Monday, March 17, 2025


It is now time to meet another Battalion legend with a new edition of "Meet the Nation!" This time we had the chance to ask Isaac Holitzki all the important questions! Isaac was the 31st Sergeant of Battalion 3739. Isaac was the 2019 Btln 3739 Winston Champion, and the only Battalion guy to ever win all five of the Btln 3739 Majors! We are blessed to call Isaac part of the Battalion 3739 family!


(1) Who is your favourite band?

The Black Keys

(2) What is your favourite song?

Lonely Boy

(3) What is your favourite style of music?


(4) Do you shave with an electric razor or a blade?


(5) What would you rather grow? A beard or a moustache?


(6) What would you rather drive? A big truck or a fast car?

Fast car

(7) Ford, Chevy or Dodge?


(8) How many times have you crashed a vehicle?

3 times

(9) What would you rather wear? A ball cap or a toque?

Ball cap, Go Jays!

(10) What is your hat size?


(11) What is your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?

Bridge jumping

(12) What was your favourite class in school?

Gym and Math

(13) What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?

The Penguins always put on a show

(14) What is your favourite sport?


(15) What do you like better? Skiing or snowboarding?


(16) If you could be a superhero for a day, who would you want to be?


(17) What is your kryptonite?

Sweet treats

(18) What is your dream job?

Sports Analytics

(19) Do you have any nicknames?

Hotz or Hotzy

(20) If you could be anyone for a week, who would you want to be? 

My Grandpa but in the 50's

(21) What is your favourite quote?

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln

(22) If I had a million dollars....

I'd build a tree fort in our yard...

(23) Something that you don't know about me is....

I can solve a Rubik's cube

(24) I have always wanted to....

Build an engine

(25) I will never....

Like tomatoes

(26) I really dislike....

People that show up late


(27) What is your M.M.M. from Battalion?

Finally winning ping pong lol

(28) What is your favourite Battalion event?

Has to be boxing

(29) What is your favourite Battalion shirt?

Probably the black with the white bulldog on the bottom

(30) What do you miss most about Battalion?

How it brought guys together

(31) How do you spend most of your time at the Maylong?

Playing crib

(32) One big block of cheese or the outhouse?

One big block of cheese

(33) How many Btln Majors have you won?

All 5

(34) Do you wear your Btln Medallion around your neck or hang it from your rear-view mirror?

Rear-view mirror

(35) What is your favourite Battalion tradition?

All the fellas doing the drumroll before 3B's

(36) How long have you been a part of the Btln 3739 Nation?

12 year vet


(37) What is your favourite restaurant?


(38) Menu item?

Seafood Tower is incredible

(39) How do you like your steak?

Medium Rare

(40) What is your favourite vegetable? Beans or potatoes?

Potatoes are incredibly diverse

(41) What do you like better? Burgers or pizza?


(42) What size pizza could you eat in one sitting? Individual, small, medium or large?


(43) What is your favourite flavour of chips?

Dill Pickle

(44) What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?



(45) Was there ever a time in high school that you would have climbed into a cage with a hungry bear rather than call the girl that you liked?

Absolutely, Girls have cooties

(46) When do you plan to be married? Five, ten or fifteen years?

10 years

(47) What would you rather do on a first date? Dinner and a movie or 4x4ing up moto?

Go Muddin'

(48) What do you like better? Blondes, Brunettes or Redheads?


(49) What do you like better? Short or long hair?



(50) What is your favourite book of the Bible?


(51) What is your favourite Bible passage?

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

(52) Who is your favourite Bible character?


(53) Where do you work?

In Kelowna currently

(54) What are your plans for the future?

To travel a little bit and continue to progress in my career

Thank you to Isaac for taking the time to answer all these questions!


