so the ping pong tourney isnt far away! im really looking forward to tomorrow night where people from all over Grand Forks (that are males between the ages of 12 and 18) will be competing for a title only given to few men! in the last 5 years or so only two men have had the battalion ping pong title! Calvin Peters and Parker Steadmen (who is only in grade 9)! so as you know i dont make predictions on big event nights but if these people show up tonight they could definitly take it! Jason H, Cam T, Parker S, and Taylor W. im sure there is much more that just dont come to my mind right now! for under dogs im going to put Nick D, Drew B, Kevin H, Sam J, and Hayden F. again im sure there will be plenty more suprises tomorrow tonight. so as always ping pong will be followed by brigade night the following sunday! please come out this sunday night at 6:30 with your battalion shirt on. there is no pressure for you to do anything but come and sit with the guys! thats all you have to do is come with your shirt and sit not much to ask. so please come! there will be good times and as always the ping pong finale that night! so anyway cant wait to see you all out the wed night please come early (between 6:30 and 6:50). keep it real.