well this is the last post for Ben Jepsen on the Battalion Blog! but the last post on the Battalion Blog you ask? Certainly not! someone in september will be taking over but who!!?!?!?!?! so anyway this summer has been busy i apologize for the lack of posts. creation fest was amazing it seems to always get better! we met many friends who now have the battalion maddalion. and believe it or not but jay and dev peed off the creation fest gorge! ha ha good times! we now have a sweet collection of set lists maybe Lance will bring some stuff from the ark to show! so anyway its been awesome blogging this year i hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I have. to all you guys at Battalion i hope you guys have a awesome year and all the alumni i hope you guys stop by to visit and enjoy your years whatever it is you may be doing! LATER DAYZ!
-bent ;)
P.S. dont forget to check out my other blog www.screamersandgummyworms.blogspot.com and if you want to check out more creation fest pics then go to my facebook account to see countless good times at creation fest! ;)