party Foul
7. D-I-E 4 Y-O-U
8. Share it with Me
9. The First Time
10. Wake the Dead
11. Radiator
First things first i apologize for the long break between the two reviews one reason is that it was impossible for me to get this album since no one on this planet wanted to sell it to me!!! but i got it yesterday finally! luckily my friend lent it to me a while back so i could give it a proper review! also i have realized that i write a lot in these things so my hats off to whoever can actually get through the entire review! if you do please leave a comment simply saying "i survived a bulldog music review" haha ill be very proud of you! i love writing about music so i tend to go forever, Jesus freak hideout here i come! by the way the * by the songs are my favorite songs on the album. and if there are cds you want me to write about (old or new) please let me know on the comments i would love to write on any cd! (so long as its not Pure NRG)
One of the greatest things about this band is the family aspect of it! i know dumb thing to say but they dont call themselves family force five for nothing. Solomon Olds (Soul Glow Activatur) is the frontman of the band and fitting since hes the oldest of the 3 brothers. Also featured as a guest vocalist in the song "The Journey" of one of Showbread's new albums, Nervosa, and featured on the Falling Up song "Moonlit (Neon Predator)" from the album Exit Lights. Jacob Olds (Crouton) brings the drums and more vocals for the band, he is the younger brother of Soul Glow and is Fatty's twin brother. Joshua Olds (Fatty) gives the bass and even more vocals. He is the younger brother of Soul Glow and Crouton's twin brother. Nathan Currin (Nadaddy) is one of my favorite members of the band due to his plethora (yes i used that word if you dont know what it means go do yourself a favor and watch the 3 amigos) of instruments he plays, which consist of Keytar/Family Force 5000 Machine/Turntables/vocals/Hardcore Tambourine/percussion! Finally we have Derek Mount who plays lead guitar! one thing that really helps a band is having multiple vocal talent (DC Talk) and they use this well on this album not having Solomon doing all the work which works really well! It actually surprises me how well it works and how much i enjoy this band due to the 80's style look and how weird these guys are with their v neck shirts and tight pants! i saw them last year at YQ and they put on a great show and you can tell they just love it which says a lot for the fans!
Now the thing about the first FFF (family force five) is it came outta nowhere! i remember hearing about these guys a week before their first album "buisness up front, party in the back" (referring to mullets i assume, which fits these boys) came out and heard a sample of "Replace Me" and loved it! since there first album came out on Gotee Records i assumed it would be good since Toby Mac is an amazing musician and knows talent when he hears it (Relient K anyone?). so that being said im not sure how popular their first record that came out in 06 was until somewhere in 07 when it took off and was recognized by all listeners (Christian or not). with their popularity rising their new record was highly anticipated by all, i would have to put it in my top 10 most anticipated CDs for this year!
All that being said how did this album do? well after listening to it dozens of times i have to say they went above and beyond what i had expected. with their first album doing so well and being such a fun/party mix its hard to come up with something equally as great, but they seem to have done it!
The album starts with the album name "Dance or Die" and is my favorite song on the album. if your not a synth, keys, big drums, electric guitar, and voice altering mics kinda guy then stay away! in fact run for your life because thats what this album is all about and they deliver it well! they still give you that feeling that you want to get out and dance till you die much like their last album, yet they have changed the way they do it, a little softer in some areas but still dance party music. though these boys are still crazy and funny they have a bit more meaning to their lyrics and it seems to me that they have put a bit more thought into their lyrics which is a very good thing, but dont be fooled they keep their style of PARTY. and though this cd may not be deeply spiritual its obvious that they keep God in the center of what they are doing!
Overall i loved this album, and highly recommend it! now since pretty well everything on this new series on the blog is going to get great reviews since i am doing cds i like haha then i want to try and give you knowledge and introduce you to music that may be similar to bands you already like! that being said this album is a total party cd, one you would put on if you had a dance floor at your house and want to get your back off the wall! its a fun one to sing along to maybe not as catchy as relient k/switchfoot style but still fun to sing to. another great thing about these guys is that they dont really sound like anyone else, i will say that they are a bit heavier then your audio adrenaline and newsboys cds, but no where near your underoath and haste the day collection! ha hope that helps. so if you can find this cd out there i would grab it, i have played the opening song 20 times on my iTunes now and it never gets old!
overall this album gets a surprising 10/10
-bent ;)
Stay tuned for a review on the new Anberlin! (hopefully soon)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Just a couple of reminders, first off Battalion is playing ball at James Donaldson Park, don't forget your glove!
Second Battalion 3739 will be heading west in defense of our Director's Cup crown. The game is on October 25th and I need to let Howard Pike know how many tickets Btln 3739 is going to need. The tickets are going to be 26 dollars for those that will be coming from the coast. For those of us from Grand Forks the cost will be 35 dollars to pay for the ticket as well as cover the cost for gas and hotel rooms. I am supposed to let Howard know by Friday,(Oct.17)so if you need a ticket leave me a note in the comments. Thanks!
