well my friends its the most wonderful time of the year! BATTALION ALUMNI! so i believe the rules go that if you are in grade 11, 12 or out of batttalion and you were once involved with battalion you qualify to attend the 2nd annual battalion alumni! we will be meeting at the Gospel Chapel at 8pm! so ya show up to the church for the family reunion! we will be playing some games, catching up on some memories, and then heading to my place (ben jepsen) for some relaxing (aka hot tub and bruces cooking). so i hope a lot of guys come out even if you were at battalion for a short time you are more than welcome to come and hang out with your brothers. hope you are all having a great christmas break and i hope to see you thursday night dec 27th! keep it real
P.S. i apologize for the lame pics i am using my moms comp cause mine broke and i still dont have it back! later