Saturday, February 22, 2025


The Battalion 3739 Headquarters is back, and we're also back with another "Meet the Nation" feature! We finally got the chance to ask Luke Martens all the important questions! Luke was the 30th Sergeant of Battalion 3739. Luke completed the Memory Work six times, and has won both the 2017 Battalion 3739 Olympics, and the 2017 Battalion 3739 Royal Rumble! To put it simply, Luke is a Battalion Legend!


(1) Who is your favourite band?


(2) What is your favourite song?

For old times sake, I’ll have to say Meant to Live by Switchfoot

(3) What is your favourite style of music?

Alternative Rock

(4) Do you shave with an electric razor or a blade?


(5) What would you rather grow? A beard or a moustache?

A beard

(6) What would you rather drive? A big truck or a fast car?

Fast car, I want a Mustang

(7) Ford, Chevy or Dodge?


(8) How many times have you crashed a vehicle?


(9) What would you rather wear? A ball cap or a toque?

Ball cap

(10) What is your hat size?

7 3/8

(11) What is your favourite G.F. summer activity? Bridge jumping or tubing down the river?

Bridge jumping

(12) What was your favourite class in school?


(13) What would you rather watch live? Your favourite band or your favourite sports team?

Favourite Band

(14) What is your favourite sport?


(15) What do you like better? Skiing or snowboarding?


(16) If you could be a superhero for a day, who would you want to be?

I am Aquaman

(17) What is your kryptonite?


(18) What is your dream job?

Something at the Pines

(19) Do you have any nicknames?

Aquaman, Lunk the Hunk.

(20) If you could be anyone for a week, who would you want to be? 


(21) What is your favourite quote?

1 Corinthians 1:18 - For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God

(22) If I had a million dollars....

I would give it to the Pines

(23) Something that you don't know about me is....

I can backflip the top of Hummingbird 

(24) I have always wanted to....

Learn how to surf

(25) I will never....

Like sushi

(26) I really dislike....



(27) What is your M.M.M. from Battalion?

When I received my Sergeant Jersey 

(28) What is your favourite Battalion event?

The 3B’s or Olympics

(29) What is your favourite Battalion shirt?

Either the black Medallion shirt or the Bulldog in front of the Union Jack

(30) What do you miss most about Battalion?

The boys

(31) What do you like better? The Creation trips or the Maylong Campouts?

Creation Fest

(32) How do you spend most of your time at the Maylong?

Playing a lot of Crib

(33) One big block of cheese or the outhouse?

The block of cheese

(34) How many times did you complete the Memory Work?

6 times

(35) How many Btln Majors have you won?

2 Majors, Olympics and Wrestling

(36) Do you wear your Btln Medallion around your neck or hang it from your rear-view mirror?

Around my neck

(37) What is your favourite Battalion tradition?

The Hebrew Saying

(38) How long have you been a part of the Btln 3739 Nation?

13 years


(39) What is your favourite restaurant?

Boston Pizza

(40) Menu item?

Spicy Perogy Pizza

(41) How do you like your steak?

Medium Rare

(42) What is your favourite vegetable? Beans or potatoes?


(43) What do you like better? Burgers or pizza?


(44) What size pizza could you eat in one sitting? Individual, small, medium or large?

Probably a Medium

(45) What is your favourite flavour of chips?

Jalapeño and Cheddar

(46) What do you like better? Coke or Pepsi?



(47) Was there ever a time in high school that you would have climbed into a cage with a hungry bear rather than call the girl that you liked?


(48) When do you plan to be married? Five, ten or fifteen years?

In 2 and a half months

(49) What would you rather do on a first date? Dinner and a movie or 4x4ing up moto?

Dinner and a movie

(50) What do you like better? Blondes, Brunettes or Redheads?


(51) What do you like better? Short or long hair?

Long hair


(52) What is your favourite book of the Bible?


(53) What is your favourite Bible passage?

1 Corinthians 13

(54) Who is your favourite Bible character?


(55) Where do you work?

OK Tire

(56) What are your plans for the future?

Get Married, stay in Grand Forks, and have kids.

Thank you to Luke for taking the time to answer all these questions!