(By the way we will watch the Lions play as well!)
Thanksgiving weekend is now over and we have all probably heard a lot about how we should be more thankful, but I don't think it will hurt us to hear it one more time.
Colossians 2:6,7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing in thankfulness.
There is so much that could be said about these verses, but we are going to focus on the last line. As Christians we need to be overflowing with thankfulness. There are so many things as Christians that we can be thankful for, our salvation, family, friends, shelter and food to name a few. Paul uses the word(thankful, thank, thanks and thanksgiving)a lot and the majority of time he is giving thanks for people. Most of Paul's letters start with him thanking God for the people that he is writing to.
Philemon 4,5 I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints.
At Battalion we have a lot to be thankful for, I am thankful for the rooms that we have been given,(The Locker room and the storage room)and for those who have paid for the renovations as well as those who spent a lot of time working on the rooms. But I am far more thankful for all of the guys that are a part of Battalion 3739! Just one more verse.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday night Battalion will be at James Donaldson Park playing ball under the lights! What could be better than playing ball in October? How about playing ball and eating Menno in October? This is always one of my highlights of the year, how often do you get to play ball under the lights? Bulldog in the infield is always fun and come early for the long ball competition. Don't forget your cleats and your bat and glove. Time permitting we will be playing football in the outfield.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Another week has passed us by and time for another Btln update. For the first time this year we played handball, a game that is one of my favourites. The teams were fairly even and it was a little chaotic but it was a lot of fun. We tried playing with three balls and it actually worked really well, with three balls everyone seemed to be into the game. There were a lot of goals scored, it was impossible to keep track. To determine the winner we played next goal wins without the defenceman. It actually took a long time but in the end Owen had the winning goal, it was one of the best handball games we have played in a long time. After handball it was time for the Bible study, so for the first time ever we headed down to the locker room. It was awesome to see the room being used for the first time. Dylan lead the Bible study and it was from 1Timothy 1:12-16. This passage teaches us that Paul's conversion was an example of God's grace. God wanted to show us that it didn't matter what you were like.(Paul did a lot of bad things before he became a christian) His(God's)grace was greater than all our sin. After a quick picture it was time for Bull Dog, D-Pod was in the middle to start and after a lot of hard work Sam Schiesser came out on top for the second time already this season! To put things into perspective, Drew had four wins all last year to take Winston! Look out for Sam, he is on a roll.
Looking ahead to next week we are at James Donaldson Park for baseball under the lights.(and possibly some football to tune up for The Directors Cup)(Jeremy will be cooking Mennonite sausage on the B.B.Q.) Come early and stay late!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
As long as we are on this earth life will be a battle, sin will always be knocking at the door. Even the apostle Paul struggled with this and became frustrated.
Romans 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Romans 7:21-25 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!
The first part of these verses can be a little depressing, it seems as if there is nothing that can be done for our sinful condition. The end of the passage is the key, the truth is there is nothing we can do except ask God for help.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
God knows our limits, he knows what we can handle, so he won't let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. God also provides a way out for us, that is comforting to know that God is there in our trials and that he wants to help us. The thing is we have to accept his help when temptation comes or we will fall.
After reading Romans chapter 7 it is refreshing to read the beginning of chapter 8.
Romans 8:1,2 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
We have been set free from the law of sin and death!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Another month has gone by and time to celebrate some more Btln birthdays.
Happy Birthday guys! Hope you have a really good year! Pray for these guys!
2PETER 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
This is a little late but anyways here goes. Wednesday was another good night at Battalion. Just before things got started Kevin Hayashi stepped on a nail. Kevin and Andrew were running around outside and Kevin found a roofing nail, or should I say a nail found him? Jeremy grabbed a hammer and pulled the nail out, it was in a long ways. Kevin stayed the whole night, hobbling around while he played.(That's what I call taking one for the team, it was huge, what a good example for the younger guys.) Murder ball was the game of the night, and the series was awesome. The teams are not always evenly matched, but this week the teams were dead even. The series went back and forth, but in the end my team came up a little short, it was a lot of fun, even in defeat. Jeremy did the Bible study on 1Timothy chapter 1. He focused on verse 5 that says "The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." Finally it was time for some B-DOG. I never get tired of this game, it just seems to get better every week. It took quite a while but in the end D-POD won B-DOG.(The picture of Sam is from last week.) After the night was over Aaron showed up to give us a hand on the room.(Aaron isn't supposed to play contact sports right now) When the night was over the benches were all done and the room was functional! I can't believe the room is ready for use! We were all talking about what we should call the room, and Aaron suggested that the room should be called The Dog House, to which we all agreed.(The gym had already been dubbed the Dog Pound.)This room is big for Battalion, I am so excited about it. I can't wait to show the Alumni the room!
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